Doing the right thing by the press of Your dreams
In bodybuilding, every detail is important. In this article we will see how many repetitions to do on press to start the hypertrophy of muscle and build ripped and toned abdominal muscles.
Ninety seven million six hundred fifteen thousand twenty four
The first thing you need to understand that it is impossible to build a press with excessive body fat. This information you'll find in any authoritative article. Most people focus their attention on the amount of exercise done approaches, repetitions, but almost no one ever thinks about proper nutrition and subcutaneous fat.
Do not look for beautiful and washboard abs, when these muscles are under a layer of subcutaneous fat. The fact that the main function of exercises is to start the process of building muscle mass, increasing physical strength, but not the burning of excess weight.
Why run? Yes, because as a result of physical activity inside the body occur microtrauma of the muscle tissue, and so they become thicker, you need to eat right. In fact, you first tear the muscles and then they are restored, resulting in increased muscle mass. If people suffer from overweight, only through diligent training runs mnogofotonnykh sets to burn fat and build mass not get. If you have excess fat cells under the skin, you first need to think about their burn, and only then to work on my core and other muscle groups. If you don't know what percentage of fat in your body, it's easy enough to check.
Abs is made of the same transversely striped muscles, and biceps, triceps, chest and other skeletal muscles. The essence of pumping press is to increase muscle mass in the abdomen, due to which the person will appear the same, cherished cubes. Here is a simple example. Those who have read the article and was interested in the subject of how to build muscles, probably noticed that each workout weight for each exercise it is necessary to use a small number of repetitions of a normal working weight, regularly increasing it. Almost same situation is with the training of our abdomen. But first, let's look at a few IMPORTANT theories.
Red and white muscle fibers
Not many people know that female and male muscles are divided into several types of muscle fibers. The first type is called white or fast muscle fibers (BMW). The second type is slow (IIM) or red muscle fibers (CMS). Each of these types is included in the work depending on the type of exercise and each of them is responsible for a different function and has its own characteristics. It is clear to many now somehow all that sounds technical and confusing, but everything is much easier than it might seem at first glance.
The theme is muscle fiber types have already been reviewed on the website in more detail, however, let's briefly go over the essential points that you need to know to understand how to implement approaches to build the press to cubes.
Type of load
There are several types of physical activity: aerobic and anaerobic load. Ricardio AEROBIC exercise involves prolonged activity such as Jogging on a treadmill, training on a stationary bike, crossfit, and so on. And that red fibers responsible for carrying such loads.
Studies show that this muscle type has very low rates of hypertrophy, that is, the ability to increase muscle mass. Most often, aerobic exercise is used to warm up muscles and burn more calories. They are ideal for people who want to lose weight. If the person will carry out such training, a lot of it, of course, will not gain, but his muscles are toned and always in good shape (if loading is regular).
ANAEROBIC NARUKA is a heavy physical activity for a short period of time, namely about 15-30 seconds. In other words, when the athlete performs the exercise (not necessarily basic) such as bench press or squats, with a good weight for 6-12 reps, this is anaerobic exercise. Responsible for it white or fast muscle fibres. They have a very large ability to hypertrophy.
How many reps to do on press?
Based on the above material, if you want to tighten the press to make a flat tummy, in that case you need to use the IIM or the CMS and perform 20-30 repetitions for one approach. The main training of this type of fibers is the implementation of a single set no more than 45-50 seconds for maximum reps. After this time can be severe acidification of the muscle (greater lactic acid). Because of this, the process of restoring the front of the bark to slow down and will interfere with muscle growth. Remember that the press need to swing correctly and to bring the muscle to the burning sensation until they fail.
Fifty five million two hundred fifty five thousand nine hundred six
If you want relief, pumped to the press with eye-catching blocks, it is necessary to build muscle on the stomach. Accordingly, you should train BMW. And as we already know, to pump up enough to perform 6-12 repetitions (max 15) for a short period of time. To many it may seem that it is very little repetition. But it is not. If you correctly carry out exercises and can perform 30-40 reps, you need more weight. If you are a beginner to start learn proper technique of all exercises for abs, train, and already when you put on some mileage, and muscles used to the workload, you can apply additional weight.
I would like to focus on the CORRECT TECHNIQUE. A lot of people incorrectly perform the most common exercise – twisting. The fact that the majority of athletes, during training press lift the entire upper body, and too low down. These are two gross errors, which should not be allowed. Such incorrect implementation could cause problems with the loin. The essence of proper technique twisting can already be heard and understood from the title. The right way to study the stomach this exercise is not to low down the trunk (below horizontal). When lifting, you have to kind of curl up, simultaneously straining press belly to minimize.
