The laws of a generic system
Eighteen million eight hundred sixty eight thousand three hundred seventy seven
First you need to understand who is included in the delivery system. It includes:
All born in the system (including miscarriages, abortions, deaths in childbirth, given to the children's home, etc.)
All partners and a strong emotional connection
All those who have helped the system to survive
All those who have caused the system any damage
That is (speaking in plain language) the system average women will include:
The children of her husband from a previous marriage
Previous partners or significant emotional connection
Previous partners or significant emotional connection of her husband,
Brothers and sisters, including early deaths, and aborted,
Previous partners of the parents
The great grandparents
And should be considered separately in the genus:
All those who had a special destiny (repressed, killed, disabled, killer, killed),
All those who gave the system a significant benefaction or caused substantial damage (for Example, the woman who took care of the orphan after the war and thus saved it. Or someone who participated in the dispossession great-grandfather)
Pretty impressive list, right?
There are four main law of nature. Violation of these laws leads to various problems in life.
Act 1. The law of belonging.
Everyone who once entered in system, it remains there forever. That is, we can't erase from a kind of those who we consider to be unnecessary.
As often happens with ex-husbands (especially if no children) from aborted children (especially if young and secretly), with unwanted elements, criminals, alcoholics, etc.
What do we do? To draw and accept them in their family tree.
Act 2. The law of substitution.
If we deduct from the system someone, a new member (usually a child) begins energetically to replace it.
Example: the man's second marriage. First wife securely removed from life (though it was not). Maybe that was too painful breakup, and maybe mom just doesn't want to hear about other women in the life of the Pope.
Anyway – it has been removed. After that, the family gave birth to a daughter (or son). And energy it begins to replace dad's first wife. This is expressed in two components:
Mom refers to her as a rival – although I don't understand why. Always wants to send her to camp, to grandma's or somewhere else, just away from the house. However, the daughter much sympathy for the mother is not experiencing. On the contrary, mom is trying to "build" and feels his advantage. Tells the mother what to do, when to brush teeth, etc.
Daddy loves daughter – and it's mutual. He carries her in his arms, and performs all her whims. In short, a typical daddy's girl.
But this behavior of the child and parents – not the norm, right?
While the girl more Mature, the more problems. Often she can't find a husband (because energy husband is already there – and it's dad). She has no relations with my mother. And so on.
And if given a place in the system and your heart first wife, give her the respect she deserves – whatever it was in real life, the child will start to behave differently.
Act 3. The law of hierarchy.
The one who logged in earlier, has the advantage over those who came later.
So the first wife has a systemic advantage over the second. This does not mean that the first is BETTER, just that she did something in the system for a second went out.
Also the older children have an advantage over the younger, and the parents in front of children.
But the new family has the advantage over the old. That is my current family for me is to have a higher priority than my parent (actually it happens not always. It happens that we already have children and sometimes even grandchildren, and we all live with the problems of their parents).
That is a very interesting balance – my husband came in later than my mom. So my mother has the advantage. And she needs to get the respect from my husband and me, as the eldest. But my current family must have for me the advantage over the parent. And I have more to do with her husband and children than a mother. While maintaining respect for the mother, as an elder.
Act 4. The law of love.
The energy of love flowing from ancestors to descendants, and never Vice versa.
It's not about that you don't have to love mom and dad, and that energy we should give to children. And his life devoted to children, not parents. I can spend days thinking about my mother, to her constant bickering (even if just in my head), to take care of her as a little girl. And then my children will not receive from me the energy of maternal love. Because all the love begins to flow in the wrong direction, and children are left with nothing.
Parents need to be grateful and treat them with respect. But very often we care for them, but inside believe that they are half-crazy or behind the times, right?
But parents need to learn to read – they have over us the advantage.
How to detect failures and correct the situation
I encourage you to do the diagnosis yourself. You can invent what is not. Besides, there are no two identical systems. Even if you think that someone has a system exactly like yours, absolutely can say it is not. You may have similar causes, but different investigators, and Vice versa – the same consequences, but different causes.
The best thing you can start to draw your family tree. To ask mom and dad about the ancestors, to look at trends in the genus.
Sometimes we immediately see that the women on the maternal side, for example, marry at least three times, and the men die early.
Usually about the most difficult things not say about abortion, murder, mistresses and everything else – therefore, after placement of your tree, most likely, will replenish with new members.
Once you have formed the request and drew a tree – look for a good specialist. Best of all on the advice (method, today is very fashionable, and placement all do – but not all do them efficiently).
