Incredible sculptures of ordinary wood by Peter Demetz
Italian sculptor Peter Demetz creates his incredibly realistic compositions of normal wood. The sculptures range in size from 20 to 50 centimeters in height. The attitude of a sculptor to detail inspires awe and respect. Using the tree, it forms tiny folds, plays the falling strands of hair and knows the human anatomy, apparently, so well that you would think his work is just live. The realism of everything from human figures to scenes in which they are depicted, great conveying the mood, everything is amazing. Follow the creativity on the website of the master.
Source: www.readandpost.ru/iz-obychnogo-dereva/

Source: www.readandpost.ru/iz-obychnogo-dereva/
About love for beans with slight tummy plus a casserole of white beans and cauliflower
The Japanese have created a toothpaste that teeth sealed