Teenagers 35+
Ninety five million three hundred sixty seven thousand eight hundred forty three
In the 15 years before each man — sea of possibilities. It seems that he can be anything just choose. As a rule, it seems. But I'm not about that. 30-35, the situation is changing. If 15 you can sit in front of the TV and think that can score no worse than Aprilrain, closer to 30 the difference between you and Narimanashvili — critical. Because while you were sitting with a beer on the couch, he trained and played, played and trained.
30+ people is what he did. Not thought, not dream, not wanted, not wanted, and did. Therefore, the argument "I might be able to fly a plane/sing like Netrebko" — fine in 15-20 years and terrible 30-35. Sorry boys/girls. Skills — a matter of practice, number of hours spent doing the job. By themselves, the skills do not appear out of nowhere. They appeared to need to devote energy, time and a big chunk of the soul. Not in the mood, but persistently, for many years. To say, "I would sing no worse than Pavarotti" with the level of the soloist of a regional Philharmonic society. But not having graduated three classes of the music school.
The same thing is about experience, son of errors difficult. 15 years ago when two friends wanted to become mothers, they could work together to theorize about "when we have kids". But one of them my mom was, and the other is not. Therefore, the experience of over 15 years in these two women — different.
Subjunctive — the argument only in the case if you are a girl, trainee, candidate, a man whose a priori all ahead. "If I were the Queen of" 30+ is not an argument. Baba Babarikha realized this and was on the bench for the three girls sat down. Classic examples:
My children never to yell in the store (throw food, sit on the floor).
— When I have a husband, he never...
Where the interviewee's experience, in uttering such a phrase — its absence. Perhaps your experience is different. But this experience you don't. Your future husbands, wives, children, dogs and work. But they are not. To compare non-existent (but perfect) with a real strange, don't you think? Some residents of the castles in the air are very surprised when similar their reasoning offended someone.
And again about skills. Phrases like "jealous of your figure", "lucky you, you have your own firm" (Yes, the mortgage and the relationship with the tax) 30-35 is also meaningless. 30+ all: try, do, change, drop it and give up and start again. But not teoretiziruya, please. Your knowledge and skills will be enough to start. The gaps will fill on the go, you're a big. It's simple: you want? Do. published
Source: www.matrony.ru/podrostki-35-navyiki-i-opyit/
In the 15 years before each man — sea of possibilities. It seems that he can be anything just choose. As a rule, it seems. But I'm not about that. 30-35, the situation is changing. If 15 you can sit in front of the TV and think that can score no worse than Aprilrain, closer to 30 the difference between you and Narimanashvili — critical. Because while you were sitting with a beer on the couch, he trained and played, played and trained.
30+ people is what he did. Not thought, not dream, not wanted, not wanted, and did. Therefore, the argument "I might be able to fly a plane/sing like Netrebko" — fine in 15-20 years and terrible 30-35. Sorry boys/girls. Skills — a matter of practice, number of hours spent doing the job. By themselves, the skills do not appear out of nowhere. They appeared to need to devote energy, time and a big chunk of the soul. Not in the mood, but persistently, for many years. To say, "I would sing no worse than Pavarotti" with the level of the soloist of a regional Philharmonic society. But not having graduated three classes of the music school.
The same thing is about experience, son of errors difficult. 15 years ago when two friends wanted to become mothers, they could work together to theorize about "when we have kids". But one of them my mom was, and the other is not. Therefore, the experience of over 15 years in these two women — different.
Subjunctive — the argument only in the case if you are a girl, trainee, candidate, a man whose a priori all ahead. "If I were the Queen of" 30+ is not an argument. Baba Babarikha realized this and was on the bench for the three girls sat down. Classic examples:
My children never to yell in the store (throw food, sit on the floor).
— When I have a husband, he never...
Where the interviewee's experience, in uttering such a phrase — its absence. Perhaps your experience is different. But this experience you don't. Your future husbands, wives, children, dogs and work. But they are not. To compare non-existent (but perfect) with a real strange, don't you think? Some residents of the castles in the air are very surprised when similar their reasoning offended someone.
And again about skills. Phrases like "jealous of your figure", "lucky you, you have your own firm" (Yes, the mortgage and the relationship with the tax) 30-35 is also meaningless. 30+ all: try, do, change, drop it and give up and start again. But not teoretiziruya, please. Your knowledge and skills will be enough to start. The gaps will fill on the go, you're a big. It's simple: you want? Do. published
Source: www.matrony.ru/podrostki-35-navyiki-i-opyit/