Hiromi Shinya: learn to hear your own body
Fifty six million four hundred nineteen thousand eight hundred fifty six
Every day of my clinic visits a lot of customers. Analyzing their lifestyle and nutrition, exploring the stomach and intestinal tract with an endoscope and doing treatment of diseases, I have a constant desire to help all these people to establish a harmonious relationship with your own body.
The consequences of each lived day is imprinted in our bodies. Maybe this sounds harsh, but I will say: most of the diseases afflicting man, is the result of ignorance; people simply do not know how to care for your body, given to us by Nature. And too often we don't hear his voice.
If you don't see the point in good food and good water, if you waste the life force and enzymes, since they are too busy to pay attention to the body, sooner or later you will overthrow the disease. This kind of life accelerates aging and deprives the body of energy, especially in later years.
What he wants my body now? It is satisfied? Irritated? Angry? What was troubling him? What hurts? Please listen to it. This will change your whole life. You will become clearer to understand what I'm talking about in this book, and will be able to practice it.We must not think that suffering and afflictions are inevitable and what can we expect physical and mental fading as the onset of old age. You can change your destiny, to awaken and hear the voice of your own body! I as the doctor speak it from the heart. And the same wishes your body.
What you ate today – or tomorrow will be the building material of all cells of your body and brain. It will affect what you think and what you say. Adopting a program Shinya Biosim and activating the gut, you will soon experience changes not only in sostoyanii your health, but in mind. And I'm not exaggerating in saying that will change your whole life.
Are you looking for the answer – and it's hidden inside, in the digestive tract. A microcosm of the intestinal tract – the place where you should start your path to health.Our eating habits greatly affect every aspect of life. If the intestine is functioning stably, and a stable mind. You will forever leave a sense of frustration, anxiety, irritation, and you will notice that look at much more positive.
A recent study identified one paradoxical conclusion: if there is very little, you'll live much longer. However, these experiments were conducted not on humans, and other mammals: monkeys, rodents and dogs. They showed that a severely restricted calorie diet (but within adequate nutrition for survival) dramatically reduces the risk of chronic diseases and increases life expectancy. It seems, confirmed the old saying: what doesn't kill you — makes you stronger.Whether these findings apply to humans? Researchers have not found in this issue of indisputable evidence, but it was found out: if a harmonious diet, the calorie restriction of adult individuals produces the same changes in metabolism that have been observed in laboratory animals. These data indicated that decreased metabolic, hormonal and inflammatory risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. What is the reason?
I'm sure in nazimah. They easily adapted to the acidic and high temperature environment, as a sort of special detachment performing a dangerous mission. They manifest themselves whenever the body is faced with a genuine threat to its existence.
One of these threats is undoubtedly hunger. The fight with him takes up most of the entire history of mankind. If he soon doesn't end, digestive and metabolic enzymes are not able to continue to maintain its efficiency. And then we save unotime.
When the body is in stress, they are constantly working by cleaning up all its cells. Defective proteins are rapidly broken down in the process of autophagy and processed for essential nutrients. Waste and foreign substances are removed instantly. As a result, the body becomes purer, stronger and healthier than normal, not stressful conditions, when unotime "asleep". That's why our ancestors, despite the fact that they ate worse than we are, still remained strong and healthy. They were constantly in a state activating Nozimov.
Of course, this situation was not only positive aspects. When fasting exceeds a certain limit, the stress body and mind increased, and enzymes irremediably lost. In combination with the permanent deficiency of the necessary nutrients it led to a substantial reduction in life expectancy.
I'm Japanese American and I know the history of the country of his birth. It was, of course, periods of peace and "well-fed" prosperity (for example, Edo). But basically, the Japanese rarely had enough to eat. And learn from this benefit!
And it is not a lifetime. Not so important, how it will add years. It is important, as it will live. And it depends on the health of Nozimov. Can we increase their activity? I am sure, Yes. This requires a turn to a more natural way of life which not always gives you the opportunity to eat "from the belly".
Perhaps this is my advice not everyone likes to hear, but I am convinced that periodically fasting, you will surely increase your vitality. Start now and your unotime will Wake up to clear and energize the cells.
Or just eat in moderation. Stop the meal before feeling full. Eliminate from the diet food on the go and snacks. More time during the day be hungry. To activate Nozimov need to fast, even for a short time and infrequently. Remember: the key to increasing the vitality – not to have so-and-so, and to eat less. Vitality is elusive, its numbers can't define – the number of calories and nutrients, but it is firmly linked with the work of Nozimov inside your cells.
It may be the best remedy for aging with a new understanding of how to stay forever young and healthy.
