"The ass of some friends I see more often than pictures of cats!" About female sexuality in the age of Instagram
Twenty four million five hundred ten thousand two hundred twenty nine
Nikita Podgornova, columnist of "Snob", that is called boiling. The website publishes the arguments of the modern man about modern women — but rather about what many of them have become thanks to Instagram. Even some ten-fifteen years ago, female sexuality and the female body was something intimate. Private. At least here in Russia. Sexuality it was necessary to uncover and feel. The female body was akin to the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. But sexuality was not vulgar and was not honest. It is not flaunted.
But those virtuous days in the past. Now sexuality at every step. Tape Facebook and Instagram full of photos that in a previous age would have been the pinnacle of intimacy and private sexuality. They were shown only to his nearest man, and even his glance at these photos would cause distress.
Whether it is now. Each of us saw a dozen angles of the Breasts, legs, ass, waist, ajar lips, defiantly closed lips, frames with intimate light by the bed, by the pool, in the bathroom, in bed, at home, in a hotel room, on the beach, at sunrise, at sunset... In General, any frames. And it's not a photo shoot models and stars of show business colleagues, sisters, girlfriends, girlfriends girlfriends, wife's friends, classmates, classmate, student. And for someone all those Breasts and buttocks — it is their children. In reality, all these 18-year-old half-histogrammic because there are mom and dad sitting on the Internet.
And all this together is our new attitude towards sexuality of the female body. It is now a product of mass use. What used to be sexy to those that have undergone a strict taboo and was hidden from prying eyes — is now represented in all positions.
Seriously, ass some of my friends I see in the feed more often than pictures of cats and sunsets. And my friends, women are not porn stars or escort models, they are realtors, advertisers, teachers, managers, etc.
Just now so "norm". Got out of the shower, turned my ass to the mirror and SNiP SNiP, one leg on chick and chin to shoulder. Classic. 200 likes immediately. Comments: "Stroymash", "nuts!!!", "pozhamkat."
And now stop! Now if you decided to write that in your feed, there is no such in sight, and it Podgornov libertine followit incomprehensible to someone, then immediately close the text and do not try to read it to the end. No kidding, we still need your missed all this sh..., excuse me, all this beauty the brain.
Personally, I'm already infected. All my friends are infected. We don't understand where the line between intimacy, privacy and sexuality. It's all a blur. There are no more borders. Well, there is one more intrigue, the latest: naked pussy. Naked cock. Vagina. Nipples. (Are you still here?) It's still covered. What is retouching? That there is a line of string? Secret. Who's what and what? We still do not know.
It turns out that this thin strip is the last stronghold of the former sexuality of the female body. We don't want these "EW gross". It is not the vulgarity is the order of things. Not a trend, but trendie. Whether we like it or not, but it is. There is no more high and low. This facet of Western civilization has consistently erased the whole XX century and by 2016 we at apogee.
But more about that some other time. Meanwhile, on the agenda is the question what to do with bare Breasts my former boss that I liked today on Instagram. She raced at the weekend in Bali. Posted a couple of photos Topless at sunset. All, of course decently and culturally, only the shadow and contours. No nipples, and then banned.
It is only holding back? Ban for nipples and pussy. This division of audiences between porn, where everything is possible, and not the type of "porn" where the children sit.
Although these children after all are the main trendsetters. The current teenagers are divided into two opposite categories. First, "for" the new frankness and actively use it. And the second, in exactly the opposite direction: it does not matter how sexy and frankly they look like. The word "all".
As a result,gipersexualnosti and asexuality.
This is logical. For us, the dinosaurs of the Internet, there is still a trail of past eras, when photography Topless on public display was something unimaginable; as the female body in a revealing bathing suit was the height of intimacy and sexuality, and not everyday photo of any tape. We have found these days, when the first time I see the naked ass of his girlfriend on his bed, not in the pictures in social networks before Dating. We, roughly speaking, fall for it all. These old-fashioned sexuality.
The new generation is completely devoid of these boundaries. Any 14-year-old seen so many half-naked women than I've ever seen in all my 30 years. And it just is on all signed on 50 of the most popular pages of Instagram. A girl of 16 years is photographed in her underwear and posts it to a social network without some sort of moral brittle. She even does not feel the call. Not going against the system. On the contrary, it is mainstream. Everyone is doing it.
