Can a woman's bust be pumped?
Many women dream of increasing their breasts - and only some would like to reduce it. After childbirth or over the years, there is often another problem: the breast needs a lift. Of course, most women do not want to go under the knife of a surgeon, hence so many questions about exercise that can positively affect this part of the body.
Forced to immediately upset: to increase or somehow radically change the shape of the breast with the help of fitness alone is impossible. This is explained quite simply - the physiology of the female body. The female breast is located on top of the chest muscles and consists of glandular mass and fat cells. At the same time, the proportions may differ: some women have glandular tissue, others have fatty tissue. This depends on the characteristics laid down genetically, which are almost impossible to influence.
Moreover, fitness usually affects the breast not in the direction of its increase. Most often, when losing weight or adding to the life of active physical exertion, the breast is the first place that begins to decrease as soon as adipose tissue begins to burn.
Of course, if you have the main component of the breast is fat, then you can increase it, but not fitness, and its absence: due to the set of additional excess weight. Not a method? All you need to do is not strain and do not deny yourself anything. But we all understand that this method of breast augmentation will affect the rest of the body, the size of clothes, as well as the general appearance and self-perception. For self-respecting women, this is not an option.
Much more reasonable will be the decision to bring your body in order: do sports, with the help of proper nutrition to establish metabolism, balance your schedule. In this way, you will transform yourself comprehensively, not locally. With this approach, you will be able to unlock the natural potential of your body, after which you may not want to change anything else - you will begin to love yourself as you are, regardless of the size of the bust.
However, as with the rest of the body, fitness in any case affects the chest positively. Engaging in physical activity and paying attention to training the muscles of the chest, of course, you will not be able to increase your bust, but you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the breast, improve blood circulation. As a result, your breasts will become more elastic and elastic, albeit smaller.
There is the most effective complex for strengthening breast muscles for women, consisting of only 4 exercises, which can be included in each workout. It is only important to observe the consistency, correctness of the exercises and other recommendations.
Exercise 1: Live the barbell on the inclined bench 3-4 approaches of 15-20 repetitions, rest between approaches no more than 1 minute. If you have never done this exercise, then be sure to ask the trainer in the fitness room to demonstrate it to you and monitor your performance. The angle of inclination of the bench should be approximately 30-45 degrees, the neck is located above the head. The capture is performed slightly wider than the shoulders, after which slowly and concentrated lower the bar down to the upper part of the chest and push up.
A similar exercise can be performed with dumbbells, but it will be somewhat more difficult, and in addition, will require more control, synchronization of execution and experience.
Exercise 2: Push-ups on bars 2-3 approaches with the maximum possible number of repetitions. Rest between approaches 1-2 minutes (by health). Exercise is very difficult, especially for beginners, requires considerable effort and reliable, safe movements. Therefore, the number of repetitions is not specified. If you have not tried this exercise, it is best to use the help of a coach. In general, the exercise is performed as follows: take your hands at the handrails as wide as possible, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees and throw the body upwards, standing on your arms. Return, slowly descending down, tilting the body forward, and the pelvis pulling back. The task of pushing the body perpendicular to the floor is to make the most of the chest muscles.
Do not be upset if you do not get push-ups on the bars at all - this task is not so easy for even a pro. Until your chest muscles strengthen, you can alternate them with push-ups from the floor. Beginners are also recommended to exercise in the Graviton simulator.
Exercise 3: Push-ups from the floor with a wide setting of hands 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions in each and a minute of rest between approaches. When performing push-ups from the floor, use a wide setting of hands (as wide as possible), since the load is shifted from the triceps to the breast mice. Try to keep the position of the body in one line and work in full amplitude, i.e. going down to the end and completely straightening up.
If this is difficult, then perform similar presses from the floor from the knees. However, after feeling the progress, move on to a more difficult option.
Exercise 4: Breeding dumbbells, lying on an inclined bench of 3-4 approaches of 15-20 repetitions, rest between approaches - no more than 1 minute. The bench should be located at an angle of 30-45 degrees, as when performing the 1st exercise. Beginners should perform breeding under the supervision of an instructor, so as not to waste time and effort - here technique is very important. The initial position - hands with dumbbells in front of you, then slowly lower your hands, slightly bending them at the elbow, towards the pelvis until you feel complete stretching of the muscles.
