Dinner in 15 minutes: Swedish meatballs with sauce from Jamie Oliver
Fifty three million three hundred twenty two thousand six hundred sixty eight
Jamie finally taught us how to cook the legendary Swedish meatballs and classic cranberry sauce with a secret.
Fashionable English chef in his program "Jamie: lunch in 15 minutes" assures us that if we stick to a clear technology and formulation, preparation of tender air of meatballs, the sauce divine and even superpressure garnish you will need a quarter of an hour.
What you need:
400 g minced meat (200 g beef and 200 g pork, this proportion is ideal for Swedish meatballs)
a bunch of dill
2 tsp cumin seeds
2-3 tbsp vodka
olive oil
salt, pepper
4 tsp. cranberry jam
4 tbsp fat-free cream
How to cook Swedish meatballs with classic sauce:
1. Put the meat on a work surface, season with salt and pepper, add 1 tbsp finely chopped stems of dill. Mix thoroughly with your hands, if you knead the dough.
2. Form tiny meatballs. Fry in a hot pan with olive oil.
3. While meatballs are fried, sprinkle them with caraway seeds. Then flamborough meatballs: pour into the pan with the vodka and ignite. How should shake the pan, don't be afraid, the flame will cease instantly! Not ready for a culinary balancing act? Then just pour into the pan with the vodka and wait until it evaporates.
4. Once all the alcohol evaporated, to put you right in the meatballs cranberry jam, mix well. Add low fat cream and some boiling water. Cook for a few minutes, meatballs should acquire a rich Golden color.
5. Put on a plate rice with celery top meatballs with sauce. Decorate with finely chopped dill. Add on top of some yogurt.
6. Swedish meatballs with sauce from Jamie Oliver is ready!
Source: jamieoliver.com © Jamie Oliver 2012
Source: domashniy.ru/
Jamie finally taught us how to cook the legendary Swedish meatballs and classic cranberry sauce with a secret.
Fashionable English chef in his program "Jamie: lunch in 15 minutes" assures us that if we stick to a clear technology and formulation, preparation of tender air of meatballs, the sauce divine and even superpressure garnish you will need a quarter of an hour.
What you need:
400 g minced meat (200 g beef and 200 g pork, this proportion is ideal for Swedish meatballs)
a bunch of dill
2 tsp cumin seeds
2-3 tbsp vodka
olive oil
salt, pepper
4 tsp. cranberry jam
4 tbsp fat-free cream
How to cook Swedish meatballs with classic sauce:
1. Put the meat on a work surface, season with salt and pepper, add 1 tbsp finely chopped stems of dill. Mix thoroughly with your hands, if you knead the dough.
2. Form tiny meatballs. Fry in a hot pan with olive oil.
3. While meatballs are fried, sprinkle them with caraway seeds. Then flamborough meatballs: pour into the pan with the vodka and ignite. How should shake the pan, don't be afraid, the flame will cease instantly! Not ready for a culinary balancing act? Then just pour into the pan with the vodka and wait until it evaporates.
4. Once all the alcohol evaporated, to put you right in the meatballs cranberry jam, mix well. Add low fat cream and some boiling water. Cook for a few minutes, meatballs should acquire a rich Golden color.
5. Put on a plate rice with celery top meatballs with sauce. Decorate with finely chopped dill. Add on top of some yogurt.
6. Swedish meatballs with sauce from Jamie Oliver is ready!
Source: jamieoliver.com © Jamie Oliver 2012
Source: domashniy.ru/