Balsam "Golden Star"

Balsam "Gold Star" (Vietnam. Cao Sao vàng, Eng. Golden star balm, sometimes - affectionately "asterisk") - medicines, ointment, liquid balm, pencil inhalation, cosmetic patch cooling, syrup, nasal drops, patch, nasal Spray Vietnamese production with a characteristic odor, used in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
Russia has registered three kinds of balm "Gold Star": pencil inhalation, ointment and liquid balm.
However, the most popular product of the Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry in Russia since the Soviet times, became the balm "Gold Star" - based on eucalyptus oil and camphor. Balm in a round tin of red jar, the people affectionately referred to as "asterisk", was very popular among Soviet citizens - they rubbed aching temples, nose smeared with a cold, treated corn and mosquito bites. This balm devoted dozens of sites in Russian, where visitors indulge in nostalgia: "When I remember this sharp refreshing smell, so shivering chills. I'm sure it's wonderful and widespread means everyone knows who was born and raised in the former Soviet Union ... »
Balsam produced Vietnamese enterprises "Pharmaceutical Plant №2». Besides the "Golden Star" (the name of the Vietnamese Cao Sao vàng), the company has also made several other kinds of balms that are successfully sold abroad.
By the way, that's how to sell "asterisk" in 1982.
Sprocket is widely used to relieve symptoms of acute respiratory infections, flu, dizziness, headache, colds. Runny nose (as symptomatic treatment in combination therapy), insect bites.
Pencil for inhalation is used as an antiseptic in the complex terapiirinita. Good help with discomfort in the nasopharynx at the first symptoms of ARI.
Balm for external application: a small amount of the drug is applied to the individual sections and rubbed into the skin, headache - in the temples and the nape of the neck; at a cold - below the nostrils; for colds - in the chest, back, abdomen; insect bites - on the site of the bite.
Pencil Inhalation: breathe into each nasal passage 10-15 times a day for 1-2 breaths for 1 admission.

But some are not quite ordinary ways of applying the balm "Golden Star»:
1. In 90th sprocket used by schoolchildren as a panacea for controlling, laboratory, and other misfortunes. It was enough to rub this wonderful tool in the area of the lower eyelid in a couple of minutes before the lesson, resulting in reddened eyes, tears and swelling. At the sight of all this teacher began to shit bricks and released the unfortunate patient's home.
2. Let the jar sometimes stuffed "saltpeter paper" (paper soaked in a solution of nitrate, dried and torn into small pieces), punched nail edge and bottom with a wick inserted back of the same paper. Then the device should have been set on fire and watch the passers shy away from chaotically flying incandescent material.
3. From thereof balm sometimes produced slezogonnuyu mixture (solution in gasoline), and tucked in bryzgalki-type water gun or yuzannogo disposable syringe, yielding an analogue of modern inkjet cartridge. The jet of the eyes completely exasperated enemy failed.

In the conclusion of fasting I wish everyone good health, do not get sick!)))