How to become a vigorous man — 7 tips

Often we see people who have more than enough energy. They run to and fro, as if they have a prop in one scene. They never missed and always on time to finish the begun business. All of them wonder how they can live. Maybe they drink energy drinks? Maybe they drink gallons of coffee? Maybe they eat a lot of sweet that gives them a lot of ATP? NO!
They just adhere to certain rules of life that they have learnt through personal experience or read somewhere in the book. So let us, and so will we. Who doesn't want to Wake up every morning with a smile on my face, to have time to work with the beloved man to spend time with friends to talk to. All we want to do everything, so we should all learn a little more about where and how to get this enormous energy.
1. So the first thing we need to decide whether you love your job?
Think about this question, think seriously, if the answer is "No", then you should look for another job that will bring you only pleasure. YES, it's hard to do, we don't always have what we want, but if you remain silent, to endure and to be content with what we have, then we will never find anything better and life will endure the test of fate.
2. The second will be your diet, rather, your Breakfast.
Breakfast is the key to a successful day, if the right to eat in the morning, the day will be fine. It seems unreal and untrue, but still, it has its own truth. If you eat what you like, your mood and your body positive tune for the day that will give you need for a successful start energy. Never go home without having Breakfast, because it is the womb-consequences. If you are already used to this, try to unlearn, it is harmful to you and your health, and without health isn't that huge of energy.
Healthy and proper nutrition will give strength today after many years living on the proper diet. Many probably heard that low in calories is the meat of birds and the most useful is baked meat. Therefore, we suggest the chicken in foil in the oven, it's delicious, which is fast and simple, but at the same time tasty and healthy!
3. Try to live in harmony with nature!
You always need to have in the workplace any plants or flowers. In our century we are constantly surrounded by electronic equipment and without it already does. And this is electromagnetic radiation, which are slightly Deplete our body, especially our brain. And the plants are taking most of the radiation in themselves, so they should always be in the workplace.
It is well known how the cactus can absorb radiation from a computer monitor or TV. I'm not talking about that many people doing yoga, or manipulating Feng Shui attach much importance to some plants and say that one gives physical strength, mental the second feeding the third something else. Arguing with them is impossible, maybe they're right, in any case, the care for plants is not that difficult, so you can put a couple of pots in his office.
4. Remember about the rest.
Rest is very important elements of the day. People who believe that it is better now to do everything quickly, and then before going home very wrong in itself. If a person works continuously for several hours, he loses alertness, strength and speed. That is, you think you've done a lot, and in fact, you did less than could do with a rest.
Also often the people who you work so hard without rest, I do rest during the work, but he is not considered to be useful and meaningful, furthermore he is still a parasite on our time. After all, when a person is tired, it can inadvertently distract yourself on something not needed, what seems to him necessary, for example, to check e-mail.
Kind of need, but does not burn, but the time is coming, the work is worth, and we don't get up from the workplace, then work, although in reality the body, or rather the brain that outsmarted us, he made us to be distracted. But the benefits of such rest is not. After all, we did not get up from the workplace and you don't think I'll go rest, eat or something.
After that, we can also view e-mail, but now we can rest, because we ourselves said we go to rest. And when we don't realize it, we don't get the rest. That's why we always have to consciously relax, otherwise it will only get worse. About the fact that recreation gives a lot of energy and strength, I'm not going to say it's all so clear.
Also, remember about active rest and entertainment. They bring a lot of joy and satisfaction that positively affects our mood and desire to be the best and achieve more. Discos and fun really help you to relax from heavy everyday life.
5. Make it a habit to walk down the street.
It's a good habit because when we are constantly sitting in the room, we not only do not breathe the fresh air, so we are still constantly distracted by all sorts of stuff. This in turn does not give us the okay to think, to relax and to plan the actions for the future. But if we walk in the Park or even just down the street, we immediately go into "holiday mode", in this mode we have nothing to do, therefore, not distracted by trifles and can well thought out plan of action for the near future.
6. Don't forget about self-development.
This is what I have not remembered in previous articles, but let me remind you again. The more we learn the better we become, the better we get, the more chance we have to achieve our goals quickly and clearly. By the way, do not forget about physical exercises, healthy body, healthy mind. This is very important. Support the body in good shape will help always feel at altitude and give our brain a lot of effort and energy.
7. Create favorable conditions for living at home.
Don't forget that at home you can do whatever you want. It's your house or your apartment, so there is nothing to hesitate. If you like something very much, but your friends may not like it, then think about who is going to live here, you or them? That's right, YOU! So you decide what is best for you.
I have often observed that home environment often plays a crucial role in the way of human life. Sometimes, I come home to the other, and we do not want to do, you just want to exist. And Vice versa, come home to a friend and after sitting there for a while charged with invisible energy, I want to live, work and succeed. This suggests that home environment plays a big role. So try to achieve harmony at home, especially in the bedroom.
source: secretu.ru
Source: /users/1077