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The frequency of UPDATES of the human body

I say all the time that our body is magnificent and brilliant. We need only not to interfere with his work. And of course, do not feed it any poisonous muck.

Rejecting the toxins and start to eat healthy food, we after some time will get a completely healthy body, unless of course previously had some very serious diseases. But my favorite scientists say that even serious illness can be greatly facilitated and over time be cured by going on a proper diet.

So what I'm getting at.

Sixty million ninety eight thousand eight hundred twenty two

All the cells of our body are constantly updated, and we have, with some frequency (each on its age), completely new bodies.

Skin faster just brushes the outer layer of skin in contact with the environment. The epidermal cells are updated every 2-3 weeks. The deeper layers a bit slower, but on average for 60-80 days is a full cycle of skin renewal. By the way, interesting information: during the year the body produces about two billion new skin cells.

But then the question arises, why is it that a one year old and sixty-year-old skin looks completely different. Very much unexplored in our body, but is still considered, the skin ages due to the deterioration (with age) generation and renewal of collagen, what is the reason is still under study.

At the moment it is only that very significant are factors such as bad (the lack of fat and lack of protein) food, and too aggressive influence of the environment.

They degrade the production and quality of collagen. Excess UV radiation also has a negative impact on the regeneration of the skin. But 20-30 minutes in the sun is considered the therapeutic dose, has beneficial effects on many processes in the body, including the skin.

The cells of the epithelium covering the stomach and intestines, kontachat with the aggressive medium (gastric juices and enzymes, processing foods) and thinning constantly passing them food. They are updated every 3-5 days!

Diagram of mucous membrane of language is very complex, and we won't go into details. The update rate of the various cells constituting the mucous membrane of the tongue (receptors) are different. Basically we can say that the update cycle of these cells is 10-14 days.

Blood — fluid, on which depends our whole life. Daily in the body of the average person dies about half a trillion of different blood cells. They have time to die so was born a new. In a healthy person the number of dead cells is equal to the number of births. A complete upgrade of blood occurs within 120-150 days.

Bronchi and lungs also in contact with aggressive environment, because relatively quickly update their cells. The outer cells of the lungs, which is the first layer of defense against aggressors, is updated in 2-3 weeks. The remaining cells, depending on their functions are updated at different speeds. But in General, it is necessary for the body to fully update lung tissue.

Alveoli bronchi updated every 11-12 months.

Hair growing at an average of 1-2 cm per month. That is, after some time, we have completely new hair, depending on length.

The life cycle of the eyelashes and eyebrows 3-6 months.

Nails the fingers grow at the rate of 3-4 mm per month, a full update cycle is 6 months. On your toes nails grow at a rate of 1-2 mm per month.

Thirty nine million two hundred seven thousand two hundred eighty three

Liver truly the most magical organ in our body. Not only that, all his life he cleanses us from all the garbage that we put in our body, so she is the champion of regeneration. Found that even when they lost 75% of its cells (in the case of surgery), the liver is able to recover completely, and after 2-4 month we have full time.

What, in the age of 30-40 years, it regenerates the volume some more – by 113%. With age, the liver regeneration occurs only at 90-95%.

The regeneration of liver cells occurs during 150-180 days. Installed, that if to refuse from chemical products (chemicals, drugs, fried, sugar and alcohol) the liver independently and fully (!) is cleaned from the harmful effects of 6-8 weeks.

Our health depends on the health of the liver. But even such a resilient organ like the liver, we (try) to kill. Large amounts of sugar or alcohol can cause the liver to irreversible consequences in the form of cirrhosis.

The cells of the kidneys and spleen updated every 300-500 days.

Skeleton our body daily produces hundreds of millions of new cells. He constantly regenerates, and its structure has old and new cells. But a complete cellular renewal of the bone structure occurs in 7-10 years. When significant distortions of the power cells produced much smaller and worse quality, and as a result, over the years, we have a problem like osteoporosis.

The cells of all muscle types completely updated for 15-16 years.

Heart, eyes and brain so far the least studied by scientists.

