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The rhythms of the updates of the human body

Forty million two hundred ninety six thousand six hundred thirty five

It is known that the cells in our body updated. But how does the renewal of the body cells? And if cells are constantly updated, why then comes old age, but lasts not eternal youth? Swedish neurologist Jonas Friesen established: each adult on average fifteen and a half years!

But if many "parts" of our body are constantly updated, and you end up much younger the their owner, some questions may arise.

For example, why this is a real life smooth and pink as a baby, if the upper skin layer is always two weeks?

If the muscles in about 15 years, why a woman of 60 years, not nearly as flexible and agile as a girl of 15 years?

The answers to these questions, Friesen saw in the DNA in mitochondria (the part of each cell). She quickly accumulates various injuries. That is why the skin is aging: mutations in the mitochondria lead to the deterioration of the quality such an important part of the material of the skin, as collagen.

According to many psychologists, the aging occurs due to the mental programs that are built into us from childhood.

Here we will consider the timing of updates of specific organs and tissues, which are shown in the figures. Although everything is written in detail, it might be commenting too.

Cell renewal of organs:


Brain cells live with the person throughout his life. But if the cells were updated, they would be gone, the information that was inherent in them - our thoughts, emotions, memories, skills, experience.
Unhealthy lifestyle - Smoking, drugs, alcohol – all in varying degrees, destroys the brain, killing the cells.

Still, in two areas of the brain cells are updated.

One of them is the olfactory bulb responsible for the odor perception.
The second is the hippocampus, which controls the ability to assimilate new information, to submit it in the "storage center", as well as the ability to navigate in space.


That heart cells also have the ability to upgrade, has become known recently. According to researchers, this happens only once or twice in a lifetime, so it is extremely important to keep the body.


For each lung tissue cells renewal happens at different speeds. For example, the air sacs that are located at the ends of the bronchi (alveoli) – respawn every 11 – 12 months.
But cells on the surface of the lung, updated every 14-21 days. This part of the respiratory organ assumes most of the harmful substances from the air we breathe.

Bad habits (especially Smoking), as well as contaminated atmosphere, slow down the update of the alveoli, destroy them, and in the worst case can lead to emphysema.


The liver is the champion of regeneration among the organs of the human body. Liver cells are updated approximately every 150 days, that is, the liver is "born" anew every five months. It is able to recover completely, even if the result of the operation people have lost up to two thirds of the organ.

This is the only such organ in our body.

Of course, such endurance of the liver is possible with Your help this body: the liver doesn't like greasy, spicy, fried, smoked food. In addition, her work is very complicate alcohol and a large part of the drugs.

And if this body does not pay attention, he cruelly avenged his master terrible diseases – cirrhosis or cancer. (By the way, if you stop the intake of alcohol for eight weeks, the liver is able to completely clear).


The intestinal wall inside is covered with tiny villi, which provide the absorption of nutrients. But they are under the influence of gastric juice, which dissolves the food, so do not last long. The timing of their updates – three to five days.


The bones of the skeleton are updated continuously, that is, in each moment of time in the same bone there are old and new cells. For a full update of the skeleton takes about ten years.

This process slows down with age, when bones become thinner and more fragile.

Renewal of the cells of body tissues


Hair grows on average one centimeter per month, but to completely change the hair maybe in a few years, depending on length. In women, this process takes up to six years, males up to three.

The hairs of eyebrows and eyelashes grow back for six to eight weeks.


In this very important and delicate organ as the eye, able to updated only the cells of the cornea. There is a replacement of its top layer every 7 to 10 days. When corneal damage is even faster – it is able to recover for the day.


10,000 receptors located on the surface of the tongue. They are able to distinguish between tastes of food: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty. Cells language has a fairly short life cycle to ten days.

Smoking and infection of the mouth weaken and inhibit this ability, as well as reduce the sensitivity of taste receptors.


The surface layer of skin is renewed every two to four weeks. But only if the skin is provided the proper care and she is not getting an excess of ultraviolet.

Affects the skin Smoking – this bad habit for two to four years accelerates aging of the skin.


The most famous example of updating of on – nails. They grow on 3 – 4 mm each month. But it's on the hands, the feet, the fingernails grow two times slower.
All the fingernail on the finger of the hand is updated in an average of six months, on the toe – ten.
And pinky nails grow much slower than the other, and the reason still remains a mystery for physicians.

The use of drugs slows the regeneration of cells throughout the body!

Now You realize that affects the renewal of cells?

Source: www.all-yoga.ru/blogs/archives/601#more-601