How to learn how to do push-UPS from the floor
Push-UPS — this is one of the basic exercise that ever made almost every. "Challenger" figured out how it should be done, not to fall from exhaustion after the first approach.
The basic rules To a push-up was correct, you need to remember that the legs should not be bent or touch the floor, and your hips should not SAG. You must try not to arch your back and stick like body is in a straight line. The hands should be in front of shoulders, not placed somewhere on the sides. If all goes well, we can bend elbows and do a push-up (drop to the floor, touching it with the tip of the nose, and then return to the starting position and repeat). How to distribute forces Better to start the timer one minute before the start of the approach, and when the time comes to record how many push-UPS managed to do (as it will become clear that the body is able). In fact, there are two options how to get such minute test: try to do as many push-UPS at a rapid pace, until the body gets tired or makes a mistake (or run out of time). Take small breaks every 10-15 seconds (it's more suitable for beginners) and do the exercise at your own pace. In this case, the timer is better to put on 1 to 3 minutes.
Follow the result In General, we can distinguish several levels depending on the number of push-UPS: below average (less than 15 push-UPS per minute), medium (20), above average (30-35 push UPS), high (40-45 push-UPS) and advanced (50 or more push UPS). How to get better Unless there is progress in training (or just do not understand where to start), it is possible to offer such a scheme of classes: First week (to train 2 times a day) — 10 sets of 8 pushups. After each set rest no more than two minutes. If very complicated, it is possible to take short breaks during the approach. Second week (to train 2 times a day) — the same 10 sets of 8 pushups, but with breaks between sets to 1 minute.
Third week (to train 2 times a day) — 6 sets of 15 push-UPS. Rest after the approach — again 1 minute.
Fourth week (to train 2 times a day) — 4 sets of 20 pushups. To rest after the approach there can be no more than 2 minutes.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: the-challenger.ru/move/kak-nauchitsya-pravilno-otzhimatsya-ot-pola/

The basic rules To a push-up was correct, you need to remember that the legs should not be bent or touch the floor, and your hips should not SAG. You must try not to arch your back and stick like body is in a straight line. The hands should be in front of shoulders, not placed somewhere on the sides. If all goes well, we can bend elbows and do a push-up (drop to the floor, touching it with the tip of the nose, and then return to the starting position and repeat). How to distribute forces Better to start the timer one minute before the start of the approach, and when the time comes to record how many push-UPS managed to do (as it will become clear that the body is able). In fact, there are two options how to get such minute test: try to do as many push-UPS at a rapid pace, until the body gets tired or makes a mistake (or run out of time). Take small breaks every 10-15 seconds (it's more suitable for beginners) and do the exercise at your own pace. In this case, the timer is better to put on 1 to 3 minutes.
Follow the result In General, we can distinguish several levels depending on the number of push-UPS: below average (less than 15 push-UPS per minute), medium (20), above average (30-35 push UPS), high (40-45 push-UPS) and advanced (50 or more push UPS). How to get better Unless there is progress in training (or just do not understand where to start), it is possible to offer such a scheme of classes: First week (to train 2 times a day) — 10 sets of 8 pushups. After each set rest no more than two minutes. If very complicated, it is possible to take short breaks during the approach. Second week (to train 2 times a day) — the same 10 sets of 8 pushups, but with breaks between sets to 1 minute.
Third week (to train 2 times a day) — 6 sets of 15 push-UPS. Rest after the approach — again 1 minute.
Fourth week (to train 2 times a day) — 4 sets of 20 pushups. To rest after the approach there can be no more than 2 minutes.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: the-challenger.ru/move/kak-nauchitsya-pravilno-otzhimatsya-ot-pola/