These 10 tips scientifically proven to make you happy. Do not trust? Convince yourself!
Very often, happiness - is not the result but the way to it. People feel happier when they have something to aspire to, and reach, are disappointed. So be always on the move, set new goals and remember 10 tips that will help you become happy!
1. To play sports for at least 7 minutes a day.
It's quite a bit, but this mini-training will give you a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day. Sport is an excellent tool to combat depression.
A study was conducted with the participation of patients suffering from depression. They were divided into three groups and each assigned to different treatments. The first group received only the drug. In 38% of these newly developed depression. In 31% of patients treated with medications and exercise, and also I had a relapse. The most shocking result showed a third group that was treated only exercises. Only 9% of these patients had a relapse again.
Exercise will help you lift your mood, relax and optimize brain function and self-esteem.
2. If you're going to get enough sleep, you will be less susceptible to negative emotions.
Healthy and prolonged sleep not only helps your body recover after a hard day, but it is the key to good health, and therefore happiness.
An experiment was conducted to study this phenomenon. Enough sleep the students had to memorize words. They came to remember 81% of the words with a negative value, for example, cancer, and only 31% of words with positive or neutral value, as sunlight or a basket.
If you slept well, you yourself to set yourself in a positive way.
3. Spend more time with your loved ones.
Happiness can not buy, so try to spend more time with their families and loved ones to not regret it in the face of death. Time spent with family is able to lift you up and make happy.
Psychologist Daniel Gilbert explains it this way: «We are happy when we have a family. Friends and loved ones and make us happy. As for the other things that, in our opinion, make us happy, in fact, they only help us to spend more time with people who are dear to us ». Em>
Moreover, your relationship with the people around you also influence the length and quality of your life.
4. Spend more time outdoors.
To feel happier, you enough to spend on fresh air for about 20 minutes a day. It will also stimulate the activity of your brain will improve your memory.
US meteorologists claim that the air temperature affects our mood is much more than the wind speed or humidity. Scientists have found that people feel happiest at 13.9 ° C.
5. Help other people feel happier.
It is believed that it is necessary to spend about 100 hours a year (or 2 hours a week) to help others. Help them find happiness and you yourself will become a much happier.
Sean Archer claims: «When the researchers interviewed more than 150 people on their recent purchases, it turned out that the money spent by them on activities, such as concerts or lunch in a cafe, brought them a lot more pleasure than material purchases, such as shoes, expensive watch or TV ». em>
Spending money on other people bring you much more happiness than buying just for yourself.
6. Smile - the easiest way to set the mood.
Smile is also able to reduce pain and improve mental abilities. But we must remember that fake smile is not as effective as sincere.
University of Michigan researchers found that workers who are forced to wear a fake smile, often a bad mood, and reduced labor productivity. And those who smiles warmly, feel much happier and work better.
7. Plan your trip.
Even if you're not going to go anywhere, the thought of a trip can lift your mood. Recently, a study was published, the results of which people feel happier than when planning a trip, than at the time of the trip.
Back to Sean Archer: «One study showed that the thought of the upcoming watching a movie raises endorphin levels by 27%». Em>
Even if you know that you do not get anywhere to escape, plan it. When will you remember about it, you will improve the mood.
8. Meditate.
Meditation improves attention, relaxes you and clears your mind ...
Sean Archer mentions it: «Studies have shown that immediately after the meditation we feel calm and peaceful. Regular practice of meditation can reprogram your brain and make you happy ». Em>
9. Find a place to live near the place of work.
The road to work is able to affect your mood. The longer this way, the worse it affects him. Even big salary can not compensate for the time spent on the road, so it's best to move or change jobs.
10. Be thankful.
This may be expressed differently. You can express gratitude to the people for their help or just make a list of things for which you are grateful.
In a recent study, confirmed this statement. The people who wrote letters of thanks for several days, were much happier than those who did not. They were depressed and dissatisfied with life.
And remember - with age you become happier.
After 40 years, people find it easier to feel happy, but it does not mean you have to drop everything and wait until you turn 40. Everything will change for the better, but we have to live now.
