Gymnastics is a particularly harmful exercise from childhood
Thirty million seven hundred sixty four thousand two hundred fifty three
There is such a thing as gymnastics – a common system of exercises that is taught to parents of children taught by physical education in school, which is considered the Foundation for all exercise. In fact, this system is largely flawed and even harmful because it does not account for features of human anatomy and individual characteristics of population groups. Of course, teachers in school do not know. For example:
1. Bending forward “jerks”. In childhood, perhaps, of all were taught. To get to the ground, had to do a lot of jerks down, bending forward and stretching out his hand. Because stretching hamstrings of the people is usually bad, and rotation in the hip is almost there, it is an exercise in literally breaks the back, on which hangs the whole body of the body. Methodical jerks.
2. Run. A very useful form of warm-up acts on all groups of muscles, breathing, endurance... That's just it recommend fat people to reset the mass. And when a fat man weighing a hundred pounds starts to run, it was adopted a substantial body rapidly shaking up and down because the fat will not tension, and it flows freely. Consequently, the spine is experiencing a huge load, as if by pounding it with a jackhammer, and flattened. Hence the herniated vertebral discs. Jogging is contraindicated as a means to reduce weight – better to start with static provisions, which, moreover, is best consumed subcutaneous fat.
3. Lifting weights. The dumbbells in my childhood were almost at each house. Swing biceps dumbbells – that's nothing. But when the dumbbells move in a heavy barbell, that the practitioner picks up on the breath, making the traditional short breath with thundering sound, which usually coming from the gym – the problems begin. Holding your breath raises blood and intracranial pressure increases the pressure on the blood vessels of the brain, and if it is besides on the breath is fraught with proctological problems.
4. “The bridge”. Great exercise, but being made without the stretched muscles and a flexible spine, and at the same time without technology, it breaks the same back. Safer preparing for “the bridge” – “half-bridge” and it should be done very carefully. The deflection must be in the lower back and the thoracic, and the lumbar flexure is eliminated by tension of the abdominal muscles.
5. Push-UPS. In the form in which it is given – in principle, not harmful, but is almost useless exercise. The position of the body during the push-UPS should be parallel to the floor, all in a line, legs, pelvis, back, neck, head. The situation of “pop up, belly touches the floor, but did a hundred push-UPS” – no effect, but, of course, turn out impressive results. The man who makes a hundred “regular” push UPS, can barely do 10-15 pieces of “real”: straight body, chest touches the floor.
I hope that gymnastics, like many other “accepted” practices in the world, including food, body position when working and many more will someday be optimized for people and not strange creatures with alien anatomy and physiology.published
Author: Andrew Nordbon
Source: mindness.ru/%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/#comment-16
There is such a thing as gymnastics – a common system of exercises that is taught to parents of children taught by physical education in school, which is considered the Foundation for all exercise. In fact, this system is largely flawed and even harmful because it does not account for features of human anatomy and individual characteristics of population groups. Of course, teachers in school do not know. For example:
1. Bending forward “jerks”. In childhood, perhaps, of all were taught. To get to the ground, had to do a lot of jerks down, bending forward and stretching out his hand. Because stretching hamstrings of the people is usually bad, and rotation in the hip is almost there, it is an exercise in literally breaks the back, on which hangs the whole body of the body. Methodical jerks.
2. Run. A very useful form of warm-up acts on all groups of muscles, breathing, endurance... That's just it recommend fat people to reset the mass. And when a fat man weighing a hundred pounds starts to run, it was adopted a substantial body rapidly shaking up and down because the fat will not tension, and it flows freely. Consequently, the spine is experiencing a huge load, as if by pounding it with a jackhammer, and flattened. Hence the herniated vertebral discs. Jogging is contraindicated as a means to reduce weight – better to start with static provisions, which, moreover, is best consumed subcutaneous fat.
3. Lifting weights. The dumbbells in my childhood were almost at each house. Swing biceps dumbbells – that's nothing. But when the dumbbells move in a heavy barbell, that the practitioner picks up on the breath, making the traditional short breath with thundering sound, which usually coming from the gym – the problems begin. Holding your breath raises blood and intracranial pressure increases the pressure on the blood vessels of the brain, and if it is besides on the breath is fraught with proctological problems.
4. “The bridge”. Great exercise, but being made without the stretched muscles and a flexible spine, and at the same time without technology, it breaks the same back. Safer preparing for “the bridge” – “half-bridge” and it should be done very carefully. The deflection must be in the lower back and the thoracic, and the lumbar flexure is eliminated by tension of the abdominal muscles.
5. Push-UPS. In the form in which it is given – in principle, not harmful, but is almost useless exercise. The position of the body during the push-UPS should be parallel to the floor, all in a line, legs, pelvis, back, neck, head. The situation of “pop up, belly touches the floor, but did a hundred push-UPS” – no effect, but, of course, turn out impressive results. The man who makes a hundred “regular” push UPS, can barely do 10-15 pieces of “real”: straight body, chest touches the floor.
I hope that gymnastics, like many other “accepted” practices in the world, including food, body position when working and many more will someday be optimized for people and not strange creatures with alien anatomy and physiology.published
Author: Andrew Nordbon
Source: mindness.ru/%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/#comment-16
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