Did You know that a mammogram can do more harm than saves lives
Would you go for a mammogram, if it knew that almost all the “tumors” found during mammography are not cancer?
Would You go for a mammogram, if it knew that:
In General, a very complicated situation, which is tied to the corruption, politics, bias in research, vested interests, there is clearly a link between manufacturers of equipment and medicines, and supporters of universal mammographically and distorted (somebody else's fault) research about the benefits/harm of treatments – all this gives the truthful answer to the question “is it Worth doing mammograms to prevent breast cancer?”.
The conclusions are not in favor of the propagandists. You have a small chance to get the benefit, but still a big chance to harm your health.
Although researchers recognize that accurate research is impossible – as long as he lived one and the same person without (or with) anti-cancer treatments.
Independent researcher in the field of medicine Rolf Hefti in his book “the mammogram Myth: the Independent investigation of mammography, which would You do not need to know (in the opinion of medical specialists” (“The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn't Want You To Know About”, 2013) writes:
“A few “inconvenient“ facts that a woman should know:
Interaction with inexplicable, self-regulating business called “modern medicine”, similar to buying a used car from a stranger: You never know what You're getting, as You all said and what You reported, can seriously harm Your trips.” published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: aayurveda.ca/illness/breast-cancer/#more-6231

Would You go for a mammogram, if it knew that:
- almost all of the “tumors” found during mammography are not cancerous;
- almost all noncancerous tumors detected by mammography, it is still treated with the use of biopsy, surgery, chemotherapy (just in case). Ie most perfectly healthy women get treatment that they don't need, but it's treatment can aggravate the situation;
- in women undergoing regular mammography, subsequently more often detected breast cancer than those who were not;
- the primary tumor usually metastases after the patient underwent surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy;
- mammography does not save from dying patients, even if it was identified at an early stage;
- mammography increases total mortality among women;
- mammography, exacerbating the effects of the already heavy interventions;
- a single procedure can be the cause of serious damage DNA, the genetic injury that increases the future risk of breast cancer. Even if DNA is not directly damaged, but causes other damage, which are not taken into consideration by supporters of mammography;
- the lowest doses of radiation increase the risk of breast cancer and medical x-rays – the main cause of breast cancer;
- large corporations medical industry interested in the production of equipment and products for mammography, say from small doses of radiation during the procedure, no harm;
- most major studies that “proved” the usefulness of mammography, was malagaraziensis.
In General, a very complicated situation, which is tied to the corruption, politics, bias in research, vested interests, there is clearly a link between manufacturers of equipment and medicines, and supporters of universal mammographically and distorted (somebody else's fault) research about the benefits/harm of treatments – all this gives the truthful answer to the question “is it Worth doing mammograms to prevent breast cancer?”.
The conclusions are not in favor of the propagandists. You have a small chance to get the benefit, but still a big chance to harm your health.
Although researchers recognize that accurate research is impossible – as long as he lived one and the same person without (or with) anti-cancer treatments.
Independent researcher in the field of medicine Rolf Hefti in his book “the mammogram Myth: the Independent investigation of mammography, which would You do not need to know (in the opinion of medical specialists” (“The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn't Want You To Know About”, 2013) writes:
“A few “inconvenient“ facts that a woman should know:
Interaction with inexplicable, self-regulating business called “modern medicine”, similar to buying a used car from a stranger: You never know what You're getting, as You all said and what You reported, can seriously harm Your trips.” published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: aayurveda.ca/illness/breast-cancer/#more-6231