How to throw a good life and build your dream home in Bali

Brave American Elora hardy left a successful career in the fashion industry and established a life in new York to devote the rest of his life to the construction of houses made of bamboo in Indonesia.

Over the past five years she has assembled a team of enthusiasts and has made a real revolution in the construction of this renewable material, which she believes is undervalued. In order to make the bamboo unattractive to insects, she handles it with a special substance that is also found in the natural environment.

The idea of building a bamboo hardy took over from his father, "thought the bamboo most promising material for the construction of houses". And when six years ago I saw how to build a house out of bamboo, I thought she would like to live in a house.published

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
