Hundred times think before you judge someone...

© Elena Shumilova
When I was in school, our class was a strange boy. At first it was a boy Ghost. He was enlisted, but was homeschooled. We haven't seen him and didn't know who it is. It was very interesting, who is this and why doesn't he go to school. We had another boy studying at home, but it was all clear – he had kidney problems. And here is unclear. For many years – just a name.
And then he came. He was a strange. Then I knew nothing about autism. Yes, probably, no one knew. I don't know what he was diagnosed, my feeling today is Asperger's. That is high functioning autism. It was very strange. Never looked in the eye. Strange talk – very clear. With anybody did not communicate. In place to sit. Strange move.
In class he never asked, he answered in writing. And with the great...
And we, like all children, was cruel. We laughed at him. Ridiculed. Even had a joke among the girls, you behave badly – I would marry him. Now it is a shame really. Then we just did not understand that he cannot behave differently. There is something stronger than him. His soul is trapped in this body, and inside it is the same as we are. He just can't speak louder, better. Can't look in the eye. We can not understand. Although – as it turned out – to communicate wants. The guy was very bright, smart.
I don't know what happened on his fate, where he is now and how. But when I realized what was happening with my oldest son, I immediately remembered it. Instantly. And like clicked in my head – not over people laughing...
But recently happened something else. Reminded me about this story. Once the network was a small skirmish, I was her witness. One woman, a psychologist, attacked the father of a special child. I don't remember what exactly she did not like. But the aggression was serious. Ended the conversation that "themselves to blame, nothing to put the vaccination". It's been three years since then. And I accidentally stumbled on this page this women on the net. Where she writes that she was born a special child, and turned away from her many friends...
I have the feeling that when we condemn, we do not see the full picture. And the Lord gives us the opportunity to see more, to understand. Immersing in a similar situation. Yields go the same way in the same moccasins. To understand someone condemned.
It is spoken about the fact that condemning, we take away a person's bad karma, and give him your good. Such examples convince me that it works.
And here I personally see two conclusions:
- If pounce on you – do not join in the debate. Although you want to protect yourself from injustice is to know yourself. I want to say that's not true, a lie. Or that man has no rights... don't waste energy. Now I know for sure – will take care of us. And our justice including. No matter how and when it happens – but on the Ground it is very accurate, as a pharmacy. All actions are summarized and rewarded by him. Will take care of you, will protect you.
The father was furious, and forced the monk to pick up a newborn baby. And although he knew that he was not the father of the child and raise it should not that the girl's father wrong, and the girl is lying, did not resist. Locals began to beat the monk side, to laugh. But he continued to pray, confident that God's will be done.
And raise it baby year after year. While a mother's heart could not stand it and revealed the truth to his father to reunite with his son. The girl's father realized what sin has done, slandered an innocent monk, fell at his feet and begged forgiveness. But the monk was not experienced on the subject of joy. It happened what had to happen. All the will of God.
- Don't judge others.
Know it's hard, impossible, unbearable. But why do you need for your exams add strangers? His condemnation we give permission to us put in one way or another. Condemning those who are divorced, we will endanger his family. Condemning those who are not working, we risk losing my business. And so on. It is necessary to you?
Another friend of mine got divorced. I am against divorce in General. But I saw her in a new marriage and realized that now it's real. Last time she wore a kind of mask and tried to seem like somebody. It was all artificial and selfish, only two, her husband does not particularly like children. Now, she's happy the mother of the family. Real. Sometimes grumpy, sometimes laughing. To condemn her for what she has finally thawed out and began to live full and bright life of its own?
Everyone has their own reasons and the original data in order to behave in a certain way. And while we don't know them, we are biased. And in order for them to learn and understand – and we must become part of the story. Do you really want to be the heroine of those stories about which you speak with conviction?
Be careful. In words, acts, thoughts. Because according to karma, we suffer less than stupidity. And foolishly we collect so many not very good on your head, judging, gossip, evil deeds....
To live your life is always the right thing. Without regard to "the nightmare that is happening around" and "shameless and inhuman people." Live your life, to change, to become better, to purify their lives, to help grow your family.
What I wish! published
Author: Olga Valyaeva Chapter from the book "Podonosma. On the women's maturity,"
Source: www.valyaeva.ru/sto-raz-podumajte-prezhde-chem-kogo-to-osudit-ili-posmeyatsya/