Wholesome bread without flour and yeast

1 Cup sunflower seeds
1/2 Cup flax seeds
1/2 Cup hazelnuts
1.5 cups rolled oats (not quick cooking)4 tablespoons bran
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon brown sugar (or maple syrup or few drops stevia)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1.5 cups of water
Cooking time: 60 minutes.
If you have a household have a silicone baking pan – take it. If not, no big deal, you can do the usual. Just have it covered with parchment paper (leaving large tails on the sides) and a little oil.
In a bowl combine all dry ingredients. In a separate container, mix sugar (or another sweetener, take, and maybe not), the oil and water. Whisk well and pour in the mixture of dry ingredients. Very good mix.
Immediately put the batter in the pan, even out. Leave the dough for an hour or two if possible, and longer. It should be very dense, i.e., even in the raw as yet unbaked loaf should take the form.
Preheat the oven to 175-180 degrees. Put the form with the dough in the oven on the middle bars. Bake for 20 minutes.
Now we need the baking sheet. Get the form, carefully turn it upside down on a baking sheet, and seized the bread. That's why in the beginning it was about the silicone mould, it is removed polypropeeni loaf easier.
Now put the pan back with polugodovymi bread in the oven and bake for another 30-40 minutes. The willingness of bread can be determined by tapping it, the sound should be hollow. Be sure to give the bread to cool completely before use.
Shelf life in closed container: up to 5 days published
Source: rus-health.info/Polezniy-hleb-bez-muki-i-drozhzhey-2067.html
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