Minus 30kg: What to do if diet and sports do not work

Recording for children who have a two-component multi-year complex of squats and oats still did not lead to the desired result (and even, alas, vice versa).

If the diet works first, and then — boom — everything doesn’t work again: what to do?

The fact is that the diet will not allow you to lose weight for a long time.

I mean, you, of course. You start losing weight when you stop scooping up sausage mayonnaise.. Diet is bullshit: you finally pay attention to your diet, stop eating recycled food and maybe you understand why you need to eat porridge. Some even learn the glycemic index of potatoes (fortunately, I passed the cup). An exciting game for six months or a year, all friends rally around you in a support camp, and you gain the ability to divide weight in kilograms by height in centimeters (and once again divide by height in centimeters; the result is called body mass index).

But nishtyaks do not last very long - sooner or later the diet becomes unbearable, and the bikeback begins. All dropped pounds come back to the fat man, and even with friends.

If you are persistent enough to add sports to your diet, you can, of course, delay the arrival of old friends.But tadam! – it’s time to reveal the terrible secret about sports.

Sports will not lose weight for a long time.

Of course, while you exhaust yourself with the dawn jumps from dumbbells down the waterfront before the morning cottage cheese, the weight is melting.Sport - That's fucked up. You understand what works in your body, you learn to recognize fatigue, and you learn how to add a little joy to yourself with a bike and without candy. You become a little more beautiful than a monkey and a little more attractive than you were a year ago. Again, there is something to be proud of - learned to push up on two fingers or there you stand at the bar for three minutes. You can talk to your colleagues about Jabonchik with Fuelbandik.

But let's be honest: Every day we see on the street guys, strong men, obviously swam too much fat, and they took it from somewhere. Former sports does not guarantee that the future is cloudless.

In general, a diet is like an exciting trip to a new country, and you should definitely visit there. After all, when you like yourself, you have to eat according to the system, knowledge will not be lost. Right in Dietary Country - complex carbohydrate oatmeal fields, squirrels jump on the left (on Thursdays squirrels take power in their hands). Sport is also a cool country. There are pools and mountains of iron. (There is a cyclist on the mountain.) And in principle, you can stop there and spend your whole life in these two countries. Hating evening celery juice and myself.

The purpose of the journey is not there.

To understand where the real goal is, you need to figure out how you became fat in a few years. And discover that You have an invisible super habit of getting a little bit of happiness at any moment with a piece of food.

Tired, I went to eat. I felt guilty, I went to eat. Getting ready for trouble? Go eat. That's nice. ?I did not want to upset anyone, but since such a drunkenness has gone, then pay attention to the fact that it becomes pleasant and cool to feel trouble with the refrigerator at hand.) The habit of improving mood with the tool “food = increase in happiness in the brain” – it is with you, you have grown it for so many years. If anyone doubts it, we can remember that Pavlov created a reflex in dogs using food. Food is a very good reinforcement, with its help behavior changes one or two times. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself, as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor in healing.

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You can run away among oats with fish, but until you break the habit of eating any unpleasant sensations and experiencing increased joy from eating, the result will not be long. How long have you been developing the ability to bite? Well, for example, a few dozen – since the parents said in childhood “you need to finish everything”, for example. Or when they gave you candy as a reward. (Obviously, they were taught this by our grandparents—people who lived under war starvation—but that is no easier.)

And here is a fat tourist going to travel to Dietosports. Trip ends, weight gain:Food restrictions and sports create new cool habits, but they can’t destroy the most powerful old habits that have been around for decades.Girobasik was not completely happy a year ago, as he did not know how to cope with life’s blows, and now he did not – from nowhere.

The secret is that during the journey through the world of healthy lifestyle, you need to visit where you will say goodbye to your treacherously not entirely happy life and habit.bug. The technique, of course, doesn't sound as fuckin' as "the simplest-diet-in-the-world-just-buy-book."

You need to learn to do without depression, to understand how to cope with the constantly happening deformity with you. Start valuing yourself and stop depending on someone else’s assessment. Fix the head, basically.

If you break this trick, the habit of eating-and-happy says goodbye to you, excess weight ceases to be an eating problem, and it — surprise — melts. And if you do not deal with the broken food habit, then everything - alas - can come back.

Metaphors are the same, but in a concise form.

If the diet with sports does not work, this is not a reason to give up. This is a reason to try diet, sports and psychologist.published

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!

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Source: grosslarnakh.livejournal.com/72914.html?thread=3947218


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