In all exercises, including exercises must adhere to the equipment, do the movement so that it reduced the TARGETED MUSCLES. Any wrong move or incorrect position of the body when running can turn to the work of the non-core muscles, respectively, the load on the core muscles will decrease and you will not get the desired result.
Approximate training program at a press
Swing the front part of the cortex is needed at the end or beginning of the exercise. Usually, many athletes are training them at the beginning of class, after warm-up. In principle, the exercises may also be part of the warm-up program. That's some good programs for slow and fast muscle fibers, one of which you can make the basic training plan.
Effective exercises
The number of sets and reps in one exercise
Classic twisting on the floor
3 sets x maximum reps for 30-45 seconds
Reverse crunches on the bench
3 sets x 30-45 seconds max.
Exercise "bike»
3 sets x twist legs (like you are riding a bike), and forward 15-20 seconds 15-20 seconds ago
The program is to train FAST or WHITE MUSCLE FIBERS
Effective exercises
The number of sets and reps in one exercise
Classic twisting on the floor
3 approach (the first approach is aimed at the elaboration of the CMS. You should perform the maximum number of times within 30-45 seconds. The following 2 approaches are aimed at BMW. Here you need to perform 6-12 repetitions — you can apply additional weight.
Reverse crunches on the bench
3 sets x (the same as in the classic twists)
Exercise "bike»
Set normal weight and perform 3 sets x 6-12 reps (VERY IMPORTANT!!! Observe the technique)
If the person allowable rate of subcutaneous fat, you can focus on the number of approaches. Remember, exercise is a quick muscle fibers for more muscle definition and muscle mass. Study of slow muscle fibers for lifting the abdominal muscles.
From this we can draw the logical conclusion. For girls enough to hold the correct exercise technique on the press. You can not use additional weight or complexity to the exercise. This muscle is easy enough to pull up. During intense workouts, and visible results can be achieved in a month of classes. In General, the beautiful half of the floor should be coached by CMS.
As for men, beginners need to start to learn the techniques. After several months of training, when your muscles are the abdominals and back muscles get stronger, you can use additional weights in the form of dumbbells or pancakes from the rod (the best and most convenient option). That is, the strong half of the floor needs to start with the training of the IIM and to move gradually towards elaboration of a BMW. Based on this material, you can already determine what type of training suits you and how much you need to do repetitions for one approach. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.buildbody.org.ua/trenirovki/skolko-povtorenij-nuzhno-delat-na-press
Ninety seven million six hundred fifteen thousand twenty four
The first thing you need to understand that it is impossible to build a press with excessive body fat. This information you'll find in any authoritative article. Most people focus their attention on the amount of exercise done approaches, repetitions, but almost no one ever thinks about proper nutrition and subcutaneous fat.
Do not look for beautiful and washboard abs, when these muscles are under a layer of subcutaneous fat. The fact that the main function of exercises is to start the process of building muscle mass, increasing physical strength, but not the burning of excess weight.
Why run? Yes, because as a result of physical activity inside the body occur microtrauma of the muscle tissue, and so they become thicker, you need to eat right. In fact, you first tear the muscles and then they are restored, resulting in increased muscle mass. If people suffer from overweight, only through diligent training runs mnogofotonnykh sets to burn fat and build mass not get. If you have excess fat cells under the skin, you first need to think about their burn, and only then to work on my core and other muscle groups. If you don't know what percentage of fat in your body, it's easy enough to check.
Abs is made of the same transversely striped muscles, and biceps, triceps, chest and other skeletal muscles. The essence of pumping press is to increase muscle mass in the abdomen, due to which the person will appear the same, cherished cubes. Here is a simple example. Those who have read the article and was interested in the subject of how to build muscles, probably noticed that each workout weight for each exercise it is necessary to use a small number of repetitions of a normal working weight, regularly increasing it. Almost same situation is with the training of our abdomen. But first, let's look at a few IMPORTANT theories.
Red and white muscle fibers
Not many people know that female and male muscles are divided into several types of muscle fibers. The first type is called white or fast muscle fibers (BMW). The second type is slow (IIM) or red muscle fibers (CMS). Each of these types is included in the work depending on the type of exercise and each of them is responsible for a different function and has its own characteristics. It is clear to many now somehow all that sounds technical and confusing, but everything is much easier than it might seem at first glance.
The theme is muscle fiber types have already been reviewed on the website in more detail, however, let's briefly go over the essential points that you need to know to understand how to implement approaches to build the press to cubes.
Type of load
There are several types of physical activity: aerobic and anaerobic load. Ricardio AEROBIC exercise involves prolonged activity such as Jogging on a treadmill, training on a stationary bike, crossfit, and so on. And that red fibers responsible for carrying such loads.
