Stacked bow — perfect for a small garden
Why this bow is called stacked?Bow tiered (Egyptian, canadian, horned viviparous) is characterized by high medicinal properties. The leaves have high anti-bacterial activity and used as an anti-inflammatory, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
In appearance similar to onion stacked onion (the arrow appears after the last worksheet), but instead of blossoms, it forms the air follicles, which are located on the spit "nests" in some circles, and basal bulbs.
The leaves stacked onion, like onion, fistular, hollow, dark green with a waxy coating. He gives a large amount of greenery, which grows earlier than the other bows. Greens this differs tenderness, juiciness, pleasant flavor. The leaves contain vitamin C in 1.5-2 times more than leaves of onion. They retain high palatability for 3-4 months, which is considerably longer than the leaves of the onions-a Welsh onion and chives.
Stacked bow is very hardy, winters without shelter. Resistant to frost bulbs, and if they remain to winter on the surface of the land, as a rule, germinate the following spring.
What varieties of tiered onion grow?In the state included two varieties: Likova and Memory. Early-ripening varieties, the period of regrowth of leaves before harvest 22 - 24 days. Basal bulb weakly expressed. Inflorescence of 2 to 8 air bulbs weighing 5-6 g of green-purple.
Grown as a tiered bow?Air bulbs preferably grown in the early to mid-August, while the bulbs have time to root and to form leaves until frost. Can be planted in September, but not later.
Before planting, ridge dug, making humus 10-15 kg/m2 of mineral fertilizer complex with trace elements (50-60 g/m2). On the ridge 30 cm make furrows, watered them and planted the bulbs at a distance of 15-20 cm and 3-4 cm deep 1 m2 need about 25-30 follicles.
In the spring, after the snow melts, spend fertilizer: ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate 10 g/m2. Grow the leaves can not remove the cutting, pinching off, after which the plants give another leaves. The arrows in the formation of follicles lose their resilience, so along the row you need to pull the string and the arrow tie.
Air bulbs Mature in late July — early August, acquiring a brownish-purple color. Collected bulbs are dried in the sun, and the arrows are cut and removed. Autumn leaves stacked onion grows again. The bulbs have a very short dormant period, so they can be immediately planted to obtain leaves. Starting from the second year of life of onions during the growing season, make two cuts. published
Source: www.idealdomik.ru/nasha-dacha/luk-vyraschivanie-luka/luk-mnogojarusnyi-vyraschivanie-mnogojarusnogo-luka.html