You should know: the impact of semi-products on our health
Eighty nine million forty six thousand four hundred fourteen
Have you ever wondered how people in the diet consists mainly semi-finished products, can at the same time to be overweight and to experience malnutrition? Despite overly abundant calories, people who live at the expense of a pack of macaroni and cheese, frozen dinners, instant noodles and other packaged food products do not get the nutrients in the quantities in which they get people who use natural and organic products.
In addition of deadly GMO ingredients in processed foods in large quantities contain chemicals that can lead to the development of diseases such as obesity and malnutrition.
If you are not completely familiar with how food items may affect your health, read on. What is the semi-finished products are different from natural products? The article is based on frequently asked questions on this topic.
What happens in your body when you eat takeout?
When you eat heavily preserved foods, your body cannot break down, to get the contained nutrients (if these nutrients are actually left after all the processing). Digestive acids our body can't break down processed foods.
Instant noodles remains recognizable in almost all the way through the digestive system, until the moment of elimination from the body. This means that the few nutrients that could it be not available to the body. The availability of nutrients for use by your body is called "bioavailability".
Anyone who relies on processed foods, forced to consume them in larger quantities than necessary in a vain attempt to obtain nutrients. These people are constantly hungry because the body wants vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning.
Mood disorders and mental illness can also be directly linked to the consumption of processed foods. The body lacks omega-3 and other nutrients required for proper brain function and good mental health.
Good nutrition and absence of chemicals does not reduce the seriousness of mental illness, but you can alleviate symptoms if not cure at all.
It's not only malnutrition, but also on the consumption of poison
Additives such as high fructose corn syrup, sugar and monosodium glutamate linked to obesity not only because of the excessive number of useless calories and lack of nutritional bio-availability mentioned above, but also due to the fact that they are addictive.
When you consume them, they actually cause the release of dopamine in your brain – this is the same hormone released when a drug addict is taken over the needle. You will eventually need more and more of the substance to achieve the feelings of joy and euphoria.
Products containing such ingredients is actually designed to be addictive. Now the old is chips takes on a whole new meaning: "I Bet you can't stop?".
But malnutrition and related diseases problems do not end there. Chemicals added to these products are directly linked to cancer, diabetes, infertility, autoimmune disorders and heart disease.
Change your diet
Changing eating habits is one of the most important things you could do for yourself and your family. While semi-inexpensive, quick to prepare and abundant, natural products we require a little more effort. But your health is worth it!
The first thing you need to do to completely rid your kitchen of toxins. If there are, you will eat them. Take one week to only eat what you have prepared for yourself from scratch.
Use only single ingredients: flour, rice, oats, organic milk and yogurt, organic fruit and vegetables, basic stocks from your pantry (yeast, baking soda, etc.). Include your children in the cooking process baking (pretzels, cookies) and gourmet oatmeal with maple syrup (participation in cooking will help to reduce dissatisfaction, if they want the products they are more familiar).
Even if your diet is already pretty clean, you may be surprised to find that you are still dependence on packaged products — and it's bigger than you thought.
Many people are deterred by the high prices on healthy food. And they're right, to a certain extent. If you go to the store for healthy foods and get my organic crackers, fancy bread from the bakery and other gourmet dishes, you will spend a fortune.
But keep in mind that organic products subjected to technological processing, are still processed food. Of course, they are better than regular foods, but still not perfect.
One of the major complaints: cooking natural foods takes too much time. But for permanent cure of various diseases you will spend much more time than cooking from raw ingredients.
Once you will consume less foods, you will begin to notice how awful you feel when you break the mode and eat a bag of chips or a dish of pasta.
Interesting (and scary) the fact that you felt the exact same way constantly until I eliminated these foods from their diet, but didn't realize it because feeling unwell was the norm
Source: mixednews.ru/archives/38673
Have you ever wondered how people in the diet consists mainly semi-finished products, can at the same time to be overweight and to experience malnutrition? Despite overly abundant calories, people who live at the expense of a pack of macaroni and cheese, frozen dinners, instant noodles and other packaged food products do not get the nutrients in the quantities in which they get people who use natural and organic products.
In addition of deadly GMO ingredients in processed foods in large quantities contain chemicals that can lead to the development of diseases such as obesity and malnutrition.
If you are not completely familiar with how food items may affect your health, read on. What is the semi-finished products are different from natural products? The article is based on frequently asked questions on this topic.
What happens in your body when you eat takeout?
When you eat heavily preserved foods, your body cannot break down, to get the contained nutrients (if these nutrients are actually left after all the processing). Digestive acids our body can't break down processed foods.
Instant noodles remains recognizable in almost all the way through the digestive system, until the moment of elimination from the body. This means that the few nutrients that could it be not available to the body. The availability of nutrients for use by your body is called "bioavailability".
Anyone who relies on processed foods, forced to consume them in larger quantities than necessary in a vain attempt to obtain nutrients. These people are constantly hungry because the body wants vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning.
Mood disorders and mental illness can also be directly linked to the consumption of processed foods. The body lacks omega-3 and other nutrients required for proper brain function and good mental health.
Good nutrition and absence of chemicals does not reduce the seriousness of mental illness, but you can alleviate symptoms if not cure at all.
It's not only malnutrition, but also on the consumption of poison
Additives such as high fructose corn syrup, sugar and monosodium glutamate linked to obesity not only because of the excessive number of useless calories and lack of nutritional bio-availability mentioned above, but also due to the fact that they are addictive.
When you consume them, they actually cause the release of dopamine in your brain – this is the same hormone released when a drug addict is taken over the needle. You will eventually need more and more of the substance to achieve the feelings of joy and euphoria.
Products containing such ingredients is actually designed to be addictive. Now the old is chips takes on a whole new meaning: "I Bet you can't stop?".
But malnutrition and related diseases problems do not end there. Chemicals added to these products are directly linked to cancer, diabetes, infertility, autoimmune disorders and heart disease.
Change your diet
Changing eating habits is one of the most important things you could do for yourself and your family. While semi-inexpensive, quick to prepare and abundant, natural products we require a little more effort. But your health is worth it!
The first thing you need to do to completely rid your kitchen of toxins. If there are, you will eat them. Take one week to only eat what you have prepared for yourself from scratch.
Use only single ingredients: flour, rice, oats, organic milk and yogurt, organic fruit and vegetables, basic stocks from your pantry (yeast, baking soda, etc.). Include your children in the cooking process baking (pretzels, cookies) and gourmet oatmeal with maple syrup (participation in cooking will help to reduce dissatisfaction, if they want the products they are more familiar).
Even if your diet is already pretty clean, you may be surprised to find that you are still dependence on packaged products — and it's bigger than you thought.
Many people are deterred by the high prices on healthy food. And they're right, to a certain extent. If you go to the store for healthy foods and get my organic crackers, fancy bread from the bakery and other gourmet dishes, you will spend a fortune.
But keep in mind that organic products subjected to technological processing, are still processed food. Of course, they are better than regular foods, but still not perfect.
One of the major complaints: cooking natural foods takes too much time. But for permanent cure of various diseases you will spend much more time than cooking from raw ingredients.
Once you will consume less foods, you will begin to notice how awful you feel when you break the mode and eat a bag of chips or a dish of pasta.
Interesting (and scary) the fact that you felt the exact same way constantly until I eliminated these foods from their diet, but didn't realize it because feeling unwell was the norm
Source: mixednews.ru/archives/38673
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