6 simple scientific experiments for children's parties

When your apartment has a noisy crowd of children with a "perpetual motion machine" inside, it's time to take their scientific miracles.
Website has collected several scientific experiments that will amaze malyshni. Make you repeat the experience again and again. At the same time learn a lot of useful and interesting.
Experience № 1. Ball and apelsin

You will need one orange, inflated balls (as you wish).
Experience № 2. Egg in butylke

You will need hard-boiled and shelled egg medium-sized glass bottle of juice with a sufficiently wide neck, a strip of paper, matches or lighter oil. To experience successful, the bottle neck should be slightly smaller than the eggs.
Experience № 3. Ball and voronka

You will need funnel and a ping-pong table.
Experience № 4. Magic svecha

You will need one candle and a lighter.
Experience № 5. Self-inflating shariki

You will need ball, soda, a bottle of vinegar.
Experience № 6. Glowing voda

This experience will require some training and additional purchases, but will look especially impressive.
You will need a tall glass, a solution of washing powder (20 ml), a three-percent hydrogen peroxide (10 ml), a three-percent solution of luminol (5 ml) and a few crystals of potassium permanganate.
Explanation: luminol glows when reacted with hydrogen peroxide.
See also 6 simple experience for children, bordering magic
8 cool science experiments for kids
5 simple scientific experiments that will delight children
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/5-prostyh-nauchnyh-opytov-kotorye-udivyat-vashego-rebenka-828310/