How to buy happiness with money
Practical rukovodstvoGovoryat that money can not buy happiness. Common sense, however, dictates that the rich people should be happy the poor, but it is not so - yes, the rich and the poor are quite different problems, but that does not mean that the rich are happier. But money is still really can buy happiness, and here's how:
1. Suppose that the money will be dostatochno
If you look at advice about money online, then quickly find a common denominator. Everywhere said: pay yourself first, and avoid debt on loans, and let you be untouchable money supply. All of these tips are quite logical and useful, we follow the majority of them. But all this leads to one of the Grand Council of the few small: spend less than you earn.
For some it is easy to follow this advice to someone - very difficult. But this has nothing to do with wisdom, moral qualities and strength of character. The point is that some of us earn more money than others. Yes, they can work more or take the right decisions and the right education got in the end.
But consistency is often directly related to the success. You are lucky to be born to wealthy parents? Did you go to a prestigious school? Those are the items that were of interest to you, we need to get a high-paying profession? Then everything is OK.
But in most cases, people get caught in serious trouble, because they can not afford to spend less. Children want to have a car to be repaired, a new job with a higher salary can not find work. Maybe you tried to feed the children less to save up for a car repair, but my wife somehow objected. So again I have to go into debt on credit cards.
If the situation is familiar to you, then you have two pieces of news, good and bad. The good is that money can buy you happiness - at least get rid of some stress that is likely to make you happy. The bad news - we have no idea how to help you with this. I'm sure many of you work, and work hard. And odds are you old enough to distinguish between the needs and desires of not spending more than you need.
But we wish you good luck. And once this conversation has gone, look for more cheap reason to be happy: sunny weekend or a fresh breeze - it's something that no one you will not take.
If you have enough money to not have to worry about them, then the money will not buy you happiness, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. If you're certainly not ...
2. Do not buy veschi
Do you ever get bored?
Imagine that you are sitting in my room and nothing - that's very, very personal - you're not interested. I'm tired of all. My favorite video game seems bleak, the Internet got. All toys that your ancestors would have taken a miracle, you probably irritate than delight.
The problem is that things do not provide stable happiness. Play in a fun new video game - but 10-20 hours, no more. Of course, you can buy a new video game, but after a while you begin to feel sick from them. Replace the video snowmobiling, water skiing, or any other toy - the principle remains the same. Things make you happy while they are new, but new long stay, they can not.
So how do you secure a stable happiness? Very simply - the memories, especially about good or nice things that you did. If you've ever done something than can be proud of, you know, that kind of feeling.
So do not buy things for their money, since there is no problem with money. Buy experience: go to travel, jump with a parachute. Do not drink beer at the bar around the corner - drink it in the bar of another country. Take a walk around the zoo, giraffe move in the crotch. But you never know that!
But is all this really can make a person completely happy? It does not feel whether he himself ever ... devastated?
Yes it is. And this brings us to the third way.
3. To achieve the objectives
Can money buy you happiness or not is unclear, but they can be guaranteed to buy a lot of other things. Such as superdvoretsky courses, martial arts and underground lair. That's right: if you have money to burn, you can be fucking Batman.
Okay, Batman is not that happy, but he does something that turns into happiness for most people. Too many people spend all their time either to make money or to ensure that escape during the holiday. They somehow just - a living testimony to the fact that happiness is associated with the money not always, with a full money order, and with happiness somehow it does not add up.
But if they instead tried to chase the money to do something useful, you probably would be a little happier. In fact, work or achievements can provide a deeper level of personal satisfaction, which is unmatched by any one or a personal watercraft island.
To understand what you still want to achieve in life, how to have a dig. But whether it's work, charity or supergeroystvo in achieving your goals you will surely find happiness. And for the money with this approach, you can buy many things: tools, skills, knowledge, or even your free time to meet the objectives.
But what if you did not want something there to achieve? And what if you do not want to trouble themselves with hard work? Is there an easier way to buy happiness with money? Of course there is.
4. Well, or make everyone else more miserable than themselves
Recent scientific studies have shown that Internet trolls - these are sadists who enjoy humiliating others. But here's the thing: the pleasure of something they feel very real. For them it is - happiness, so if you have more money than is considered decent start troll in real life. Here are a few ideas for starters:
1. Suppose that the money will be dostatochno

If you look at advice about money online, then quickly find a common denominator. Everywhere said: pay yourself first, and avoid debt on loans, and let you be untouchable money supply. All of these tips are quite logical and useful, we follow the majority of them. But all this leads to one of the Grand Council of the few small: spend less than you earn.
