10 responses to "inconvenient" questions about the human body
Sometimes even familiar phenomena, such as warts, male nipples or morning erection cause in us a genuine curiosity. Well, it's time feel free to answer awkward questions about the device in the body, that you were afraid to ask.
Twenty four million four hundred sixty nine thousand four hundred four
1. Why are fingers popping warts?
It is known that causes warts, the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 100 varieties of HPV, from very infectious forms that cause warts in intimate places, and less dangerous, which can cause warts on the hands and fingers.
When pesky virus infects the outer layer of the skin, usually through a cut or scrape, it provokes a rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of the epidermis. And so it is mostly a benign tumor, which we call a wart.
2. Why men there erection in the morning?Science gives a very vague answer to this question. There are some interesting theories that give explanation to this phenomenon. In medical language is called morning erection of night swelling of the penis. It's a natural phenomenon that happens with any healthy man 3-5 times a night, regardless of what he dreams.
According to one theory, the morning erection occurs when blood enters the night in the cavernous body of the penis, increasing the flow of oxygen to the tissues and thus preventing incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
3. Why are we three bruise and peels the crust from the wound?Bruising is a fairly common injury caused by the rupture of blood vessels under the skin (usually from a stroke). Injury leads to inflammation, which triggers pain receptors in the muscles and the skin that is pressing on a bruise we experience pain.
So why do we often push or three place of hematoma? It turns out that this is a way a kind of anesthesia. When we three therapy area, it helps to start other receptors in the skin sense pressure, light touch, temperature changes, and more. Activating other receptors for a short period of time, we "block" the pain that our brain recognizes, and for some time feel relieved.
Remove the cover on the wounds is absolutely the opposite phenomenon, but as a bruise we do this instinctively. On the one hand, it may be a symptom of "obsessive-compulsive tendencies, which often signals an underlying anxiety disorder". On the other hand, some experts believe that it is a peculiar relic of ancient times when our ancestors for reasons of hygiene they were forced to lick and scratch themselves. The crust is like a natural bandage that covers the wound healing, and it certainly begins to itch, so we often pay attention to it.
4. Can you die from old age?Actually, no. The truth is that living cells have a limited lifespan; the body will never die because their cells have become too old. However, the old cells are very weak, which can lead to malfunction of organs or incapacity. This also means that the poor old cells can't fight diseases with the same ease as do young cells. This leads to the fact that diseases that are almost invisible to the young organism, can be fatal for the elderly.
5. Why we might wet himself from fear?All guilty of our brain. It may surprise you, but when a person feels the urge to urinate in the area of the bladder, the action itself is controlled by our brains.
In stressful situations, inhibitory signals from the frontal lobe (the one that does not allow us to pee in my pants when the bladder becomes full) can be "cancelled" in the limbic system – a set of brain structures that controls the so-called reaction of "fight or flight". When we are worried or scared, electrical signals coming from the limbic system become so intense that the brain stem is having trouble with the execution of the commands coming from the frontal lobe. That's why some people is unexpected discomfiture, for example, before an important exam or at the start of the marathon.
6. Why penis erect slightly tilted to the left (or right)?Despite popular rumors, this phenomenon has nothing to do with Masturbation. Almost all healthy men noticed that their erect penis is in one direction or the other. Such bending usually very minor and should not cause for alarm. Tilt right or left is determined by the ligament that surrounds the cavernous body of the penis and holds the cavernous body in some form. It's called the tunica albuginea. Differences in the elasticity of this two-body result in a slight curvature of penis during erection.
7. What causes nausea during vertigo?Because our brain thinks that he was poisoned. Unexpected, isn't it? Vomit happens for one of three reasons: something irritates your brain, something irritates our digestive canal or during hormonal changes (usually during pregnancy). When our eyes see something different from what the fluid (endolymph) in the inner ear sends to the brain, it begins to irritate him. To protect yourself, the brain causes the body to release stomach contents.
8. Why do we turn gray?The hair itself does not have color. The color of our hair depends entirely on pigment secretion. Therefore, the hair color changes over time. When a person ages, the body gradually stops producing pigment, and hair returned to its natural state: grey or white. A time when there is gray, genetically controlled, that is why in some people it occurs much earlier.
9. Why do men have nipples?In the Bud men and women are alike. In the first few weeks the embryo is formed in the female sample, since the reproductive system and to the nipples. Only after 60 days effect of the hormone testosterone (in embryos with a Y chromosome), changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. Although the mammary glands in men, cease to develop, the nipples on the chest will not disappear.
10. Why one nostril breathes better than the other?The nostrils are good friends, who do their work in turn. Even if we don't have a cold, our nostrils distribute the load among themselves: most of the air enters and leaves through one nostril and a much smaller amount of air passes through another.
Every few hours our autonomic nervous system, which monitors heart rate, digestion and other important functions that we consciously have no control over, makes one of the nostrils for some time took over a large part of the work. When cold extra mucus causes a feeling of stuffiness in the nose, which is currently "resting".
