There is no secret of success
It is NECESSARY to work less! It's not me! There is the secret of success — you just have to find it to buy, etc...! Sound familiar? Read. Interesting. Check this list often as we are deceived by his own mind.
I'd be happier if I had less to work with. Our mind often resorted to this argument, claiming that we would be happier if I wasn't supposed to work. We imagine life is full of amusement, and are deceived into thinking that we would be happier. However, the reality is that idleness is often the main cause of boredom and depression. We are hardworking, creative creation. We need to solve problems and improve, to be happy. Get up and put my entire soul into something meaningful for yourself, and you'll see how to raise your degree of happiness!
It's not me, it's them. Our mind tries to make us believe that the reason for our unhappiness — the people around us, our spouses, parents, etc. We are ready to throw accusations left and right, as the kid throws toys in kindergarten. Of course, "tango takes two" — as we blame others, if not more, we feel guilty for the misfortune of others. We must take responsibility for our life situation, and to do everything possible in order to improve it. The moment when we take responsibility for your life, will serve as the Foundation of our true happiness.
In order to be happy, I just need to discover the secret of happiness. I'm sure that there are no secrets to happiness or success. No matter how convinced us books, authors and our own mind, no secret keys from doors Simple human happiness there. You create a picture of your desired future, form a strategy, and then persistently and diligently working on its implementation. There are no short cuts to the cherished purpose, and no secrets. Acceptance of this fact will propel you much further towards happiness than anything else.
If I had.... Our brain is trying to convince us that we would be happier if we had the right job, the right house, the right car or something like that. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best things and circumstances, but that doesn't make us automatically happy. They can temporarily lift us up, but it all passes quickly. Anyone who wants lasting happiness, must realize that barrel desires bottomless, and it never filled to the top.
I love what it is and do not want to change. Allowing yourself to think in this way, we create all preconditions for falling down. Life is a journey in constant change. Some of them we control, some can't. Resistance to change or an attempt to take control is doomed to failure. Change is inevitable. You have to accept it and learn to sail in a continuous stream of changes. The ability to adapt is very important for happiness.
If something hasn't happened to me, it never will be. Our mind often falls into despair and give in to disappointment in a few steps from success. Perseverance is very important to achieve happiness. Never allow your mind to deceive you and take your defeat. You don't know what will bring you tomorrow. Only one day this may be all you need to achieve your dreams.
I'm just going to avoid those things I don't like to do. As a rule, this applies to complex tasks, when our mind tries to convince us in a similar way. Unfortunately, it's often something that can bring the greatest rewards for us. What kind of things you put off? Why? Procrastination and evasion from execution of important things, nagging only delays the onset of happiness. Attack those goals, and you will throw powerful fuel to the fire of your happiness.
The world is dangerous and could happen to me something terrible. Our mind tells us that there are many things beyond our control. For example, natural disasters, crime, economic crisis. Fear is a powerful emotion with which our mind tries to control us. We have to find new facts and trust them to break free and be happy.
I'll decide when I'll know what to do. The more you think, the sooner you get nowhere. Weighing the risks, potential analysis and the adoption of the plan are important factors, but nothing happens until, yet decisions and actions. We very rarely have complete information for decision-making. Stop the doubt! Failure is not the end of the world. Don't let your mind take you into a trap of a total analysis of everything.
I know I shouldn't, but... Our mind tries to trick us, denying the consequences of our bad habits. This is especially true of health issues. "I know I'm not supposed to smoke, but it helps me to lose weight." Or how about this: "I know I shouldn't have, but if I can't enjoy life, then why bother to live." Health problems — of course, it is a challenge to your happiness. Don't let your mind catch you in the trap of self-justification and indulgence to their weaknesses.
Dreams come true for those who are lucky. The mind tells us stories, that we are just toys in the hands of fate. This leads to the idea that nothing good in this life can not occur. What our mind sees as the luck of others, is often the result of long and painstaking work. Believe in your dream with all your heart, and you will be surprised how often, on this journey you are waiting for luck. Also interesting: Cheerfully start but rarely finish. The advice of a psychologist Important benefits of low self-esteem
I never could. Our mind deceives us, saying that we can't do something."I have never worked". "Not at my age". "Not with my talent." Do not fall for this trick. Your mind can be very inventive and can easily slip through your fingers if you let it. You are full of potential and although your circumstances might add complexity to the task, a little persistence and ingenuity can help to overcome everything. If you think you can — you are right, if you think you can't — you are right too.
If you notice that your mind plays such games, looking through his tricks where is the road to your real happiness!
Author: Veronica Rebenko
There is no secret of success. There is Life, there is the art of small steps! published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: yunonalototska.livejournal.com/22315.html

