Chocolate pudding with Chia seeds—a delicious dessert without a gram of sugar

Chocolate dessert without a gram of sugar, and a great snack before or after exercise to increase endurance! Chia was the most important culture of the Aztecs and Maya, which is now in the West is undergoing something of a Renaissance. These ancient peoples used Chia as megastachya long lasting energy and is particularly popular with the runners. Cool, huh? Chocolate Superpoking with Chia Seeds for two 1 and 1/2 Cup (360мл) almond milk 1/4 Cup of seeds чиа1 tbsp cocoa powder 2 tbsp carob powder 1 tbsp of honey mix it All together. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours until the texture of pudding. To serve chilled, optional-sprinkle crushed cocoa beans and/or any nuts.
Source: purefoodsandme.blogspot.com/2012/11/blog-post_27.html
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