Source: /users/1077
Twenty four million four hundred sixty nine thousand four hundred four
1. Why are fingers popping warts?
It is known that causes warts, the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are over 100 varieties of HPV, from very infectious forms that cause warts in intimate places, and less dangerous, which can cause warts on the hands and fingers.
When pesky virus infects the outer layer of the skin, usually through a cut or scrape, it provokes a rapid growth of cells on the outer layer of the epidermis. And so it is mostly a benign tumor, which we call a wart.
2. Why men there erection in the morning?Science gives a very vague answer to this question. There are some interesting theories that give explanation to this phenomenon. In medical language is called morning erection of night swelling of the penis. It's a natural phenomenon that happens with any healthy man 3-5 times a night, regardless of what he dreams.
According to one theory, the morning erection occurs when blood enters the night in the cavernous body of the penis, increasing the flow of oxygen to the tissues and thus preventing incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
3. Why are we three bruise and peels the crust from the wound?Bruising is a fairly common injury caused by the rupture of blood vessels under the skin (usually from a stroke). Injury leads to inflammation, which triggers pain receptors in the muscles and the skin that is pressing on a bruise we experience pain.
So why do we often push or three place of hematoma? It turns out that this is a way a kind of anesthesia. When we three therapy area, it helps to start other receptors in the skin sense pressure, light touch, temperature changes, and more. Activating other receptors for a short period of time, we "block" the pain that our brain recognizes, and for some time feel relieved.
Remove the cover on the wounds is absolutely the opposite phenomenon, but as a bruise we do this instinctively. On the one hand, it may be a symptom of "obsessive-compulsive tendencies, which often signals an underlying anxiety disorder". On the other hand, some experts believe that it is a peculiar relic of ancient times when our ancestors for reasons of hygiene they were forced to lick and scratch themselves. The crust is like a natural bandage that covers the wound healing, and it certainly begins to itch, so we often pay attention to it.
4. Can you die from old age?Actually, no. The truth is that living cells have a limited lifespan; the body will never die because their cells have become too old. However, the old cells are very weak, which can lead to malfunction of organs or incapacity. This also means that the poor old cells can't fight diseases with the same ease as do young cells. This leads to the fact that diseases that are almost invisible to the young organism, can be fatal for the elderly.
5. Why we might wet himself from fear?All guilty of our brain. It may surprise you, but when a person feels the urge to urinate in the area of the bladder, the action itself is controlled by our brains.
In stressful situations, inhibitory signals from the frontal lobe (the one that does not allow us to pee in my pants when the bladder becomes full) can be "cancelled" in the limbic system – a set of brain structures that controls the so-called reaction of "fight or flight". When we are worried or scared, electrical signals coming from the limbic system become so intense that the brain stem is having trouble with the execution of the commands coming from the frontal lobe. That's why some people is unexpected discomfiture, for example, before an important exam or at the start of the marathon.
6. Why penis erect slightly tilted to the left (or right)?Despite popular rumors, this phenomenon has nothing to do with Masturbation. Almost all healthy men noticed that their erect penis is in one direction or the other. Such bending usually very minor and should not cause for alarm. Tilt right or left is determined by the ligament that surrounds the cavernous body of the penis and holds the cavernous body in some form. It's called the tunica albuginea. Differences in the elasticity of this two-body result in a slight curvature of penis during erection.
7. What causes nausea during vertigo?Because our brain thinks that he was poisoned. Unexpected, isn't it? Vomit happens for one of three reasons: something irritates your brain, something irritates our digestive canal or during hormonal changes (usually during pregnancy). When our eyes see something different from what the fluid (endolymph) in the inner ear sends to the brain, it begins to irritate him. To protect yourself, the brain causes the body to release stomach contents.
8. Why do we turn gray?The hair itself does not have color. The color of our hair depends entirely on pigment secretion. Therefore, the hair color changes over time. When a person ages, the body gradually stops producing pigment, and hair returned to its natural state: grey or white. A time when there is gray, genetically controlled, that is why in some people it occurs much earlier.
9. Why do men have nipples?In the Bud men and women are alike. In the first few weeks the embryo is formed in the female sample, since the reproductive system and to the nipples. Only after 60 days effect of the hormone testosterone (in embryos with a Y chromosome), changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. Although the mammary glands in men, cease to develop, the nipples on the chest will not disappear.
10. Why one nostril breathes better than the other?The nostrils are good friends, who do their work in turn. Even if we don't have a cold, our nostrils distribute the load among themselves: most of the air enters and leaves through one nostril and a much smaller amount of air passes through another.
Every few hours our autonomic nervous system, which monitors heart rate, digestion and other important functions that we consciously have no control over, makes one of the nostrils for some time took over a large part of the work. When cold extra mucus causes a feeling of stuffiness in the nose, which is currently "resting".
Source: /users/1077