Hiromi Shinya
Source: apocalypse-2012.com/international-themes/shinya.html
Every day of my clinic visits a lot of customers. Analyzing their lifestyle and nutrition, exploring the stomach and intestinal tract with an endoscope and doing treatment of diseases, I have a constant desire to help all these people to establish a harmonious relationship with your own body.
The consequences of each lived day is imprinted in our bodies. Maybe this sounds harsh, but I will say: most of the diseases afflicting man, is the result of ignorance; people simply do not know how to care for your body, given to us by Nature. And too often we don't hear his voice.
If you don't see the point in good food and good water, if you waste the life force and enzymes, since they are too busy to pay attention to the body, sooner or later you will overthrow the disease. This kind of life accelerates aging and deprives the body of energy, especially in later years.
What he wants my body now? It is satisfied? Irritated? Angry? What was troubling him? What hurts? Please listen to it. This will change your whole life. You will become clearer to understand what I'm talking about in this book, and will be able to practice it.We must not think that suffering and afflictions are inevitable and what can we expect physical and mental fading as the onset of old age. You can change your destiny, to awaken and hear the voice of your own body! I as the doctor speak it from the heart. And the same wishes your body.
What you ate today – or tomorrow will be the building material of all cells of your body and brain. It will affect what you think and what you say. Adopting a program Shinya Biosim and activating the gut, you will soon experience changes not only in sostoyanii your health, but in mind. And I'm not exaggerating in saying that will change your whole life.
Are you looking for the answer – and it's hidden inside, in the digestive tract. A microcosm of the intestinal tract – the place where you should start your path to health.Our eating habits greatly affect every aspect of life. If the intestine is functioning stably, and a stable mind. You will forever leave a sense of frustration, anxiety, irritation, and you will notice that look at much more positive.
A recent study identified one paradoxical conclusion: if there is very little, you'll live much longer. However, these experiments were conducted not on humans, and other mammals: monkeys, rodents and dogs. They showed that a severely restricted calorie diet (but within adequate nutrition for survival) dramatically reduces the risk of chronic diseases and increases life expectancy. It seems, confirmed the old saying: what doesn't kill you — makes you stronger.Whether these findings apply to humans? Researchers have not found in this issue of indisputable evidence, but it was found out: if a harmonious diet, the calorie restriction of adult individuals produces the same changes in metabolism that have been observed in laboratory animals. These data indicated that decreased metabolic, hormonal and inflammatory risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. What is the reason?
I'm sure in nazimah. They easily adapted to the acidic and high temperature environment, as a sort of special detachment performing a dangerous mission. They manifest themselves whenever the body is faced with a genuine threat to its existence.
One of these threats is undoubtedly hunger. The fight with him takes up most of the entire history of mankind. If he soon doesn't end, digestive and metabolic enzymes are not able to continue to maintain its efficiency. And then we save unotime.
When the body is in stress, they are constantly working by cleaning up all its cells. Defective proteins are rapidly broken down in the process of autophagy and processed for essential nutrients. Waste and foreign substances are removed instantly. As a result, the body becomes purer, stronger and healthier than normal, not stressful conditions, when unotime "asleep". That's why our ancestors, despite the fact that they ate worse than we are, still remained strong and healthy. They were constantly in a state activating Nozimov.
Of course, this situation was not only positive aspects. When fasting exceeds a certain limit, the stress body and mind increased, and enzymes irremediably lost. In combination with the permanent deficiency of the necessary nutrients it led to a substantial reduction in life expectancy.
I'm Japanese American and I know the history of the country of his birth. It was, of course, periods of peace and "well-fed" prosperity (for example, Edo). But basically, the Japanese rarely had enough to eat. And learn from this benefit!
And it is not a lifetime. Not so important, how it will add years. It is important, as it will live. And it depends on the health of Nozimov. Can we increase their activity? I am sure, Yes. This requires a turn to a more natural way of life which not always gives you the opportunity to eat "from the belly".
Perhaps this is my advice not everyone likes to hear, but I am convinced that periodically fasting, you will surely increase your vitality. Start now and your unotime will Wake up to clear and energize the cells.
Or just eat in moderation. Stop the meal before feeling full. Eliminate from the diet food on the go and snacks. More time during the day be hungry. To activate Nozimov need to fast, even for a short time and infrequently. Remember: the key to increasing the vitality – not to have so-and-so, and to eat less. Vitality is elusive, its numbers can't define – the number of calories and nutrients, but it is firmly linked with the work of Nozimov inside your cells.
It may be the best remedy for aging with a new understanding of how to stay forever young and healthy.
Hiromi Shinya
Source: apocalypse-2012.com/international-themes/shinya.html