A healthy diet without violence against a

In this article I do not aim to promote one or the other power supply system. It let everyone chooses on the basis of their ethical principles, bodily Constitution, preferences, and so on. However, no matter what you eat, eat foods that are helpful to all. In the usual and mostly useless diet of the average Russian, they are not included. Meanwhile, their use not only solves many of the problems which usually temporarily stoped already at the terminal stage – with pills and doctors, but also makes the food much more intense energy “live”.
I didn't have any point of reference, when I started thinking about the food system. It just keeps happening, over practices, to improve the feeling of your body and its needs, just informational knowledge. Three years ago I started to gradually remove from your diet the junk foods and replace them with others. First was a base of: vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, honey, fresh dairy products and cereals. Especially helped that I fell in love with Indian food – even if it is not at all useful, but sensible grain, and especially, excellent taste in it are definitely present.
Then, with bodily practices, came the more subtle sensation. For example, by themselves, eliminated some of the adverse product mix. I began to intuitively prefer the sourdough bread yeast made in the thermophilic fungi. Stopped to pull on starch foods – potatoes, bananas. Like mushrooms, except that occasionally chanterelles and shiitake. And most importantly, was to always read the labels on the packaging, the taste to distinguish between useful and useless.
It is important to remember that food needs an individual approach to itself. Someone perfectly assimilates and starch, and mushrooms. Well, thank God. I, for one, is bad. What about this speech: it is necessary to feel its own characteristics, and not simply to follow fashion. But only for the body to adequately signal their needs, which is purified from harmful deposits, Intrusive habits and bad thoughts. It is also worth bearing in mind, listening to yourself.
In the last year started to come a new interest in food, and I was surprised to notice that there are many products that are possessing wonderful taste and nutritional qualities, is almost unknown to the General public. I became a frequent visitor to themed shops and online health food stores and "eco-shops", which in St. Petersburg abound. No matter what they are the products of largely fashion, but the trend is good: they mean that people are thinking about themselves, and about the nature of more than ten, fifty and a hundred years ago.
I have never had relapses, temptations, desires to return somewhere, to eat something "forbidden"... Probably because the temptation is, when holding my power, make. And when you feel good and easy from what you're doing, there is only the joy of new achievements.
Here are some foods that I always try to have in the kitchen.
Sprouted grainsSprouted grains are wheat, oat, rye, lentil, and many other cultures. The basis of their use is that the germination of the grain begins to develop, giving rise to a new organism of the plant. It contains almost all known nutrients, various minerals, etc. – the Internet is easy to find on this sea of information.
To sprout the grain very easily, I would even say elementary. They grow themselves, do almost nothing. This is a very good food can be eaten anywhere: in salads, raw soups, bread or cookies and so on. Grains can be eaten just like that or Paramonov previously in a blender into a homogeneous mass.

These newborn plants are even sorry to eat. They are very much alive. But we can't not to eat. I consoled myself with the thought that someday will plant more plants than they eat.
Plus lies in the fact that these grains are created at home, and produce grain germination and in the middle belt and the North – that is, they don't need nowhere to go. Maybe part of the reason they are digested so easily.
Chia seedsThese seeds I recently saw them in one of the shops of "healthy nutrition" in St. Petersburg. They came from South America, associated with many beautiful legends about how they ate Indian warriors, going for long hikes.
Their physical properties are quite unusual. It is sufficient to mix them with a small amount of water to form an almost homogeneous mass, which can be eaten with anything, even just. Taste and smell they have. It turns out a highly saturated different kinds of nutrients of BAD, which does not affect the taste of food.

In addition to Chia, you can pay attention to the many "miracle bean": for example, amaranth.
Vegetable oilsays a lot About them, and, in General, not in vain. The shortcomings of some of the radical power systems are that they are not taken into account the needs of the human body. Some fruit can not eat, and it's not even in the climate. Blood vessel walls are composed of cholesterol, formed internal organs including adipose tissue. To live, need fat – but the fats are "good" and in moderation.
Now in the big cities to find a variety of oil no problem. I personally won walnut oil, cedar oil, black cumin oil. An old-fashioned olive oil can also be very useful – but because of the abundance of the range easy to make a mistake. Real olive oil has a strong, incomparable taste, with herbaceous notes. It must be unrefined, first cold pressed.
In Peter, for example, long ago there were specialty stores of olive oil. We often recall how in San Francisco, a vegetarian shop, stood rows of barrels of olive oil, with taps. Each variety could taste and inhale the aroma.
In a variety of vegetable oils from nuts and grains contain all substances that is usually attributed solely to the innards of a fish: omega-3 and other (?), oil is also affect the digestion, in my experience.
Each for himself must find the right dosage of the oils, it all depends on body Constitution and current state.
Cerealsin Addition to living grains, and you need to eat and cereals. They are digested faster, cook them very simply, and on multi-day camping trip or during the journey, and they did nothing to replace. However, here, too, has its own specifics. For example, semolina, which many do not like a child, utterly useless, despite its pleasant taste, because of the grain it crushed to loss of nutrients. Similarly, incidentally, with the flour.
The best, delicious and nutritious cereal made with whole grains. Buckwheat, millet, rice is good, too. But lately, I especially love the spelt is wild wheat, which grows luxuriantly in the South of our country and does not require for its cultivation no chemicals. It is cheap, and the body is perceived to cheer. Any cereal made from whole organic grains provide energy, especially at high physical activity, and improve metabolism.
Of rice, the main ingredient of Ayurvedic dishes, you can do a lot
interesting. We, for example, we love vegetarian sushi rolls made of sushi rice, seaweed and fresh vegetables inside.

It is not recommended to eat porridge with milk for the reason that milk combined with other foods to digest very hard. It should be drunk separately, especially good to eat it warm, with saffron, you can add quite a bit of honey.
Porridge is better to do on the water or on soybean (rice, almond) milk. However, this is a separate issue for a great article.
Raw food sweets.I do not believe that a radical transition to a 100% raw food diet is completely reasonable, especially for those who like increased physical activity, including in nature. There, paradoxically, it is not always possible in a short time to find enough foods rich in protein, sugars, fats products to meet the needs of the body. About the cold winters and generally low-temperature environment is silent – there is definitely need hot food.
However, while we are in the hothouse urban (or rural) environment, we have a variety of different products, and in addition, also the hottest time of the year, raw food, according to my standards, should be 70-90% of the diet. It is possible to do anything: salads, raw soups in the blender, beautiful sweets, and you can eat them and just not "getting". This raw tomato soup with spices, herbs and avocado

Of course, wonderful when you eat plants grown in your own home. It is, as in the case of grains, it is even morally uncomfortable: they become attached, perceived as a living being, not a package from the store. In this case it is possible to apologize to the plant, carefully cut a few leaves and leave to grow.
As for the sweets – it's my favorite part of the lunch meal. These sweets are made without sugar, of delicious and useful foods. This, for example, appeared to be very good improvised sweets. Their base is made from ground in a blender, sunflower seeds and walnuts with a banana and honey. Inside – fresh, with a pleasant sour red currant berries. Outside they obvalyali in carob – sweet without added sugar and similar in taste to the chocolate powder carob.
Overall, clean and healthy, and not having bad habits and painful pristrastie, always knows what he actually needs. And the need is always different – from day to day wishes in food may change, and that's fine. You need to listen to themselves, their internal changes, natural cycles.
Of course, you need to properly mix the products, avoiding the mixing of incompatible. And most importantly – you need to cook and eat in a blissful state of mind, not keeping inside the evil or sad thoughts, and enjoying every minute of this enjoyable process. published
Author: Andrey Korobkin
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