What to do to sleep only a few hours a day at a convenient time

What to do to sleep only a few hours a day at a convenient time?
1. But fear
2. Able to disengage with social habits
3. To engage in such activities, which not prevents it
I do not get to sleep strictly on 3-4 hours a day and no more, as it would be a tough schedule, and any stiffness will not work here. The end result is a floating curve, like this: 3-3-5-4-3-7-2-3-4-3 hours and so on.
Go directly to this mode is to go out and run a marathon. Get hurt a couple of kilometers. You need to train yourself to look for options to move incrementally in the selected direction.
It should be understood that if released time is really nowhere to go, nothing happens — itself in this matter is not to cheat. If you spend it on trivia, on TV, on entertainment — also nothing happens.
In my own case everything depends on the understanding that in this world nothing is impossible to do but projects. To operate on somebody purely for a salary? It makes sense only at the stage of learning, either in the form of additional challenge. Another thing — projects. Of the total available choose what not to choose is simply impossible, and doing-doing-doing. In any project, you can always do something else, so it always requires more resource than it is. Including temporary. This means that active immersion in the project will require the maximum possible time. Here is the question of sleep by itself, and takes his seat.
The time of day when sleep is most effective, each will have its. This is due to activities and characteristics/history of the body/psyche. It may be, for example, that the daytime — hoo as much! And all because of the fact that there were decades-old ban on daytime sleep ("day only children sleeping"). It may be that better to sleep 2-3 hours in the early morning and 2-3 hours in the evening.
You also need to understand that the transition to a "strange schedule" sleep will lead to desync with "columnam egregore". The first time it will be felt as pressure on his part. If there are clear columnae aspirations, sleep, in the end, still have.
Short but sufficient sleep is associated with the ability not to strain in vain in principle — not to waste emotions, not "grind for zhis," not to fight to the death for cloth and wrappers. If there is voltage, normal sleep will not. If there is no voltage at some point sleep will come. Quietly come and go quickly :)
Great ironic unfortunate decent people who go to bed "at ten," because tomorrow "early to rise"!
Sleep and food are two universal "cutaways", the natural way alter the physiological process and giving a needed "rest".
After all, what is a vacation? It's just a change of physiological processes. By itself, the body knows not rest. He is of the same nature as the outer world that is "always there" and never rests. During sleep, for example, burned to a quarter of consumed calories a day — and that's just considered part of the cost. Deep inside, during sleep, the body is busy "defragmentation", which usually end up not possible, which accumulate distortions and this eventually leads to disease. Those distortions in a moderate form become.
During the day, in most cases, accumulates something that can be called Dissatisfaction. She, gradually, in a more dense form deposited in the body and psyche.
The chances of accumulation of Dissatisfaction are as follows:
1. Wanted to do something, and had to do another
2. Wanted to say something, but did not say
3. Was going to do that, but nothing came of it
4. Came into conflict
5. Discussed good for nothing government
and the like.
For dealing with Dissatisfaction should:
a) to recognize it
b) to see how it arises
C) to understand its essence
Transformerait understanding of what is happening. A flash of Dissatisfaction, a too narrow understanding give rise to the consolidation and fragmentation. In the end, many pieces of all different inside, can not be considered a living organism and has been steadily excluded from life.
When you write, say, a letter, or hammer a nail, then absorbed it. That is, few realize how this process involved the whole world. It turns out that a fragment of the world deepened in a fragment of the world, creating new fragments. And you need to set the whole world off it through you. This is a fundamentally different approach.
So in the end the traditional "where to start?"
It's all in the best traditions of cross-pollination. One pulls the other. Better to start with, that inspires itself goes. This may be the job with sleep, and awareness of what is happening, and observation of their habits and many other things. The transition to "integrity" is not a linear task. Sequential steps to solve it will not work. Just need to start moving in the wrong direction.published
Source: ariom.ru/blog/
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