I recommend to pay attention to when choosing:
On the same person. First, meet in person (in the constellations are often first come free just Vice) and see if he inspires confidence in you? Whether he's your problem (after all, psychologists are usually those who need such assistance)? Does he have family, children, business? It is pleasant to communicate with him? Trust your intuition. This criterion is very often the most important.
To the reviews. If possible, it's best to go for recommendations – when you see the fruits of man's work. If this is not possible – maybe there is feedback in writing or coordinates other customers.
Very often, after the qualitative work something shifts, changes, and solved.
Again, here is my example – the method is very close to me. Not so I just go to juggling :)
I made more than 20 works in order to solve their problems in the family. In addition to this, my husband also did some work.
And I was shocked by the results:
First, we immediately realized why we have created a family – our family dynamics just needed each other for the kind of dad I was a lost kid (about me no one knew, except the Pope himself), but in a sort of dad my husband was forgotten, the lost child (also a girl). And this is only one of the factors.
Secondly, making a few papers on the topic of the disease of our son, revealed some of the dynamics. And after these works in the state, Daniel was a real improvement. For example, to the seminar Marianne Franke-Greeks first came Alex. He did the work on diseases of the Daniel, and on the same evening the child's temperature rose to 40. We hit her and she got up again. Other symptoms did not. Two days later, I came to the seminar to Marianne and did the job on the same subject. And by the time I return home and the temperature dropped. Itself.
Thirdly, we do work on the business when there is no understanding why the customer does not pay the money, or why not get something in development projects.
Fourth, our relationship with my husband has changed beyond recognition – become more warm and trusting, we stopped fighting and cursing.
Fifthly, it placement help me to restore the relationship with my mom – who's never been for me a source of joy.
In addition, although directly with these questions, I did not work, I have improved relations with the mother-in-law, brother and money .
Of course I'm not going to paint all the problematic places of our birth is not ethical in relation to the ancestors :)
Somehow I'm sure this method was sent to Earth by God. Because in the course of the placement we are in contact with the field, which has all the information about us and our system. Whoever opens this box of information for us, if not God?
This method was sent to us, I think, so we were able to solve their financial problems, to see the light at the end of the tunnel and be happy in this life. Because freed from the shackles, we can move forward to God. We are able to perform their duties in the family and at work. We begin to understand that everything in the world is not just – and this is also the way to God.
I think so. published
Author: Olga Valyaeva
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/rasstanovki-zakony-i-opyt/
First you need to understand who is included in the delivery system. It includes:
All born in the system (including miscarriages, abortions, deaths in childbirth, given to the children's home, etc.)
All partners and a strong emotional connection
All those who have helped the system to survive
All those who have caused the system any damage
That is (speaking in plain language) the system average women will include:
The children of her husband from a previous marriage
Previous partners or significant emotional connection
Previous partners or significant emotional connection of her husband,
Brothers and sisters, including early deaths, and aborted,
Previous partners of the parents
The great grandparents
And should be considered separately in the genus:
All those who had a special destiny (repressed, killed, disabled, killer, killed),
All those who gave the system a significant benefaction or caused substantial damage (for Example, the woman who took care of the orphan after the war and thus saved it. Or someone who participated in the dispossession great-grandfather)
Pretty impressive list, right?
There are four main law of nature. Violation of these laws leads to various problems in life.
Act 1. The law of belonging.
Everyone who once entered in system, it remains there forever. That is, we can't erase from a kind of those who we consider to be unnecessary.
As often happens with ex-husbands (especially if no children) from aborted children (especially if young and secretly), with unwanted elements, criminals, alcoholics, etc.
What do we do? To draw and accept them in their family tree.
Act 2. The law of substitution.
If we deduct from the system someone, a new member (usually a child) begins energetically to replace it.
Example: the man's second marriage. First wife securely removed from life (though it was not). Maybe that was too painful breakup, and maybe mom just doesn't want to hear about other women in the life of the Pope.
Anyway – it has been removed. After that, the family gave birth to a daughter (or son). And energy it begins to replace dad's first wife. This is expressed in two components:
Mom refers to her as a rival – although I don't understand why. Always wants to send her to camp, to grandma's or somewhere else, just away from the house. However, the daughter much sympathy for the mother is not experiencing. On the contrary, mom is trying to "build" and feels his advantage. Tells the mother what to do, when to brush teeth, etc.
Daddy loves daughter – and it's mutual. He carries her in his arms, and performs all her whims. In short, a typical daddy's girl.
But this behavior of the child and parents – not the norm, right?
While the girl more Mature, the more problems. Often she can't find a husband (because energy husband is already there – and it's dad). She has no relations with my mother. And so on.