I'd be happier if I had less to work with. Our mind often resorted to this argument, claiming that we would be happier if I wasn't supposed to work. We imagine life is full of amusement, and are deceived into thinking that we would be happier. However, the reality is that idleness is often the main cause of boredom and depression. We are hardworking, creative creation. We need to solve problems and improve, to be happy. Get up and put my entire soul into something meaningful for yourself, and you'll see how to raise your degree of happiness!
It's not me, it's them. Our mind tries to make us believe that the reason for our unhappiness — the people around us, our spouses, parents, etc. We are ready to throw accusations left and right, as the kid throws toys in kindergarten. Of course, "tango takes two" — as we blame others, if not more, we feel guilty for the misfortune of others. We must take responsibility for our life situation, and to do everything possible in order to improve it. The moment when we take responsibility for your life, will serve as the Foundation of our true happiness.
In order to be happy, I just need to discover the secret of happiness. I'm sure that there are no secrets to happiness or success. No matter how convinced us books, authors and our own mind, no secret keys from doors Simple human happiness there. You create a picture of your desired future, form a strategy, and then persistently and diligently working on its implementation. There are no short cuts to the cherished purpose, and no secrets. Acceptance of this fact will propel you much further towards happiness than anything else.
If I had.... Our brain is trying to convince us that we would be happier if we had the right job, the right house, the right car or something like that. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best things and circumstances, but that doesn't make us automatically happy. They can temporarily lift us up, but it all passes quickly. Anyone who wants lasting happiness, must realize that barrel desires bottomless, and it never filled to the top.
I love what it is and do not want to change. Allowing yourself to think in this way, we create all preconditions for falling down. Life is a journey in constant change. Some of them we control, some can't. Resistance to change or an attempt to take control is doomed to failure. Change is inevitable. You have to accept it and learn to sail in a continuous stream of changes. The ability to adapt is very important for happiness.

If something hasn't happened to me, it never will be. Our mind often falls into despair and give in to disappointment in a few steps from success. Perseverance is very important to achieve happiness. Never allow your mind to deceive you and take your defeat. You don't know what will bring you tomorrow. Only one day this may be all you need to achieve your dreams.
I'm just going to avoid those things I don't like to do. As a rule, this applies to complex tasks, when our mind tries to convince us in a similar way. Unfortunately, it's often something that can bring the greatest rewards for us. What kind of things you put off? Why? Procrastination and evasion from execution of important things, nagging only delays the onset of happiness. Attack those goals, and you will throw powerful fuel to the fire of your happiness.
The world is dangerous and could happen to me something terrible. Our mind tells us that there are many things beyond our control. For example, natural disasters, crime, economic crisis. Fear is a powerful emotion with which our mind tries to control us. We have to find new facts and trust them to break free and be happy.
I'll decide when I'll know what to do. The more you think, the sooner you get nowhere. Weighing the risks, potential analysis and the adoption of the plan are important factors, but nothing happens until, yet decisions and actions. We very rarely have complete information for decision-making. Stop the doubt! Failure is not the end of the world. Don't let your mind take you into a trap of a total analysis of everything.
I know I shouldn't, but... Our mind tries to trick us, denying the consequences of our bad habits. This is especially true of health issues. "I know I'm not supposed to smoke, but it helps me to lose weight." Or how about this: "I know I shouldn't have, but if I can't enjoy life, then why bother to live." Health problems — of course, it is a challenge to your happiness. Don't let your mind catch you in the trap of self-justification and indulgence to their weaknesses.

Dreams come true for those who are lucky. The mind tells us stories, that we are just toys in the hands of fate. This leads to the idea that nothing good in this life can not occur. What our mind sees as the luck of others, is often the result of long and painstaking work. Believe in your dream with all your heart, and you will be surprised how often, on this journey you are waiting for luck. Also interesting: Cheerfully start but rarely finish. The advice of a psychologist Important benefits of low self-esteem
I never could. Our mind deceives us, saying that we can't do something."I have never worked". "Not at my age". "Not with my talent." Do not fall for this trick. Your mind can be very inventive and can easily slip through your fingers if you let it. You are full of potential and although your circumstances might add complexity to the task, a little persistence and ingenuity can help to overcome everything. If you think you can — you are right, if you think you can't — you are right too.
If you notice that your mind plays such games, looking through his tricks where is the road to your real happiness!
Author: Veronica Rebenko
There is no secret of success. There is Life, there is the art of small steps! published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: yunonalototska.livejournal.com/22315.html
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