14 sculptures on which physical laws have no power
Forty one million seven hundred forty eight thousand four hundred ten
Around the world and even on the Internet — Hello modern technology — you can find amazing sculptures. Their creators simply took and destroyed all the traditions that prevailed in the world of fine art. The website takes off a hat before masters, which make it impossible.
"Wonderland", Canada
The coolest thing about this statue in calgary is to be inside her! Outside this 12-foot wire frame in the form of the head, inside a world, made by a Spanish sculptor, Jaume Plensa.
"Karma", USA
The creation of the Korean sculptor To-Ho Suh greets visitors to the new York art gallery the Albright-Knox and at once strikes the imagination. The height of the statue is only 7 meters, but it seems that it is infinite.
"The last supper", USA
Sculpture of albert Shokalskogo in the Ghost town in Rhyolite is the author's reinterpretation of Leonardo da Vinci. The background of the famous Death Valley figures look especially mysterious at night, when lit from the inside with a special illumination.
"Diamonds", Australia
The photo is not inverted. New Zealand master Neil Dawson creates sculptures, unmissable and not to try to learn how they manage to float in the air. And the effect is created using stealth cables.
A balancing figure, Dubai
Completely defies the laws of physics it's a balancing bronze miracle. As the sculptures of the Polish master Jerzy KENDZERA not turn over under its own gravity and gusts of wind — a mystery almost for everyone.
The monument to the violinist, Holland
At the famous Amsterdam "het Muziektheater", where the city hall and Music theatre, for the installation of the sculpture of the violinist did not regret and broke the marble floor. Who is the author of creation — the real intrigue. At least in the urban municipality shrug and prefer "not to notice" it.
Porsche at the Festival of speed, UK
Gerry Judah creates incredible sculptures out of cars that are floating in infinite space. In the framework of the annual Festival of speed at Goodwood, he has worked with the most famous brands in the world.
"Reducing and climbing", Australia
Stairway to heaven by David McCracken, established in Sydney, has a secret. Each subsequent step is smaller than the previous. So looking at it, it seems that it is infinite.
"The inevitability of time"
Greek painter and sculptor Adam Marinakis creates digital sculptures in the genre of futuristic virtual art. They can be seen only on the Internet or prints. But it is modern art to open new ways of expression.
"Features of gravity for the elephant"
Sculpture-traveler Daniel Freeman managed to visit even in the Paris castle of Fontainebleau. And it was created by the author in the dedication of his theory that the elephant could balance on its own trunk at a distance of 18 million miles from earth.
"Runner", Greece
Greek "Dromeus" can be seen in Athens. From any angle the feeling that he is moving. And came up with this great figure of the insane number of pieces of dark green glass sculptor Kostas Varotsos.
Underwater sculpture, Mexico
Whole underwater parks in different parts of the world — the merit of sculptor Jason Taylor. To make habitual selfie with the exhibits, will have to try and stock up on scuba gear.
Another representative of digital art — Chad knight. Your virtual sculptures he places in landscapes close to reality. And makes it so amazing, fantastic images come to life.
"Ali and Nino", Georgia
To create a dynamic sculpture Tamara Kvesitadze was inspired by the love story of 2 characters. Figures are in perpetual motion — first towards each other, merging into one, and then diverge in the inevitable breakup.
Photo on preview Adam Martinakis /3d visual artist
According to the materials viraldazed, funnyworm, creators.vice, whatsupwithamsterdam
See also
15 of the most unusual sculptures from around the world
17 contemporary sculptures that you can fall in love
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/17-sovremennyh-skulptur-kotorye-mozhno-polyubit-714410/
Around the world and even on the Internet — Hello modern technology — you can find amazing sculptures. Their creators simply took and destroyed all the traditions that prevailed in the world of fine art. The website takes off a hat before masters, which make it impossible.
"Wonderland", Canada

The coolest thing about this statue in calgary is to be inside her! Outside this 12-foot wire frame in the form of the head, inside a world, made by a Spanish sculptor, Jaume Plensa.
"Karma", USA

The creation of the Korean sculptor To-Ho Suh greets visitors to the new York art gallery the Albright-Knox and at once strikes the imagination. The height of the statue is only 7 meters, but it seems that it is infinite.
"The last supper", USA

Sculpture of albert Shokalskogo in the Ghost town in Rhyolite is the author's reinterpretation of Leonardo da Vinci. The background of the famous Death Valley figures look especially mysterious at night, when lit from the inside with a special illumination.
"Diamonds", Australia

The photo is not inverted. New Zealand master Neil Dawson creates sculptures, unmissable and not to try to learn how they manage to float in the air. And the effect is created using stealth cables.
A balancing figure, Dubai

Completely defies the laws of physics it's a balancing bronze miracle. As the sculptures of the Polish master Jerzy KENDZERA not turn over under its own gravity and gusts of wind — a mystery almost for everyone.
The monument to the violinist, Holland

At the famous Amsterdam "het Muziektheater", where the city hall and Music theatre, for the installation of the sculpture of the violinist did not regret and broke the marble floor. Who is the author of creation — the real intrigue. At least in the urban municipality shrug and prefer "not to notice" it.
Porsche at the Festival of speed, UK

Gerry Judah creates incredible sculptures out of cars that are floating in infinite space. In the framework of the annual Festival of speed at Goodwood, he has worked with the most famous brands in the world.
"Reducing and climbing", Australia

Stairway to heaven by David McCracken, established in Sydney, has a secret. Each subsequent step is smaller than the previous. So looking at it, it seems that it is infinite.
"The inevitability of time"

Greek painter and sculptor Adam Marinakis creates digital sculptures in the genre of futuristic virtual art. They can be seen only on the Internet or prints. But it is modern art to open new ways of expression.
"Features of gravity for the elephant"

Sculpture-traveler Daniel Freeman managed to visit even in the Paris castle of Fontainebleau. And it was created by the author in the dedication of his theory that the elephant could balance on its own trunk at a distance of 18 million miles from earth.
"Runner", Greece

Greek "Dromeus" can be seen in Athens. From any angle the feeling that he is moving. And came up with this great figure of the insane number of pieces of dark green glass sculptor Kostas Varotsos.
Underwater sculpture, Mexico

Whole underwater parks in different parts of the world — the merit of sculptor Jason Taylor. To make habitual selfie with the exhibits, will have to try and stock up on scuba gear.
Another representative of digital art — Chad knight. Your virtual sculptures he places in landscapes close to reality. And makes it so amazing, fantastic images come to life.
"Ali and Nino", Georgia

To create a dynamic sculpture Tamara Kvesitadze was inspired by the love story of 2 characters. Figures are in perpetual motion — first towards each other, merging into one, and then diverge in the inevitable breakup.
Photo on preview Adam Martinakis /3d visual artist
According to the materials viraldazed, funnyworm, creators.vice, whatsupwithamsterdam
See also
15 of the most unusual sculptures from around the world
17 contemporary sculptures that you can fall in love
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/17-sovremennyh-skulptur-kotorye-mozhno-polyubit-714410/
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