The secrets of Oriental medicine: balanced diet

Oriental medicine considers human health as the body's ability to respond to a wide variety of stimuli thus, to maintain its balance and integrity. Disease caused by inability to adapt to any external condition. While the body's defenses are weakened, the reserves run out, and many of the existing adverse factors interact among themselves. One of the main ways to maintain natural balance and wholeness of body is proper nutrition, which prevents the depletion of natural reserves.
The system of natural food, by definition, Oriental medicine is to create harmony between food and homeostasis (homeostasis — relative permanence dynamic composition and properties internal environment and sustainability of basic physiological functions of the body) of a person based on age, sex, presence of chronic disease and other criteria.
A natural way of eating is:
— a lot of fiber,
— low calorie,
— high content of trace elements,
— low in fat,
— low salt content.
A natural way of eating involves:
— eat little but often,
— in the morning to start only when fully ready
in the evening there is little or not at all.
A natural way of eating includes:
— lots of vegetables and fruits,
— a moderate amount of tubers and roots,
— moderate amount of game,
— small amount of nuts,
— small amount of beans.
Priorities in the consumption of products
Eastern medicine suggests the following priorities in the consumption of products and lots of fruit and soft plant foods (vegetables), moderate amounts of carbohydrates, moderate amounts of vegetable protein, a moderate amount of specially selected animal food.
Unlimited consumption.
1) Plant food (salads, green and yellow vegetables).
Their consumption must increase to 40% of the diet. Man is designed so that a significant portion of proteins it needs to obtain from plant foods. There should be a lot — up to half a kilogram a day.
2) Fruit.
Consumption of fruits should be 25% of the diet. You need to eat up to a kilo a day.
The limited and controlled consumption.
1) Dairy products.
You must either completely abandon them, or reduce their consumption to a minimum.
2) Meat of livestock.
Consumption should be reduced to zero.
3) poultry.
And Ingushetia chicken breast without skin can be eaten in moderation. Consumption of the other parts should be kept to a minimum.
4) Oily fish and seafood.
Useful to use in moderation.
5) Vegetable proteins (nuts, legumes, and meat substitutes).
It is very important to regularly eat moderate amounts of raw unsalted nuts. Due to the presence of anti-nutritional substances in legumes, particularly soybeans, are not miracle products. Occasionally you can include in your diet a moderate amount of legumes and their products.
6) Cereal products, sugar, starch.
Consumption should be limited.
7) Eggs.
Eggs of hens fed on intensive technology, can be consumed in moderation. Eggs contained free-range, fat-rich omega-3 can be consumed without restrictions.
Golden rules of natural power, by definition, Oriental medicine
1 Man as a species adapted to the consumption of primarily vegetable foods and fruits. It is not necessary to be cautious with the amount of vegetables and fruits. Up to half a kilogram of vegetables and kilos of fruits a day — even plant foods will be the main product on your table.
2 Food should be simple. The fewer names the better.
3 Fresh vegetables better than cooked. If you cook something better for a couple to ubicati or fry.
4 Must limit the intake of bad carbs. Be wary of any foods in packages, cans, bottles.
5 Should be reduced consumption of meat livestock.
6, it is Necessary to reduce the consumption of dairy products.
7 Exercise moderation in intake of fats. Replace harmful fats in canola oil. Fit also hemp, flax oil, walnuts. Cheese consume with caution. Less salt to prepared food.
Under these rules of Oriental doctors ensure greater adaptability of the organism to adverse environmental change and the conservation of natural health.published
Source: Batechko S. A., Dubovoy A. N., Derevyanko N.. A gold mine of "Shi". The philosophy of integrative medicine.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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