Harmful "healthy" habits according to Japanese doctor Hiromi Shinya

The famous Japanese doctor Hiromi Shinya, as a result of many years of research on health preservation, came to a number of interesting conclusions. Enzymes precious to our body are often thoughtlessly wasted by us, and as a result, the energy of the whole organism falls.
To support “magic enzymes”, first of all, you need to get rid of harmful habits for health, as well as revise the generally accepted recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.
Harmful "healthy" habits according to Dr. Hiromi Shinya:
You need to eat yogurt daily - this is useful for the colon;
in order not to exhaust the supply of calcium in the body, you need to drink milk daily;
instead of fruits, vitamin supplements should be used, since fruits are fattened;
Those who are responsible for their health should avoid foods high in carbohydrates (rice, bread) – they quickly recover.
useful low-calorie, but protein-rich food;
To replenish the supply of fluid in the body, you need to drink green tea - it has a lot of antioxidants.
The usefulness of all these recommendations is almost beyond doubt. However, Hiromi Shinya argues that these recommendations are not only wrong, but harmful. Let’s take a closer look at the issue.
Everything is interconnected in a person, and if a product has a beneficial effect on one of his internal organs, this does not mean that it is useful to the whole body.
To be honest, I have never met a person who, eating yogurt every day, could boast a good intestine. According to statistics, Americans drink a huge amount of milk every day, and at the same time osteoporosis is almost a national disaster of America.
The Japanese, who regularly drink such a rich antioxidant green tea, stomach look very depressing.
The fact that tea (green or black, Chinese or English) leads to atrophic changes in the stomach and causes chronic gastritis. Why? Teas contain tannin, which is easily oxidized. When interacting with air and hot water, it turns into tannic acid, which contributes to the folding of proteins and causes significant damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
Or, for example, take meat, without which many do not think of their daily diet. The popular statement: “No meat, no muscles”, according to the doctor, the invention of pure water. Unfortunately, meat does not increase vital energy. It really accelerates the development of the body, but also the aging process. And the daily rate of animal protein in humans is about 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Accordingly, a person weighing 60 kg is enough 60 g of animal protein per day.
According to research by Hiromi Shinya, the earlier a person begins to eat animal products, the earlier they start to get sick.
The doctor pays special attention to milk.
The oxidized fats contained in it multiply the number of harmful bacteria in the intestine and thereby harm its microflora. As a result, free radicals are formed in the colon, as well as toxins such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. As a result, milk provokes not only various types of allergies, but also more serious diseases that increasingly affect children (leukemia, diabetes). This is evidenced by many scientific studies, the materials of which are now available thanks to the Internet, and the doctor encourages everyone who cares about his health to read them.
Magic enzymes don’t just accumulate. Their stock appears only when a person is picky in food and leads a healthy lifestyle.
“Stop squandering your ‘magic enzymes’ and you’ll forget about disease!” says Shinya.
When the loss of “magic enzymes” is reduced, the body is able to spend them on maintaining internal balance, detoxification, self-healing and energy supply; the immune system strengthens, which not only improves health, but also increases life expectancy.
The Perfect Ration by Dr. Hiromi Shinya
General principles:
Ratio of vegetarian food and meat: 85-90% to 10-15%.
Cereals should make up about 50% of the diet, vegetables and fruits - 35-40%, meat - 10-15%.
- Cereals should be eaten unpeeled
Fish whose body temperature is lower than human body temperature is preferable to meat.
Useful fresh, not processed products (if possible, in natural form).
It is necessary to limit the consumption of milk and dairy products as much as possible (people who are predisposed to allergies or lactose intolerant, it is better to completely abandon all dairy products).
Margarine and fried foods should be avoided.
You need to chew food thoroughly and try to eat in small portions.
Habits stronger than genes. Healthy eating habits allow us to rewrite our genes.
Drink water an hour before meals.It is best to drink water in the morning, immediately after waking up, as well as 1 hour before each meal - this is the best way to satisfy the body's need for water. For some thirty minutes, water will move from the stomach to the intestines and, therefore, will not disrupt the digestion process.
500-700 milliliters in the morning on an empty stomach;
• 500 milliliters an hour before breakfast
• 500 milliliters an hour before lunch.
In winter, drink slightly heated water, and in small sips, so as not to cool the body. Enzymes are most active at a temperature of 36-40 ° C, and an increase in temperature for every 0.5 degrees means an increase in the activity of enzymes by 35%. This is why the patient usually has a fever: the body raises the body temperature to activate the enzymes.
Those who drink little water get sick more often. Learning to drink plenty of clean, good water is a great way to get healthier. Water moisturizes the surface of the bronchi and the mucosa of the stomach and intestines (areas that are most susceptible to attacks by bacteria and viruses), activating their protective properties.
When the body lacks water, the mucous membranes become dehydrated and dry. Then sputum and mucus stick to the walls of the respiratory tract, turning into a fertile environment for bacteria and viruses.
Water is part of not only blood, but also lymphs. If the blood vessels are comparable to rivers, then the lymphatic vessels can be called the sewage pipes of the body. They perform the most important function of cleaning, filtration and excretion of proteins and digestive waste – together with water. In the lymphatic vessels there are gamma globulins (protective antibodies) and lysozyme enzyme, which has antibacterial properties. Normal functioning of the immune system without clean, good water is simply unthinkable.
It is very important to get the liquid in the form of pure water. The fact is that such drinks as tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, beer and so on contain substances (sugar, food additives, caffeine, alcohol) that pull water out of the blood and cells. They thicken the blood and protect the body.
Tea Green or black, Chinese or English leads to atrophic changes in the stomach and causes chronic gastritis.
Meat. It doesn't increase life energy. Meat accelerates not only development, but also the aging process.
The daily norm of proteins (meat, fish) of a person is about 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight. A person weighing sixty kilograms is enough 60 grams of animal protein per day.
Do you drink a lot of milk? Prepare for Allergy and Osteoporosis
The earlier a person begins to eat animal products, the sooner he gets sick.
All drugs in one or another degree are poisonous.
The faster the action of the drug, the more toxic it is.
Sources: stan-molozhe.ru, watercure.narod.ru
Source: /users/1077