Forgotten useful properties of balm "Star"
Often "Star" is used to get rid of itching caused by mosquito bites. Due to the cooling effect, the itching really goes away for 15-20 minutes, then it can appear again.
• When a cold is carried out ointment under the nose, smear the wings of the nose or make inhalations (a little ointment is dissolved in boiling water, bow the head above it, covering it with a towel, and breathe; another option is to use a special inhaler).
• From a headache rub whiskey, eyebrow arches, the area above the upper lip. Be careful: if you apply balm with your fingers, in no case rub your eyes with them, but it is better to wash your hands thoroughly immediately after applying the balm.
• With a cold, the ointment is often rubbed in the abdomen, chest, back.
• With pain in the muscles and joints, the balm is rubbed into disturbing areas.
• With seasickness, it is useful to rub balm into the back of the head and whiskey.
• Help "Star" and depression - rubbing balm into whiskey, brow arches and the back of the head, you will sleep better and return mental harmony. And you can do aromatherapy - a little balm (sized less than the head of a pin) should be placed in an aroma lamp, pour water and light a candle.
Pay attention!
• Using "Star", make sure that it does not fall on the mucous membranes, open wounds, pustular skin diseases. If this still happens, immediately wash the affected area with plenty of water.
• Due to the use of "Star" can cause adverse reactions, allergies. If you feel unwell, wash off the ointment and do not use it again.
• Can anyone use this balm? No, not everyone. Any drug has contraindications - and the "Star" including. Namely, increased sensitivity to its components.
• Children under 2 years of age are prohibited from using balm.
Source: vk.com/siladuh?w=wall-49411707_41589