This simple set of exercises will help you improve the shape and tone of your breasts, giving you more confidence and excellent health. Try not to change the order of their execution, do them qualitatively and correctly and gradually increase the load by adding weight or the number of repetitions. And don’t be afraid of crepes – that’s natural.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: fitfixed.com

Forced to immediately upset: to increase or somehow radically change the shape of the breast with the help of fitness alone is impossible. This is explained quite simply - the physiology of the female body. The female breast is located on top of the chest muscles and consists of glandular mass and fat cells. At the same time, the proportions may differ: some women have glandular tissue, others have fatty tissue. This depends on the characteristics laid down genetically, which are almost impossible to influence.
Moreover, fitness usually affects the breast not in the direction of its increase. Most often, when losing weight or adding to the life of active physical exertion, the breast is the first place that begins to decrease as soon as adipose tissue begins to burn.
Of course, if you have the main component of the breast is fat, then you can increase it, but not fitness, and its absence: due to the set of additional excess weight. Not a method? All you need to do is not strain and do not deny yourself anything. But we all understand that this method of breast augmentation will affect the rest of the body, the size of clothes, as well as the general appearance and self-perception. For self-respecting women, this is not an option.
Much more reasonable will be the decision to bring your body in order: do sports, with the help of proper nutrition to establish metabolism, balance your schedule. In this way, you will transform yourself comprehensively, not locally. With this approach, you will be able to unlock the natural potential of your body, after which you may not want to change anything else - you will begin to love yourself as you are, regardless of the size of the bust.
However, as with the rest of the body, fitness in any case affects the chest positively. Engaging in physical activity and paying attention to training the muscles of the chest, of course, you will not be able to increase your bust, but you will be able to strengthen the muscles of the breast, improve blood circulation. As a result, your breasts will become more elastic and elastic, albeit smaller.
There is the most effective complex for strengthening breast muscles for women, consisting of only 4 exercises, which can be included in each workout. It is only important to observe the consistency, correctness of the exercises and other recommendations.
Exercise 1: Live the barbell on the inclined bench 3-4 approaches of 15-20 repetitions, rest between approaches no more than 1 minute. If you have never done this exercise, then be sure to ask the trainer in the fitness room to demonstrate it to you and monitor your performance. The angle of inclination of the bench should be approximately 30-45 degrees, the neck is located above the head. The capture is performed slightly wider than the shoulders, after which slowly and concentrated lower the bar down to the upper part of the chest and push up.
A similar exercise can be performed with dumbbells, but it will be somewhat more difficult, and in addition, will require more control, synchronization of execution and experience.
Exercise 2: Push-ups on bars 2-3 approaches with the maximum possible number of repetitions. Rest between approaches 1-2 minutes (by health). Exercise is very difficult, especially for beginners, requires considerable effort and reliable, safe movements. Therefore, the number of repetitions is not specified. If you have not tried this exercise, it is best to use the help of a coach. In general, the exercise is performed as follows: take your hands at the handrails as wide as possible, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees and throw the body upwards, standing on your arms. Return, slowly descending down, tilting the body forward, and the pelvis pulling back. The task of pushing the body perpendicular to the floor is to make the most of the chest muscles.
Do not be upset if you do not get push-ups on the bars at all - this task is not so easy for even a pro. Until your chest muscles strengthen, you can alternate them with push-ups from the floor. Beginners are also recommended to exercise in the Graviton simulator.
Exercise 3: Push-ups from the floor with a wide setting of hands 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions in each and a minute of rest between approaches. When performing push-ups from the floor, use a wide setting of hands (as wide as possible), since the load is shifted from the triceps to the breast mice. Try to keep the position of the body in one line and work in full amplitude, i.e. going down to the end and completely straightening up.
If this is difficult, then perform similar presses from the floor from the knees. However, after feeling the progress, move on to a more difficult option.
Exercise 4: Breeding dumbbells, lying on an inclined bench of 3-4 approaches of 15-20 repetitions, rest between approaches - no more than 1 minute. The bench should be located at an angle of 30-45 degrees, as when performing the 1st exercise. Beginners should perform breeding under the supervision of an instructor, so as not to waste time and effort - here technique is very important. The initial position - hands with dumbbells in front of you, then slowly lower your hands, slightly bending them at the elbow, towards the pelvis until you feel complete stretching of the muscles.
This simple set of exercises will help you improve the shape and tone of your breasts, giving you more confidence and excellent health. Try not to change the order of their execution, do them qualitatively and correctly and gradually increase the load by adding weight or the number of repetitions. And don’t be afraid of crepes – that’s natural.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: fitfixed.com
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