Studies show that this muscle type has very low rates of hypertrophy, that is, the ability to increase muscle mass. Most often, aerobic exercise is used to warm up muscles and burn more calories. They are ideal for people who want to lose weight. If the person will carry out such training, a lot of it, of course, will not gain, but his muscles are toned and always in good shape (if loading is regular).
ANAEROBIC NARUKA is a heavy physical activity for a short period of time, namely about 15-30 seconds. In other words, when the athlete performs the exercise (not necessarily basic) such as bench press or squats, with a good weight for 6-12 reps, this is anaerobic exercise. Responsible for it white or fast muscle fibres. They have a very large ability to hypertrophy.
How many reps to do on press?
Based on the above material, if you want to tighten the press to make a flat tummy, in that case you need to use the IIM or the CMS and perform 20-30 repetitions for one approach. The main training of this type of fibers is the implementation of a single set no more than 45-50 seconds for maximum reps. After this time can be severe acidification of the muscle (greater lactic acid). Because of this, the process of restoring the front of the bark to slow down and will interfere with muscle growth. Remember that the press need to swing correctly and to bring the muscle to the burning sensation until they fail.
Fifty five million two hundred fifty five thousand nine hundred six
If you want relief, pumped to the press with eye-catching blocks, it is necessary to build muscle on the stomach. Accordingly, you should train BMW. And as we already know, to pump up enough to perform 6-12 repetitions (max 15) for a short period of time. To many it may seem that it is very little repetition. But it is not. If you correctly carry out exercises and can perform 30-40 reps, you need more weight. If you are a beginner to start learn proper technique of all exercises for abs, train, and already when you put on some mileage, and muscles used to the workload, you can apply additional weight.
I would like to focus on the CORRECT TECHNIQUE. A lot of people incorrectly perform the most common exercise – twisting. The fact that the majority of athletes, during training press lift the entire upper body, and too low down. These are two gross errors, which should not be allowed. Such incorrect implementation could cause problems with the loin. The essence of proper technique twisting can already be heard and understood from the title. The right way to study the stomach this exercise is not to low down the trunk (below horizontal). When lifting, you have to kind of curl up, simultaneously straining press belly to minimize.
In all exercises, including exercises must adhere to the equipment, do the movement so that it reduced the TARGETED MUSCLES. Any wrong move or incorrect position of the body when running can turn to the work of the non-core muscles, respectively, the load on the core muscles will decrease and you will not get the desired result.
Approximate training program at a press
Swing the front part of the cortex is needed at the end or beginning of the exercise. Usually, many athletes are training them at the beginning of class, after warm-up. In principle, the exercises may also be part of the warm-up program. That's some good programs for slow and fast muscle fibers, one of which you can make the basic training plan.
Effective exercises
The number of sets and reps in one exercise
Classic twisting on the floor
3 sets x maximum reps for 30-45 seconds
Reverse crunches on the bench
3 sets x 30-45 seconds max.
Exercise "bike»
3 sets x twist legs (like you are riding a bike), and forward 15-20 seconds 15-20 seconds ago
The program is to train FAST or WHITE MUSCLE FIBERS
Effective exercises
The number of sets and reps in one exercise
Classic twisting on the floor
3 approach (the first approach is aimed at the elaboration of the CMS. You should perform the maximum number of times within 30-45 seconds. The following 2 approaches are aimed at BMW. Here you need to perform 6-12 repetitions — you can apply additional weight.
Reverse crunches on the bench
3 sets x (the same as in the classic twists)
Exercise "bike»
Set normal weight and perform 3 sets x 6-12 reps (VERY IMPORTANT!!! Observe the technique)
If the person allowable rate of subcutaneous fat, you can focus on the number of approaches. Remember, exercise is a quick muscle fibers for more muscle definition and muscle mass. Study of slow muscle fibers for lifting the abdominal muscles.
From this we can draw the logical conclusion. For girls enough to hold the correct exercise technique on the press. You can not use additional weight or complexity to the exercise. This muscle is easy enough to pull up. During intense workouts, and visible results can be achieved in a month of classes. In General, the beautiful half of the floor should be coached by CMS.
As for men, beginners need to start to learn the techniques. After several months of training, when your muscles are the abdominals and back muscles get stronger, you can use additional weights in the form of dumbbells or pancakes from the rod (the best and most convenient option). That is, the strong half of the floor needs to start with the training of the IIM and to move gradually towards elaboration of a BMW. Based on this material, you can already determine what type of training suits you and how much you need to do repetitions for one approach. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.buildbody.org.ua/trenirovki/skolko-povtorenij-nuzhno-delat-na-press