Andropause — the male menopause
The decrease in the level of sex hormones — one of the causes of aging for both men and women. In men after 30-40 begins to decline years, testosterone levels, and by age 50, many men can find the symptoms of the so-called andropause. How to deal with male menopause?
The fact that women by age 50, symptoms of menopause, is known to all, but about the male menopause know one.
In our country to discuss such topics are not accepted, and men are reluctant to share their feelings and symptoms with loved ones, but in many European countries and in the United States conducted by the official statistics of men with manifestations of the decline in gonadal function. According to statistics from the world health organization, one-third of men over 50 experience symptoms of menopause, andropause precisely associated with decreased production of sex hormones. Common manifestations of menopause in men and women today have already proven that allows to consider that as the syndrome, due to the shift in hormonal and General exchange, with the only difference that for this syndrome in men is not as pronounced as in women, and fertility (ability to conceive) is stored.
The symptoms of male menopause:
decreased libido
erectile dysfunction
frequent urination
the decrease in General vitality, apathy
decreased performance, inability to concentrate
a sudden sense of warmth ("hot flashes")
the feeling of lack of air
the deposition of fat on the abdomen, hips
weight gain
nagging pain in the lower back
dry skin
excessive sweating
Many men, perceiving these symptoms as a normal physiological age changes, do not hurry to the doctor, but these symptoms can indicate not only andropause, but other diseases, such as diabetes. To rule out male menopause, it is necessary to take a blood test for testosterone levels in serum. Often when it detects a reduction in the level of total and free testosterone are found high cholesterol, impaired glucose metabolism and anaemia. All these parameters can be adjusted.
We treat?
If the symptoms of andropause are much pronounced, impact on quality of life and relationships with loved ones, in need of treatment.
1. Normally assigned to hormone replacement therapy for men.
Testosterone are now available in several dosage forms, which is very convenient: you can take regular tablets and capsules every day, you can do an injection at the doctor every 3 months, or to implant a special implant under the skin and in the six months to forget about their symptoms. There are still patches, gels and creams containing testosterone, but they are administered fairly rare. The decision about the type of treatment made by a doctor, the drug dosage is strictly individual, takes into account the comorbidities of the patient.
Hormones are very effective in a short time it returns to man the joy of life, improve performance, return the need to lead a busy life, improve your mood and help to establish family relationships, depressive moods spoiled a strong half. By the way, nothing prevents concurrent assignment and sedatives (Valerian, peony, motherwort), which will improve sleep and reduce anxiety, though by itself, testosterone has powerful antidepressant and psychostimulant effects.
Have hormonal therapy contraindications in the form of cancer, but this is not the only significant ban. Chronic bronchopulmonary disease, night apnea and even heavy Smoking may be a contraindication to hormonal therapy.
2. Good effect gives the use of dietary supplements that stimulate the production of testosterone.
These drugs are NOT gormonoterapii and have virtually no contraindications. Well proven Maca. This plant grows in the highlands of Peru. The ability of Maca to increase energy, strength, stamina, and sexual function has earned it the name "Peruvian natural viagra". If it does not affect the hormonal balance of the body. Maca improves sperm quality, has the antitumoral effect, stimulate sexual function, tones, normalizes hormonal balance, restores the function of the urinary system, increases muscle strength and physical endurance.
Also in the East used the plant Tongkat Ali — it is native to Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. In these countries long for increase male power used tinctures and extracts from Tongkat Ali.
In addition, it is desirable to periodically use of supplements containing zinc and selenium. These micronutrients are vital for men's health.
3. To increase male power and prolong active longevity, you need to eat foods that are of plant, animal and marine origin, supporting the activity and the production of testosterone.
Super product are oysters and sea cucumber, squid, garlic and preparations from them. Oysters are the Champions in the content of zinc, essential for men's health, and since Czarist times is recognized as a powerful aphrodisiac.
4. The use of multivitamin complexes and preparations-adaptogens (ginseng, Echinacea, Schizandra, Royal jelly) has a positive effect on the state of men with reduced testosterone. Physiotherapy and Spa treatment is also very effective and appropriate.
5. One of the main conditions return to normal life will be a lifestyle change:
Maintaining a reasonable diet and moderate exercise.
After 50 years should be excluded from the diet of fatty and smoked foods, limit intake of alcohol, including alcoholic beverages, give up bad habits-Smoking.
To exercise at least 3 hours per week: 1 hour a day. A great solution for men of Mature age can be swimming and cardio training, which also will increase the endurance, strengthen the heart.
Early in the treatment of syndrome associated with andropause, recommended sexual rest, but the doctors came to the conclusion that this measure is ineffective. Today rekomenduotumete regular and fulfilling sexual life in all possible ways, because the regularity of sexual life plays an important role in the maintenance of hormonal homeostasis, and to the marriage relationship that will benefit.
