Hidden reserves of the human body
To sustain life the human body the essential of basic needs such as food, water, sleep and oxygen. If a person is deprived of one of them, then after a few minutes or days the person will die. In an extreme situation, when we are talking about how to survive, the organism may significantly increase this time, contrary to all known laws of nature and to the doctors. A figurative expression about the ability of a person to cross the oceans and move mountains in such conditions turns into quite the real course of events.
In the struggle for life, the body begins to tap the hidden internal reserves. There are many cases where people survive in critical conditions, where, apparently, they had virtually no chance. We remembered some real stories that prove the limitless possibilities of the human body.
In July 1942, four Soviet sailors found themselves without water and food in the boat in the middle of the Black sea. On the third day the sailors began to drink sea water, using up to two jars a day. In 19 days of sailing without fresh water exhausted from hunger, the people began to die. The first left his companions on the 19th, and the second left on the 24th, the third on the 30th day. The longest lasted Pavel Ivanovich Eresko. On the 36th day of fasting he found the sailors of the warship. During this time he lost weight 22 kg., which accounted for 32% of its initial weight, but was still alive.
It is believed that the fatal cooling of the body, finding in the cold water, must occur after 60 — 90 min. In April 1975, the 60-year-old biologist Warren Churchill did research on covered with floating ice of the lake. His boat capsized, and about 1.5 hours, the man was in the water, whose temperature was + 5°C. By the time the doctors his heart was monitored, the temperature of the internal organs decreased to 16°C. However, the biologist was still alive.
The maximum duration of stay of the person without water depends on ambient temperature and physical activity. Resting in the shade at a temperature of 16 — 23°C a person may not drink for 10 days, when the air temperature is 26°C. this period is reduced to 9 days. After the earthquake in Mexico in 1985 under the rubble rescuers found alive 9-year-old boy who didn't eat or drink for 13 days.
On average, the body can withstand more than 4 days without sleep. But in 1963, 17-year-old Randy Gardner decided to challenge this assertion. For 11 days in a row, the young man did not sleep.
The average person can be without air a maximum of 5 minutes. But this time can be increased, if before the breath deeply and often breathe pure oxygen. So, Californian Robert foster after these breathing exercises could be without an aqualung under water for 13 minutes and 42.5 seconds.
The human body can withstand in dry air temperature of 71°C for one hour, and 104°C — 26 minutes. However, in 1828, had described a case of a 14-minute stay men in the furnace, the temperature reached 170°C.
It is established that the person spends 70% of his muscular energy, and the remaining 30% — a reserve for emergencies. Such a case fell in duty firefighter Chris Hickman in 2008 in Florida. Without assistance and support tools, he lifted 30 cm from the ground Chevrolet Blazer to release the jammed arm of the driver. published
Source: dnpmag.com/2015/03/10/skrytye-rezervy-chelovecheskogo-organizma/
In the struggle for life, the body begins to tap the hidden internal reserves. There are many cases where people survive in critical conditions, where, apparently, they had virtually no chance. We remembered some real stories that prove the limitless possibilities of the human body.
In July 1942, four Soviet sailors found themselves without water and food in the boat in the middle of the Black sea. On the third day the sailors began to drink sea water, using up to two jars a day. In 19 days of sailing without fresh water exhausted from hunger, the people began to die. The first left his companions on the 19th, and the second left on the 24th, the third on the 30th day. The longest lasted Pavel Ivanovich Eresko. On the 36th day of fasting he found the sailors of the warship. During this time he lost weight 22 kg., which accounted for 32% of its initial weight, but was still alive.
It is believed that the fatal cooling of the body, finding in the cold water, must occur after 60 — 90 min. In April 1975, the 60-year-old biologist Warren Churchill did research on covered with floating ice of the lake. His boat capsized, and about 1.5 hours, the man was in the water, whose temperature was + 5°C. By the time the doctors his heart was monitored, the temperature of the internal organs decreased to 16°C. However, the biologist was still alive.
The maximum duration of stay of the person without water depends on ambient temperature and physical activity. Resting in the shade at a temperature of 16 — 23°C a person may not drink for 10 days, when the air temperature is 26°C. this period is reduced to 9 days. After the earthquake in Mexico in 1985 under the rubble rescuers found alive 9-year-old boy who didn't eat or drink for 13 days.
On average, the body can withstand more than 4 days without sleep. But in 1963, 17-year-old Randy Gardner decided to challenge this assertion. For 11 days in a row, the young man did not sleep.
The average person can be without air a maximum of 5 minutes. But this time can be increased, if before the breath deeply and often breathe pure oxygen. So, Californian Robert foster after these breathing exercises could be without an aqualung under water for 13 minutes and 42.5 seconds.
The human body can withstand in dry air temperature of 71°C for one hour, and 104°C — 26 minutes. However, in 1828, had described a case of a 14-minute stay men in the furnace, the temperature reached 170°C.
It is established that the person spends 70% of his muscular energy, and the remaining 30% — a reserve for emergencies. Such a case fell in duty firefighter Chris Hickman in 2008 in Florida. Without assistance and support tools, he lifted 30 cm from the ground Chevrolet Blazer to release the jammed arm of the driver. published
Source: dnpmag.com/2015/03/10/skrytye-rezervy-chelovecheskogo-organizma/
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