Sea salt and baking soda are the best means for treatment of cancer and radiation exposure
If you were undergoing radiation treatment in any form — for medical diagnostics, in the course of radiation therapy or if you are concerned about high background radiation if you are exposed to radioactive particles or high doses of radiation from depleted uranium, testing of atomic weapons, frequent flights at high altitude, due to the nuclear disaster, etc. — for all of these cases are designed following tips and tools.
How to naturally help your body get rid of harmful radioactive elements (strontium and radioactive iodine) or to neutralize their harmful decomposition products, e.g., free radicals, and also how to deal with radiation burns?
In this case, will help the consumption of foods rich in iodine.
If you undergo radiation therapy, you will macrobiotics. Macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness and cancer.
If you have cancer and you want to survive and avoid radiation therapy. That radiation therapy kills any type of people who have cancer. Exposure to radiation causes an avalanche of free radicals that destroy the body. Free radicals spoil DNA, protein and fats.
The damage from free radicals has been clinically proven is the main culprit of cancer. As the saying goes, people do not die from cancer, they die of radiation poisoning. Frequent exposure to radiation through so-called treatment overwhelms the immune system of a person.
Cancer does not cause hair loss — the reason only radiotherapy. Cancer does not cause weight loss — is to blame radiation therapy because of her decreased appetite. Cancer does weak patients, radiation treatment poisons the body and makes it weak.
Based on the data of Avelino and Michio kushi, in his book "Macrobiotic diet" by Michio kushi States:"During the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki was the head of the therapeutic Department in the hospital of St. Francis in Nagasaki. Many patients who were a mile from the center of the explosion, get rid of the overall impact of the bombs, but they soon came down with symptoms of radiation sickness caused by radiation.
Dr. Akizuki was keeping the staff and patients a strict macrobiotic diet, including brown rice, miso and soy soup with tamari, wakame and other sea vegetables, pumpkin and sea salt, as he was forbidden to eat sugar and sweets. As a result, all survived in the hospital while the other inhabitants of the city died because of radiation sickness."
If you do not understand the secret of deliverance from the influence of all kinds of radiation in sea salt. If you have been affected by the disaster in Japan or checked with the help of x-rays or if you receive radiation therapy from cancer, take a bath of sea salt (not iodized table salt), and then the radiation will leave your body.
If you have cancer of the mouth or throat or if you were subjected to deadly radiation therapy, rinsing with baking soda mixed with water will help you to neutralize the radiation.
Baking soda is so powerful in healing when affected by radiation in new Mexico national laboratory Los Alamos researcher don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium.
Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from dirt, thus York have removed more than ninety-two percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples. You are not convinced? Would be useful to know what the US army recommends to use baking soda to protect kidneys from radiation.
Radiation is very toxic. The susceptibility to its influence in any quantity is harmful for the body. Exposure to radiation when exposed to x-rays (hospitals and airports) — the most dangerous source of radiation poisoning.
X-rays and radiation therapy much more dangerous than radiation itself in the event of a disaster, since the effects of concentrated and frequent.
To expel radiation from the body, bathe in the bath and add a Cup of sea salt and half a Cup of baking soda. Are in a tub for at least twenty to thirty minutes every day for three weeks or every other day for six weeks... or relax in the West Indies or the Pacific ocean and swim every day for three weeks! Why the West Indies or the Pacific ocean? Because there is the largest concentration of sea salt. What is the best place on the planet for the healing of radiation? The black sea. In the Dead sea contains four times more salt than most oceans. Sea salt removes radiation from the body.
Can't afford a trip to the Dead sea to cure radiation poisoning? A pinch of salt in several glasses of distilled water each day will provide you with all the minerals and displays the elements which you want to get rid of your body.
Did you know that a precursor of cancer is acidosis?