Source: /users/1077
The fact that women by age 50, symptoms of menopause, is known to all, but about the male menopause know one.

In our country to discuss such topics are not accepted, and men are reluctant to share their feelings and symptoms with loved ones, but in many European countries and in the United States conducted by the official statistics of men with manifestations of the decline in gonadal function. According to statistics from the world health organization, one-third of men over 50 experience symptoms of menopause, andropause precisely associated with decreased production of sex hormones. Common manifestations of menopause in men and women today have already proven that allows to consider that as the syndrome, due to the shift in hormonal and General exchange, with the only difference that for this syndrome in men is not as pronounced as in women, and fertility (ability to conceive) is stored.
The symptoms of male menopause:
decreased libido
erectile dysfunction
frequent urination
the decrease in General vitality, apathy
decreased performance, inability to concentrate
a sudden sense of warmth ("hot flashes")
the feeling of lack of air
the deposition of fat on the abdomen, hips
weight gain
nagging pain in the lower back
dry skin
excessive sweating
Many men, perceiving these symptoms as a normal physiological age changes, do not hurry to the doctor, but these symptoms can indicate not only andropause, but other diseases, such as diabetes. To rule out male menopause, it is necessary to take a blood test for testosterone levels in serum. Often when it detects a reduction in the level of total and free testosterone are found high cholesterol, impaired glucose metabolism and anaemia. All these parameters can be adjusted.
We treat?
If the symptoms of andropause are much pronounced, impact on quality of life and relationships with loved ones, in need of treatment.
1. Normally assigned to hormone replacement therapy for men.
Testosterone are now available in several dosage forms, which is very convenient: you can take regular tablets and capsules every day, you can do an injection at the doctor every 3 months, or to implant a special implant under the skin and in the six months to forget about their symptoms. There are still patches, gels and creams containing testosterone, but they are administered fairly rare. The decision about the type of treatment made by a doctor, the drug dosage is strictly individual, takes into account the comorbidities of the patient.
Hormones are very effective in a short time it returns to man the joy of life, improve performance, return the need to lead a busy life, improve your mood and help to establish family relationships, depressive moods spoiled a strong half. By the way, nothing prevents concurrent assignment and sedatives (Valerian, peony, motherwort), which will improve sleep and reduce anxiety, though by itself, testosterone has powerful antidepressant and psychostimulant effects.
Have hormonal therapy contraindications in the form of cancer, but this is not the only significant ban. Chronic bronchopulmonary disease, night apnea and even heavy Smoking may be a contraindication to hormonal therapy.
2. Good effect gives the use of dietary supplements that stimulate the production of testosterone.
These drugs are NOT gormonoterapii and have virtually no contraindications. Well proven Maca. This plant grows in the highlands of Peru. The ability of Maca to increase energy, strength, stamina, and sexual function has earned it the name "Peruvian natural viagra". If it does not affect the hormonal balance of the body. Maca improves sperm quality, has the antitumoral effect, stimulate sexual function, tones, normalizes hormonal balance, restores the function of the urinary system, increases muscle strength and physical endurance.
Also in the East used the plant Tongkat Ali — it is native to Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. In these countries long for increase male power used tinctures and extracts from Tongkat Ali.
In addition, it is desirable to periodically use of supplements containing zinc and selenium. These micronutrients are vital for men's health.
3. To increase male power and prolong active longevity, you need to eat foods that are of plant, animal and marine origin, supporting the activity and the production of testosterone.
Super product are oysters and sea cucumber, squid, garlic and preparations from them. Oysters are the Champions in the content of zinc, essential for men's health, and since Czarist times is recognized as a powerful aphrodisiac.
4. The use of multivitamin complexes and preparations-adaptogens (ginseng, Echinacea, Schizandra, Royal jelly) has a positive effect on the state of men with reduced testosterone. Physiotherapy and Spa treatment is also very effective and appropriate.
5. One of the main conditions return to normal life will be a lifestyle change:
Maintaining a reasonable diet and moderate exercise.
After 50 years should be excluded from the diet of fatty and smoked foods, limit intake of alcohol, including alcoholic beverages, give up bad habits-Smoking.
To exercise at least 3 hours per week: 1 hour a day. A great solution for men of Mature age can be swimming and cardio training, which also will increase the endurance, strengthen the heart.
Early in the treatment of syndrome associated with andropause, recommended sexual rest, but the doctors came to the conclusion that this measure is ineffective. Today rekomenduotumete regular and fulfilling sexual life in all possible ways, because the regularity of sexual life plays an important role in the maintenance of hormonal homeostasis, and to the marriage relationship that will benefit.
Source: /users/1077