For some it is easy to follow this advice to someone - very difficult. But this has nothing to do with wisdom, moral qualities and strength of character. The point is that some of us earn more money than others. Yes, they can work more or take the right decisions and the right education got in the end.
But consistency is often directly related to the success. You are lucky to be born to wealthy parents? Did you go to a prestigious school? Those are the items that were of interest to you, we need to get a high-paying profession? Then everything is OK.
But in most cases, people get caught in serious trouble, because they can not afford to spend less. Children want to have a car to be repaired, a new job with a higher salary can not find work. Maybe you tried to feed the children less to save up for a car repair, but my wife somehow objected. So again I have to go into debt on credit cards.
If the situation is familiar to you, then you have two pieces of news, good and bad. The good is that money can buy you happiness - at least get rid of some stress that is likely to make you happy. The bad news - we have no idea how to help you with this. I'm sure many of you work, and work hard. And odds are you old enough to distinguish between the needs and desires of not spending more than you need.
But we wish you good luck. And once this conversation has gone, look for more cheap reason to be happy: sunny weekend or a fresh breeze - it's something that no one you will not take.
If you have enough money to not have to worry about them, then the money will not buy you happiness, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. If you're certainly not ...
2. Do not buy veschi

Do you ever get bored?
Imagine that you are sitting in my room and nothing - that's very, very personal - you're not interested. I'm tired of all. My favorite video game seems bleak, the Internet got. All toys that your ancestors would have taken a miracle, you probably irritate than delight.
The problem is that things do not provide stable happiness. Play in a fun new video game - but 10-20 hours, no more. Of course, you can buy a new video game, but after a while you begin to feel sick from them. Replace the video snowmobiling, water skiing, or any other toy - the principle remains the same. Things make you happy while they are new, but new long stay, they can not.
So how do you secure a stable happiness? Very simply - the memories, especially about good or nice things that you did. If you've ever done something than can be proud of, you know, that kind of feeling.
So do not buy things for their money, since there is no problem with money. Buy experience: go to travel, jump with a parachute. Do not drink beer at the bar around the corner - drink it in the bar of another country. Take a walk around the zoo, giraffe move in the crotch. But you never know that!
But is all this really can make a person completely happy? It does not feel whether he himself ever ... devastated?
Yes it is. And this brings us to the third way.
3. To achieve the objectives
Can money buy you happiness or not is unclear, but they can be guaranteed to buy a lot of other things. Such as superdvoretsky courses, martial arts and underground lair. That's right: if you have money to burn, you can be fucking Batman.
Okay, Batman is not that happy, but he does something that turns into happiness for most people. Too many people spend all their time either to make money or to ensure that escape during the holiday. They somehow just - a living testimony to the fact that happiness is associated with the money not always, with a full money order, and with happiness somehow it does not add up.
But if they instead tried to chase the money to do something useful, you probably would be a little happier. In fact, work or achievements can provide a deeper level of personal satisfaction, which is unmatched by any one or a personal watercraft island.
To understand what you still want to achieve in life, how to have a dig. But whether it's work, charity or supergeroystvo in achieving your goals you will surely find happiness. And for the money with this approach, you can buy many things: tools, skills, knowledge, or even your free time to meet the objectives.
But what if you did not want something there to achieve? And what if you do not want to trouble themselves with hard work? Is there an easier way to buy happiness with money? Of course there is.
4. Well, or make everyone else more miserable than themselves
Recent scientific studies have shown that Internet trolls - these are sadists who enjoy humiliating others. But here's the thing: the pleasure of something they feel very real. For them it is - happiness, so if you have more money than is considered decent start troll in real life. Here are a few ideas for starters:
- Get your firm. Better large. Talk about it to anyone who just can.
- When your car suddenly ran out of gas, throw it in the middle of the road. Go and buy yourself another.
- Park your second car directly in front of tow truck that arrived for the first car.
- If necessary, repeat.
- Buy a house someone dreams . Raze it to the ground. Build on this spot the toy store for adults.
- Dismiss any employee. Then "accidentally", meet him again and ask him his name. Name your toy store after him and give him the post of manager.
via factroom.ru