Can't stand sea salt? The amino acid cysteine also protects you from the dangerous effects of radiation by terminating the free radicals created by ionizing radiation. Cysteine, like methionine, cystine and their derivatives are part impregnated with sulphur amino acids because these amino acids contain sulfur, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077

How to naturally help your body get rid of harmful radioactive elements (strontium and radioactive iodine) or to neutralize their harmful decomposition products, e.g., free radicals, and also how to deal with radiation burns?
In this case, will help the consumption of foods rich in iodine.
If you undergo radiation therapy, you will macrobiotics. Macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness and cancer.
If you have cancer and you want to survive and avoid radiation therapy. That radiation therapy kills any type of people who have cancer. Exposure to radiation causes an avalanche of free radicals that destroy the body. Free radicals spoil DNA, protein and fats.
The damage from free radicals has been clinically proven is the main culprit of cancer. As the saying goes, people do not die from cancer, they die of radiation poisoning. Frequent exposure to radiation through so-called treatment overwhelms the immune system of a person.
Cancer does not cause hair loss — the reason only radiotherapy. Cancer does not cause weight loss — is to blame radiation therapy because of her decreased appetite. Cancer does weak patients, radiation treatment poisons the body and makes it weak.
Based on the data of Avelino and Michio kushi, in his book "Macrobiotic diet" by Michio kushi States:"During the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki in 1945, Tatsuichiro Akizuki was the head of the therapeutic Department in the hospital of St. Francis in Nagasaki. Many patients who were a mile from the center of the explosion, get rid of the overall impact of the bombs, but they soon came down with symptoms of radiation sickness caused by radiation.
Dr. Akizuki was keeping the staff and patients a strict macrobiotic diet, including brown rice, miso and soy soup with tamari, wakame and other sea vegetables, pumpkin and sea salt, as he was forbidden to eat sugar and sweets. As a result, all survived in the hospital while the other inhabitants of the city died because of radiation sickness."
If you do not understand the secret of deliverance from the influence of all kinds of radiation in sea salt. If you have been affected by the disaster in Japan or checked with the help of x-rays or if you receive radiation therapy from cancer, take a bath of sea salt (not iodized table salt), and then the radiation will leave your body.
If you have cancer of the mouth or throat or if you were subjected to deadly radiation therapy, rinsing with baking soda mixed with water will help you to neutralize the radiation.
Baking soda is so powerful in healing when affected by radiation in new Mexico national laboratory Los Alamos researcher don York has used baking soda to clean soil contaminated with uranium.
Sodium bicarbonate binds with uranium, separating it from dirt, thus York have removed more than ninety-two percent of the uranium from contaminated soil samples. You are not convinced? Would be useful to know what the US army recommends to use baking soda to protect kidneys from radiation.
Radiation is very toxic. The susceptibility to its influence in any quantity is harmful for the body. Exposure to radiation when exposed to x-rays (hospitals and airports) — the most dangerous source of radiation poisoning.
X-rays and radiation therapy much more dangerous than radiation itself in the event of a disaster, since the effects of concentrated and frequent.
To expel radiation from the body, bathe in the bath and add a Cup of sea salt and half a Cup of baking soda. Are in a tub for at least twenty to thirty minutes every day for three weeks or every other day for six weeks... or relax in the West Indies or the Pacific ocean and swim every day for three weeks! Why the West Indies or the Pacific ocean? Because there is the largest concentration of sea salt. What is the best place on the planet for the healing of radiation? The black sea. In the Dead sea contains four times more salt than most oceans. Sea salt removes radiation from the body.
Can't afford a trip to the Dead sea to cure radiation poisoning? A pinch of salt in several glasses of distilled water each day will provide you with all the minerals and displays the elements which you want to get rid of your body.
Did you know that a precursor of cancer is acidosis?
Can't stand sea salt? The amino acid cysteine also protects you from the dangerous effects of radiation by terminating the free radicals created by ionizing radiation. Cysteine, like methionine, cystine and their derivatives are part impregnated with sulphur amino acids because these amino acids contain sulfur, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: /users/1077