8 very surprising secrets of beauty and sexuality of Hollywood stars
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You think it's easy to look good?And yet some people know very well how to maintain a healthy body. Better than others in this usually handle the stars, whose appearance is an integral part of their popularity.
Here are 8 secrets used by the stars.
1. The lip balm. Eyes. Miranda Kercher admitted that has no idea how it works, but it imposes on the eyelids lip balm — and as a result her face looks seriously refreshed. You can also apply it on the corners of the eyes.
2. The salad on the hair. Denise Richards.Add a teaspoon of olive oil on the cut half avocado, add onion, salt and salad for guacamole, and then RUB the fruit into your hair. It will give them strength and durability.
3. Adhesive tape for eyes. Lady Ghanadan, the singer admitted that the secret to her toned skin... in the fixing belt! Gaga sticks the tape on the hair line to the forehead, temples and below the ears, hiding the traces of the crime under the hair, wig or hat.And the girl "sculpts" your face every day: "I wash my face, look in the mirror and think about how I would today to form the eyes. Every day starts the same way. It's like a mantra."
4. Salad for hands. Julia Roberts.Roberts every night rubbing your hands with olive oil. It makes the skin soft, silky and clean. Periodically she adds the Apple cider vinegar.
5. Bird droppings for the skin. Victoria Beckham.Designer Victoria Beckham can boast of flawless skin. Her secret? Bird droppings! The former participant of group Spice Girl took over the traditional methods of facial Japanese geishas who used Nightingale droppings for the manufacture of cleansing powders. Doesn't sound very attractive, but this procedure is now offered by many beauty salons.
6. Cranberry juice for the hair. Nicole Kidman Kidmannicole uses this trick to care for your red hair, she rinses them with cranberry juice. According to her, it makes the curls Shine and make hair color more intense.
7. Leeches. Demi Moore.Detox for the actress is a special procedure that she does not use the juice or lemons. Demi Moore flies to Austria, where the use of “well-trained medical Piavko” – they suck the blood of the stars toxins.
8. Hemorrhoids. Sandra Bullock. Oscar-winning actress seems to have discovered the strange beauty secret: she uses hemorrhoid cream to eliminate swelling under the eyes. “I never would have thought that hemorrhoids cream can be used on the face,” says Sandra. We would not have thought, given that the skin around the eyes is very delicate and requires special care and light creams. published Author: Konstantin Shiyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/8-neogidannih-sekretov-sohraneniya-krasoti-i-seksualnosti-gollivudskih-zvezd
You think it's easy to look good?And yet some people know very well how to maintain a healthy body. Better than others in this usually handle the stars, whose appearance is an integral part of their popularity.
Here are 8 secrets used by the stars.
1. The lip balm. Eyes. Miranda Kercher admitted that has no idea how it works, but it imposes on the eyelids lip balm — and as a result her face looks seriously refreshed. You can also apply it on the corners of the eyes.
2. The salad on the hair. Denise Richards.Add a teaspoon of olive oil on the cut half avocado, add onion, salt and salad for guacamole, and then RUB the fruit into your hair. It will give them strength and durability.
3. Adhesive tape for eyes. Lady Ghanadan, the singer admitted that the secret to her toned skin... in the fixing belt! Gaga sticks the tape on the hair line to the forehead, temples and below the ears, hiding the traces of the crime under the hair, wig or hat.And the girl "sculpts" your face every day: "I wash my face, look in the mirror and think about how I would today to form the eyes. Every day starts the same way. It's like a mantra."
4. Salad for hands. Julia Roberts.Roberts every night rubbing your hands with olive oil. It makes the skin soft, silky and clean. Periodically she adds the Apple cider vinegar.
5. Bird droppings for the skin. Victoria Beckham.Designer Victoria Beckham can boast of flawless skin. Her secret? Bird droppings! The former participant of group Spice Girl took over the traditional methods of facial Japanese geishas who used Nightingale droppings for the manufacture of cleansing powders. Doesn't sound very attractive, but this procedure is now offered by many beauty salons.
6. Cranberry juice for the hair. Nicole Kidman Kidmannicole uses this trick to care for your red hair, she rinses them with cranberry juice. According to her, it makes the curls Shine and make hair color more intense.
7. Leeches. Demi Moore.Detox for the actress is a special procedure that she does not use the juice or lemons. Demi Moore flies to Austria, where the use of “well-trained medical Piavko” – they suck the blood of the stars toxins.
8. Hemorrhoids. Sandra Bullock. Oscar-winning actress seems to have discovered the strange beauty secret: she uses hemorrhoid cream to eliminate swelling under the eyes. “I never would have thought that hemorrhoids cream can be used on the face,” says Sandra. We would not have thought, given that the skin around the eyes is very delicate and requires special care and light creams. published Author: Konstantin Shiyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/8-neogidannih-sekretov-sohraneniya-krasoti-i-seksualnosti-gollivudskih-zvezd