Try to listen to these tips and you will see that every day becomes happy. You'll start each day in a good mood and lift it around himself to people.
Start with the smallest - Share these tips with your friends!
via takprosto cc
1. To play sports for at least 7 minutes a day.
It's quite a bit, but this mini-training will give you a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day. Sport is an excellent tool to combat depression.
A study was conducted with the participation of patients suffering from depression. They were divided into three groups and each assigned to different treatments. The first group received only the drug. In 38% of these newly developed depression. In 31% of patients treated with medications and exercise, and also I had a relapse. The most shocking result showed a third group that was treated only exercises. Only 9% of these patients had a relapse again.
Exercise will help you lift your mood, relax and optimize brain function and self-esteem.
2. If you're going to get enough sleep, you will be less susceptible to negative emotions.
Healthy and prolonged sleep not only helps your body recover after a hard day, but it is the key to good health, and therefore happiness.
An experiment was conducted to study this phenomenon. Enough sleep the students had to memorize words. They came to remember 81% of the words with a negative value, for example, cancer, and only 31% of words with positive or neutral value, as sunlight or a basket.
If you slept well, you yourself to set yourself in a positive way.
3. Spend more time with your loved ones.
Happiness can not buy, so try to spend more time with their families and loved ones to not regret it in the face of death. Time spent with family is able to lift you up and make happy.
Psychologist Daniel Gilbert explains it this way: «We are happy when we have a family. Friends and loved ones and make us happy. As for the other things that, in our opinion, make us happy, in fact, they only help us to spend more time with people who are dear to us ». Em>
Moreover, your relationship with the people around you also influence the length and quality of your life.
4. Spend more time outdoors.
To feel happier, you enough to spend on fresh air for about 20 minutes a day. It will also stimulate the activity of your brain will improve your memory.
US meteorologists claim that the air temperature affects our mood is much more than the wind speed or humidity. Scientists have found that people feel happiest at 13.9 ° C.
5. Help other people feel happier.
It is believed that it is necessary to spend about 100 hours a year (or 2 hours a week) to help others. Help them find happiness and you yourself will become a much happier.
Sean Archer claims: «When the researchers interviewed more than 150 people on their recent purchases, it turned out that the money spent by them on activities, such as concerts or lunch in a cafe, brought them a lot more pleasure than material purchases, such as shoes, expensive watch or TV ». em>
Spending money on other people bring you much more happiness than buying just for yourself.
6. Smile - the easiest way to set the mood.
Smile is also able to reduce pain and improve mental abilities. But we must remember that fake smile is not as effective as sincere.
University of Michigan researchers found that workers who are forced to wear a fake smile, often a bad mood, and reduced labor productivity. And those who smiles warmly, feel much happier and work better.
7. Plan your trip.
Even if you're not going to go anywhere, the thought of a trip can lift your mood. Recently, a study was published, the results of which people feel happier than when planning a trip, than at the time of the trip.
Back to Sean Archer: «One study showed that the thought of the upcoming watching a movie raises endorphin levels by 27%». Em>
Even if you know that you do not get anywhere to escape, plan it. When will you remember about it, you will improve the mood.
8. Meditate.
Meditation improves attention, relaxes you and clears your mind ...
Sean Archer mentions it: «Studies have shown that immediately after the meditation we feel calm and peaceful. Regular practice of meditation can reprogram your brain and make you happy ». Em>
9. Find a place to live near the place of work.
The road to work is able to affect your mood. The longer this way, the worse it affects him. Even big salary can not compensate for the time spent on the road, so it's best to move or change jobs.
10. Be thankful.
This may be expressed differently. You can express gratitude to the people for their help or just make a list of things for which you are grateful.
In a recent study, confirmed this statement. The people who wrote letters of thanks for several days, were much happier than those who did not. They were depressed and dissatisfied with life.
And remember - with age you become happier.
After 40 years, people find it easier to feel happy, but it does not mean you have to drop everything and wait until you turn 40. Everything will change for the better, but we have to live now.
Try to listen to these tips and you will see that every day becomes happy. You'll start each day in a good mood and lift it around himself to people.
Start with the smallest - Share these tips with your friends!
via takprosto cc
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