Nineteen million two hundred three thousand seven hundred three

Very long time it was believed that the heart muscles are not updated (unlike the rest of the muscle), but recent discoveries have shown that this is a fallacy, and muscle tissue of the heart is updated in the same way as other muscles.

The study has only just begun, however, according to preliminary data known for full update of cardiac muscle is approximately (the exact data yet) for 20 years. That is 3-4 times the average life.

The mystery still is the fact that lens absolutely not updated, or rather, why is not updated the lens. Restored and updated only the cells of the cornea. The update cycle fast enough for 7-10 days. When damaged, the cornea is able to regenerate in just a day.

However, this does not negate the fact that the cells of the lens are not updated whatsoever! The Central part of the lens is formed on the sixth week of fetal development. And the rest of my life to the Central part of the lens "grow" new cells, making it thicker and less flexible with age degrading the quality of the focus.

Sixteen million one hundred fifty seven thousand nine hundred twenty four

Brain it's a puzzle of puzzles…

The brain is the most poorly understood organ of our body. Of course, this involves a number of objective factors. The brain of a living person is very difficult to study without damaging it. We have prohibited experimentation on humans (at least officially). Because the studies are on animals and terminally ill human beings-volunteers, which is not equivalent to healthy, functioning person.

Until recently it was believed that brain cells are not updated ever. In principle, the possibility is still there. The brain that controls all our complicated system called body, the brain, which gives signals for the regeneration of all our organs, not updated at all... Hmm.

In the 60-ies of the last century, Joseph Altman discovered neurogenesis (the birth of new neurons) in the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. The scientific world, according to his custom, took this discovery very skeptical and have forgotten about it. In the mid 80-ies of this discovery "opened" again, another scientist — Fernando Nottebohm. And again silence.

But since the late 90-ies of the last century began, finally, full-scale study of our brain.

At the present moment (in the newest research) made several discoveries. Already well established that the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb, still regularly update their cells. In birds, lower vertebrates and mammals the rate of occurrence of new neurons is large enough. In adult rats in the course of a month is formed and replaces approximately 250 000 new neurons (about 3% of the total).

The human body renews the cells of these parts of the brain. Installed in the same way that the more physical and brain activity, the more the formation of new neurons in these areas. But is still under study. We are waiting to…

Over the last 20 years science has made huge strides in the study of our food and dependent on him for our health. Found, finally, that a big role in proper functioning of the organs, plays a proper nutrition. Significantly clarify — what we have needed and what is not worth it if you want to be healthy. But as a whole? What comes out as a whole? And it turns out that "exploded" we can be updated without stopping my entire life. So what makes us sick, grow old and die?

We fly into space, thinking about the conquest and colonization of other planets. But at the same time know so little about our body. Scientists that in ancient times, at present, have absolutely no idea, why with such a huge ability to innovate we age. Why wrinkles appear, and deteriorating muscles. Why we lose flexibility, and our bones become brittle. Why are we deaf and stupid... No, nothing intelligible to say, still can't.

Some say that aging is in our DNA, but this theory has no evidence to prove it.

Others believe that aging is inherent in our brain and psychology that we, as it were, forcing themselves to grow old and die. What in our subconscious inherent of the aging process. Also just a theory without any proof and evidence.

The third (very recent theory) believe that this is due to the accumulation of certain mutations and damage in mitochondrial DNA. But why is the accumulation of these damages and mutations they don't know.


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That is, it turns out that, contrary to the theory of evolution of Darwin's friend, cages, again and again renewed, renew a degraded version of themselves, is improved. Oddish…

Optimistic "the alchemist" I believe that the elixir of youth we've been blessed with since birth, and on the side there is no need to look for it. He is within us. Just need to correctly pick up the keys to our body and learn how to fully use his brain.

And then our body will be, if not immortal, very long lived!

Let's be properly feed our body. We a little bit will help him, or rather won't disturb him with all sorts of poisons, and it in return will reward us with good work and a long, HEALTHY life!


Author: Yul Of Ivana


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: yulivanchey.com/%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BC%D0%B0/