About love for beans with slight tummy plus a casserole of white beans and cauliflower

“Is it possible to do something with the individual response of gazoobrazovanija to bean, black bread, cabbage and so on, if you really want to use them for reasons of their nutritional richness?”Individual difficulties with digestion in the form of increased gas and bloating causes contained in the beans in a large enough amount of fiber, more specifically, soluble fiber. Soluble fiber = a complex carbohydrate, a polysaccharide (in the beans contain a polysaccharide called “raffinose”), which people cannot digest due to the lack of specific enzymes. Despite this, it is very important to health important as food for the numerous bacteria that inhabit our gut, in other words, to maintain a health microflora.
According to the latest estimates of scientists, in the human gut is home to between 300 to 1000 different species of friendly bacteria with whom we evolved over millions of years and have developed a symbiotic relationship. Many of the features of human activity performed by bacteria — protection against pathogenic bacteria, digestion, synthesis of vitamins, detoxification, immunity and more. Accordingly, the content in the diet of a sufficient amount of fiber, which the bacteria convert into fatty acids, necessary for maintaining healthy microflora.
The composition of the microflora varies depending on the type of food — meat eater microflora is dominated by bacteria than from those that thrive in the microflora of vegetarians. By eating beans at the optimum, “Bezhanovo” the situation in the intestine there is a sufficient number of bacteria of a certain type, able to ferment raffinose beans into fatty acids. The lack of such bacteria this type of fiber is fermented with the same efficiency in other bacteria with a by-product in the form of uncomfortable carbon dioxide.
What you can doto avoid discomfort from eating beans and to gradually optimise the composition of the microflora:
— to start with legumes, which are most easy to digest — with Masha and lentils
— include legumes in small portions
— soak beans overnight with the addition of a teaspoon of acid in Apple cider vinegar or lemon juice and then drain the water from soaking
— germinate (germination activates the production of germ growth and thus makes the beans more nutritious and easier to digest)
to ferment, or “sour” beans by analogy with cabbage (a technique very widely used in Asian cuisine, particularly with soybeans)
— add when cooking beans ( the same thing works with cabbage) spices that aid digestion — ginger, turmeric, fennel, fennel seeds; also by analogy with the soaking can be added to the finished dish lemon juice
— include legumes with meals containing probiotics with fermented vegetables, yogurt (preferably own production of milk of known origin)
I would be very glad if you share your experience of the use of legumes. Have you ever had to “teach” the body to better learning and what helped you?
Gratin (=casserole) of white beans and colored caustics that the casserole turned out tender and creamy, the beans it is advisable to choose larger. Great for this beans Lima. If you don't have fennel, you can replace it with an extra portion of cauliflower. Is this pudding can be different — it is very good as a spread for vegetables, crackers, as a garnish and it looks like even on the main dish accompanied by a good green salad, for example.
- 1 Cup white beans (not too small, otherwise it will not work with a soft, creamy consistency)
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons of unrefined sea salt
- 1 tablespoon olive oil cold pressed
- 2 Bay leaves
- 4-5 cloves of garlic
- 2 cups or approximately the same amount of fennel and/or cauliflower
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon of hot pepper or to taste
- 2/3 Cup raw almonds or whole-grain bread crumbs (= homemade breadcrumbs)
Soak the beans overnight in cold water with lemon juice or Apple cider vinegar about 2 volumes of water.
Drain water from beans and pour fresh, add the Bay leaf, the peeled garlic. Bring beans to a boil and simmer gently 1-1.5 until tender. About half of the process add salt and olive oil.
Preheat the oven to 200C. Cauliflower cut into small florets, fennel into small pieces about the same size as the cauliflower. In a large bowl combine the vegetables with rosemary, thyme, olive oil, pepper and lemon juice. Stir so that the dressing gets evenly distributed across all vegetables. Arrange on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other, flat sides down, and roast for 15-30 minutes depending on size until Golden spots.
Almond grind in a coffee grinder to a state of large crumbs, divide into 2 parts.
Beans mixed with vegetables and a little grind in a blender or mash with a potato masher so that the mass is preserved small pieces of beans and vegetables. Add half of the almond crumbs and stir. The rest of the crumbs to put on top and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, until top is Golden brown.
When serving, sprinkle with greens of fennel or any other on request. published
Source: buckwheatandspinach.com/white-bean-fennel-gratin/