Dips: rules and types

Dips are basic exercises in the performance included most of the muscles of our body, they are useful for a variety of fitness tasks can be performed with the own weight and additional load. And that's not all that can be said about this useful exercise.
Dips, due to their basic nature, are recommended to all but particularly useful for those seeking to build big shoulders, correct slouching and to shape the pectoral muscles. They also help to improve the performance of many other exercises, for example, different types of regime.

Basic rules for accomplishing push UPS on the bars is quite simple:
1. Hang on straight arms parallel Brussa. Grip arms straight — hands to the body.
2. On the exhale slowly lower down. The lowering should be about 90 degrees in the hands.
3. From the bottom position up, straightening the arms while inhaling.
4. With the development of exercises, change his technique, shifting the load to the chest, triceps, etc.
If you are a beginner, put the push-UPS on the parallel bars in the beginning of your workout to you have enough strength and concentration. Experienced athletes usually perform this exercise after the work on the pectoral muscles or at the beginning of the development of the triceps.
Usually the number of repetitions for maximum effect — 8-15 times. Ability to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions indicates that you can try to perform push-UPS from bars with weights.

The types of push up barsWith an emphasis on the triceps. Dips for triceps definition load — during their execution includes all three heads of this triceps. To make it extra emphasis, you need to use a not-too-wide bars — enough to rasstoyanie between them was a little more than shoulder width apart. The elbows when lowering the need to keep as close as possible to the body and in any case not to breed in hand. Be careful ktoby body was not leaning forward the torso and keep your head straight.
With the emphasis on the pectoral muscles. The offset load to the chest is required more widely separated beams with a distance of more than shoulder width. When performing exercises, dilute elbows to the sides, bend your legs and lean forward. Some gyms have special wide boards, expanding the end — they are designed for pumping breast. However, don't place hands too wide, otherwise the download will be on the broadest muscle. In addition, a too wide grip may result in the stretching of the shoulder joints.
Improving the efficiency in Addition to applying additional weighting to increase the effectiveness of push up bars is possible in the following ways:
1. The method of partial repetitions. Stoop down to half the usual depth, and immediately start climbing up. This method can be applied at the end of the workout on the bars for "finishing off" the muscle to complete failure.
2. The method of forced reps. Is to use the assistance of a partner when your muscles have reached fatigue limits. Using the "insurance" you try to perform a few more reps. It is important that the partner has performed work for you, and had the leash a little support. This method also helps to "finish off" muscles.
3. The method of "ladders" (or dropsets, or a graded approach). Is the gradual reduction of the load in each successive approach. At the beginning of the set, take a weight with which to do only 5, not 15 times. Then, reduce load, press another 5 times and so on. Approaches to be performed without pauses. Note that this method is one of the most effective, but traumatic. Not recommended for inexperienced athletes!
4. The method of negative repetition. Suitable only for experienced athletes! To apply you need to take more weight training and perform only the negative phase of slow lowering of the starting position. To return to your original position use a bench or a similar raised platform. It is important to remember that the negative postavenia reception is quite painful and traumatic (there is a risk of injury of the shoulder joint), and therefore should be used with caution. Number of retries — max 5, but with a really heavy weight will be enough and one. It is best to use this method once every two weeks: about as much need muscles to fully recover.
Safety to get push up bars maximum benefit and minimum risk of injury, follow these simple safety rules:
— Increase weights gradually, pancakes hanging on a belt or a chain to a weightlifting belt. Clamping a pancake between your knees is a bad idea: it is inconvenient and can lead to injury.
— Follow the technique of performing exercises! The most important is to control the lowering of the body and its tilt, not wobble, and in any case not to climb by inertia.
In the top of the lift the elbows should be straightened, but without perenashivanie. If locking the elbows sharply or too much straightening, it is fraught with inflammation of the joints and stretching of the bicep.published
Source: fitfixed.com