The destiny of man

You can make pretty muchEvery one of you comes to the Earth with its purpose. You decide even before the incarnation, what you have to do on Earth. The spirit equips you for that purpose all the necessary tools. It is your talents and abilities, your qualities necessary for a particular activity. When the person gets to the place allotted to him by his destiny, he falls into this niche like a key in the lock. Everyone is perfect for their niche! When you are in the right place – you all succeed, you're doing it. You don't have to break and remake. You don't have to fight in closed doors, you feel good, comfortable, quiet, and everything goes like clockwork. It's the law.
If your way all the time, obstacles arise, then you were not in the place where you should be. You don't need to continue on this difficult path. You only need to stop, calm down and see that you designed the road nearby. When you step on it, you will feel joy and peace. Your troubles will end.
It may seem that in this situation there are some very strict determinism. How, then, do things stand with freedom? "Why can't we do what we want, and forced to follow a destiny?" – so you can ask people. You just forgot that even before birth chose your destiny yourself. You just chose the path that best suits you and which will bring you maximum joy, comfort, prosperity, wealth, success and all that is important and necessary for you. The man who hears the voice of his spirit, a sensitive person would not deviate from its purpose, because the unmistakable intuition tells him where his path. People who appreciate and respect themselves, also do not want to go the way of someone else – such a person feels that someone else's way will bring only trouble is that happiness is possible only on the way.
And yet people do not always find their purpose and sometimes go astray. The voice of the spirit can be drowned out their ideas about what is needed in society, what they want other people, what is beneficial, what is the best... These people are miserable. Life they are fighting to snares of other people's destinies, extrinsic life goals... And do not realize that wasting my precious energy. Another supportive way is very close.
It's never too late to get on track! Learn to "sense" in itself. Listen to your intuition. Only coming on your way and finding your destiny, you will gain the longed-for comfort, prosperity, peace and joy. Only in your way maybe true disclosure of all your abilities, all possibilities. You don't know how you have a lot!
Only on your way you will be able to do much for myself and for spirit, and for the Earth. Now you have opened a real opportunity for creativity – you become the true creators of life.
Verbal codes to enhance intuition• I can hear your inner voice, which directly connects me with a source of higher knowledge, higher wisdom.
• My intuition always gives me the correct answers that allows me to make only right decisions.
• I can see the hidden meaning and causes of all things and phenomena, and therefore can draw the right conclusions from what is happening and anticipate tomorrow.
• I well know themselves, their strengths and weaknesses, I accept myself the way I am, but because I know what I'm capable of, and can always find the right path.
• Inside I have an inexhaustible source of wisdom, I listen to this source and see that deep down I have the knowledge of all that was, is and will be, there are answers to all my questions. And because I have nothing to worry about and nothing to fear, my inner wisdom always guides me the right way, it protects me and protects me.
Why talent is sometimes not immediately realized, the First task with which a person comes to the Earth, is the improvement of the soul. If in this direction one has to do a lot, for some time it becomes its main purpose. At this time it may happen that a man feels great talents, but they can be realized. Not folded the right circumstances, do not open the right door, and the person is like beating your head against the wall, but unable to overcome it, around encountering some obstacles. At this time a person can talk like this: "But I do know that a talented. I know exactly what my purpose is. Why am I unable to implement it?"
The point here may be this: before the time comes to implement the talents a person has a lot of things to change. While the soul is imperfect, even the implementation of the talent can go to her detriment. While the soul is imperfect, you will be allowed to do only what will make the soul better. If a person is talented, but suffers from pride, or despises other people, he may be barred from the realization of talent. After all, if he realizes the talent and will become because of this well-known, wealthy, respected, his pride will only increase. It will cause great harm to the soul. Therefore, a man blocked the way to the realization of the talent that he was engaged in another, more important thing – to overcome vices and improvement of the soul. It often happens that a man needs suffering to become better! People who know the suffering of the proud and contemptuous of others will be meek, humble, understanding and forgiving, lenient to others. Then the path to the purpose he may open up.
If you do not manage the implementation of talent, humble and focus on what is more important to you: the spiritual path of development, self-improvement. A higher power will take care of that at this stage of your life you could get the necessary means of livelihood. Your angels are interested in learning, gaining new knowledge, gained new quality! They will help you in learning and make sure during training you are in no way needed. And if you pass this lesson, you will open the door to genuine self-revelation.
based on the book by Olga Ageeva Codes "heavenly protection"
Source: rodoswet.ru/prednaznachenie-cheloveka-usilenie-intuicii/