Why all Your attempts to be happy are doomed to failure

Money, success and respect of colleagues do not have almost any influence on that, will you be happy or not.
If you feel chronically miserable person, then most likely blame your unhappy childhood. Experts from the London school of Economics under the supervision of Professor Richard Layard conducted a study whose purpose was to determine which factors have the greatest impact on your happiness.
It turned out that the main factor is your childhood. If you were happy when you were a child, almost with absolute probability will be able to maintain a positive attitude and then, when we become adults. If the emotional health of the child there are problems, you can be sure that regardless of, he will be successful or not, be educated or not, will it to please family or not, happy he almost certainly will not. Signs that a child is not all right, usually several. Recently he survived a real disaster — for example, lost a close relative? He suffers from insomnia? He is often a digestive disorder? He suffers from urinary incontinence? Afraid of other people and unpleasant situations? Complains of fatigue?
Academics claim that their study should give the impetus to changes in the system of European schooling. Now teachers in priority to the academic performance of the child. If he studies well, then he's fine. But somehow, no one concentrates on the social adaptation of the child, his psychological and cultural development. This approach should be changed.
Layard, and his team found the data about 9 thousand people born in the first three weeks in 1970. Then found those people and asked them to fill out an extensive questionnaire, most questions which belonged to the memories of the life of respondents aged 5-7 years. They were also asked to rate their life in the present time period. Whether they are satisfied with their financial well-being, health, friends, family, career achievements? It turned out that the money factor affects the sense of well-being is extremely low. Its value can be estimated at 1%. 15% level of your daily happiness depends on your emotional health. But the main factor is how you feel in childhood. If it was you, then you almost certainly feel good today.
If you hate the years spent in school, to fix it, alas, almost impossible.
That is why we must fight for change of the education system, not to read hundreds of books on the subject of how to find happiness.
Author: Konstantin Shiyan
Source: lifter.com.ua/post/656