As room heaters affect health?

In winter, it becomes quite urgent problem of heating the dwelling. Many people think a long time before you make your choice in favor of one or another type of heater. At the moment, there are so many species that is really hard to choose. The most important thing - is that the effect of room heaters on human health has been minimal. After all, health is known, for any money can not buy back. There are various heaters, oil coolers, heaters, infrared heaters. It is necessary to consider at least some of the devices and how they affect health.
We begin with the household of oil heaters. This type of heating is very popular, because the cost is not too great, and the device can be moved around the apartment, however, the force required to move too. The principle of operation of this heater is based on natural convection. This means that the heater surrounding the heated volume of air moves upward, and it begins to take place cold. This type of heater slowly warms any room, if there is no built-in fan. If you turn on the oil heater at full power (the heater is heated to 110 degrees Celsius), the room may be too hot, and this has a negative impact on human health. The air is too dry and dusty, the influence of room heaters on health significantly. These heaters should have stepped type of heating, otherwise people all the time to breathe dust and too dry air.
Among heaters, which we use in everyday life, the most popular at the moment steel infrared heaters. They are widely advertised in newspapers, on television, on the Internet. It is believed that they are more efficient than the heaters, oil coolers. Use less energy, do not burn oxygen and others. They do not cause harm to humans - so say all manufacturers and sellers of these heaters. The advertisement says that this type of heating heater is good for the health of people in the age of the kids and people who suffer from various diseases. Influence of room heaters on health is minimal, if this is really the case? But trust advertising is not always possible, since it is designed to sell a product.
Sellers infrared heaters always soothe their customers that the phrase "infrared radiation" does not need to be afraid. After all, it is in any heating appliance that is used in everyday life. But the differences in the emission of infrared heater and battery for heating differ significantly. These devices emit waves of different spectral composition. What is the harm of infrared radiation to human health? One of the harmful effects of precise - is a strong drying of the skin surface. If it is addressed to the IR source, it begins to heat, moisture from it begins to disappear, the body does not respond to perspiration. The skin dries out, and may even be due to burning. Podpekaniya skin effect is common in the infrared saunas. This effect is not an exception to the IR heaters in apartments and houses.
If a person wants to install infrared heaters at home, then he should know that a powerful ceiling heater can make a hopeless harm if it is set too low and kept warm human head. It is better to only those heaters placed at maximum height. And better only if the flux is not directed at the person, and away - to the side. Infrared heaters are put in the nursery or bedroom is not desirable. The heater should not be directed to a man when he's sleeping. Ideally, these heaters should give its heat only the floor, walls and furniture. Not more, they should not be too powerful.
IR heater effective device, it is good to use for heating halls, pavilions and others. He heats the walls, floors and retains heat even when airing the room. IR sources in physiotherapy have long been used, but the impact is strictly regulated and short-term. Infrared heaters are often installed on the ceiling. If a person chooses to heat their homes infrared heater, it is worth remembering that a strut-type heater should not be taken if live in the house little kids. If this is not possible at all, you should make sure that the child is not able to get to the heater. As any touch to it can result in a risk of burns.
Heater special health benefit will bring. If the model heater is cheap, the heating unit it will have a common wire helix (high resistivity). Spiral normally open, and this leads to a simple burn-out of oxygen from the air. The person will breathe the dust, the air will be very dry and require timely moisture. As such, the heater is very often accumulate dust, something can still get there, and when you turn the air is filled with something burning. Obvious harm to human health: the dust will travel by air flow, as it will burn when working heater.
Electric convector heater, which is used in everyday life is no better heater, because the flow of air, which they created, carries dust all over the place. This is harmful to health, especially young children. In humans, due to portable dust may have a variety of allergic reactions and respiratory diseases. In oil radiator dust, for example, also falls into the upper grille. If people use in everyday life such heaters, it is worth it to buy a special moisturizer that does not suffer from dry air and dust. Remember that the effect of room heaters is not always a positive effect on human health.