And if given a place in the system and your heart first wife, give her the respect she deserves – whatever it was in real life, the child will start to behave differently.
Act 3. The law of hierarchy.
The one who logged in earlier, has the advantage over those who came later.
So the first wife has a systemic advantage over the second. This does not mean that the first is BETTER, just that she did something in the system for a second went out.
Also the older children have an advantage over the younger, and the parents in front of children.
But the new family has the advantage over the old. That is my current family for me is to have a higher priority than my parent (actually it happens not always. It happens that we already have children and sometimes even grandchildren, and we all live with the problems of their parents).
That is a very interesting balance – my husband came in later than my mom. So my mother has the advantage. And she needs to get the respect from my husband and me, as the eldest. But my current family must have for me the advantage over the parent. And I have more to do with her husband and children than a mother. While maintaining respect for the mother, as an elder.
Act 4. The law of love.
The energy of love flowing from ancestors to descendants, and never Vice versa.
It's not about that you don't have to love mom and dad, and that energy we should give to children. And his life devoted to children, not parents. I can spend days thinking about my mother, to her constant bickering (even if just in my head), to take care of her as a little girl. And then my children will not receive from me the energy of maternal love. Because all the love begins to flow in the wrong direction, and children are left with nothing.
Parents need to be grateful and treat them with respect. But very often we care for them, but inside believe that they are half-crazy or behind the times, right?
But parents need to learn to read – they have over us the advantage.
How to detect failures and correct the situation
I encourage you to do the diagnosis yourself. You can invent what is not. Besides, there are no two identical systems. Even if you think that someone has a system exactly like yours, absolutely can say it is not. You may have similar causes, but different investigators, and Vice versa – the same consequences, but different causes.
The best thing you can start to draw your family tree. To ask mom and dad about the ancestors, to look at trends in the genus.
Sometimes we immediately see that the women on the maternal side, for example, marry at least three times, and the men die early.
Usually about the most difficult things not say about abortion, murder, mistresses and everything else – therefore, after placement of your tree, most likely, will replenish with new members.
Once you have formed the request and drew a tree – look for a good specialist. Best of all on the advice (method, today is very fashionable, and placement all do – but not all do them efficiently).
I recommend to pay attention to when choosing:
On the same person. First, meet in person (in the constellations are often first come free just Vice) and see if he inspires confidence in you? Whether he's your problem (after all, psychologists are usually those who need such assistance)? Does he have family, children, business? It is pleasant to communicate with him? Trust your intuition. This criterion is very often the most important.
To the reviews. If possible, it's best to go for recommendations – when you see the fruits of man's work. If this is not possible – maybe there is feedback in writing or coordinates other customers.
Very often, after the qualitative work something shifts, changes, and solved.
Again, here is my example – the method is very close to me. Not so I just go to juggling :)
I made more than 20 works in order to solve their problems in the family. In addition to this, my husband also did some work.
And I was shocked by the results:
First, we immediately realized why we have created a family – our family dynamics just needed each other for the kind of dad I was a lost kid (about me no one knew, except the Pope himself), but in a sort of dad my husband was forgotten, the lost child (also a girl). And this is only one of the factors.
Secondly, making a few papers on the topic of the disease of our son, revealed some of the dynamics. And after these works in the state, Daniel was a real improvement. For example, to the seminar Marianne Franke-Greeks first came Alex. He did the work on diseases of the Daniel, and on the same evening the child's temperature rose to 40. We hit her and she got up again. Other symptoms did not. Two days later, I came to the seminar to Marianne and did the job on the same subject. And by the time I return home and the temperature dropped. Itself.
Thirdly, we do work on the business when there is no understanding why the customer does not pay the money, or why not get something in development projects.
Fourth, our relationship with my husband has changed beyond recognition – become more warm and trusting, we stopped fighting and cursing.
Fifthly, it placement help me to restore the relationship with my mom – who's never been for me a source of joy.
In addition, although directly with these questions, I did not work, I have improved relations with the mother-in-law, brother and money .
Of course I'm not going to paint all the problematic places of our birth is not ethical in relation to the ancestors :)
Somehow I'm sure this method was sent to Earth by God. Because in the course of the placement we are in contact with the field, which has all the information about us and our system. Whoever opens this box of information for us, if not God?
This method was sent to us, I think, so we were able to solve their financial problems, to see the light at the end of the tunnel and be happy in this life. Because freed from the shackles, we can move forward to God. We are able to perform their duties in the family and at work. We begin to understand that everything in the world is not just – and this is also the way to God.
I think so. published
Author: Olga Valyaeva
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/rasstanovki-zakony-i-opyt/