This is a popular. New Frank sexuality. Pictures in the mirror, pouting lips, Frank swimwear, lingerie is the top seller in the current era. We may think that we live in the era of intimacy and privacy, but it's not. As a personal choice — please. But a million likes each day it collects a half-naked lady pictures in the mirror.
And now begins the serious. Main question: how do we live with all this? To continue to harp on every corner: "Fi, Fi, Fi, vulgarity, debauchery," no longer an option. Is equivalent to the fact that trying mouth to blow out a burning house like candles on a birthday cake. When was the last time you seen a judgmental comment to a photo in underwear in front of a mirror? Well, when was the last time this comment was left by someone without a picture with a cat on the avatar?
This. All, on the contrary, support it. "Wow, what Tits! Come again!" And this is not a call for some sort of men with greasy hands, it's friends, colleagues, relatives.
We fell into the trap. At first it was kind of glamorous. Nothing vulgar and judgmental. Just a beautiful interior, a beautiful dress, a beautiful view. A little flirting into the camera-style models on the covers of glamorous magazines. Later dresses became shorter, the interiors are more intimate, sexier poses. And all the trap snapped shut. If tomorrow is the most virtuous of your friends put pictures with half-naked chest and waist — you'll appreciate the chest and waist, not that she has slipped into vulgarity. No more of this criterion.
And that's where we're going as a civilization. A new future, where no criteria and truths. Everyone is free to put them up for himself. This was the point. Not imposing public morality that puts sexuality in the framework and the rules that forbids gay marriage, that women on their "gender role" chooses "to wear", and that "impossible" and so on. It's all links of one chain. Someone said, "I want to put pictures of their bare ass on display". It is my right. I am a free man. And then it started.
Where that leaves us — no one knows. The era of open access of information each can affect everyone is a new territory. This was not even in the XX century. Then to have your sexuality influenced the world had to go through a rigorous selection process to become one of the world stars. Now you can just promote your page on Instagram. And that's all. Millions. You influence millions. Let the short-term, but now everything is momentary. From the release of one iPhone to another.
If after five years, conditional Lady Gaga or some other pop star, will perform on the stage Topless and without a "line string", then I would not be surprised. This "last frontier" too, one day will fall.
via snob.ru/profile/27133/blog/115241
Nikita Podgornova, columnist of "Snob", that is called boiling. The website publishes the arguments of the modern man about modern women — but rather about what many of them have become thanks to Instagram. Even some ten-fifteen years ago, female sexuality and the female body was something intimate. Private. At least here in Russia. Sexuality it was necessary to uncover and feel. The female body was akin to the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. But sexuality was not vulgar and was not honest. It is not flaunted.
But those virtuous days in the past. Now sexuality at every step. Tape Facebook and Instagram full of photos that in a previous age would have been the pinnacle of intimacy and private sexuality. They were shown only to his nearest man, and even his glance at these photos would cause distress.
Whether it is now. Each of us saw a dozen angles of the Breasts, legs, ass, waist, ajar lips, defiantly closed lips, frames with intimate light by the bed, by the pool, in the bathroom, in bed, at home, in a hotel room, on the beach, at sunrise, at sunset... In General, any frames. And it's not a photo shoot models and stars of show business colleagues, sisters, girlfriends, girlfriends girlfriends, wife's friends, classmates, classmate, student. And for someone all those Breasts and buttocks — it is their children. In reality, all these 18-year-old half-histogrammic because there are mom and dad sitting on the Internet.
And all this together is our new attitude towards sexuality of the female body. It is now a product of mass use. What used to be sexy to those that have undergone a strict taboo and was hidden from prying eyes — is now represented in all positions.
Seriously, ass some of my friends I see in the feed more often than pictures of cats and sunsets. And my friends, women are not porn stars or escort models, they are realtors, advertisers, teachers, managers, etc.
Just now so "norm". Got out of the shower, turned my ass to the mirror and SNiP SNiP, one leg on chick and chin to shoulder. Classic. 200 likes immediately. Comments: "Stroymash", "nuts!!!", "pozhamkat."
And now stop! Now if you decided to write that in your feed, there is no such in sight, and it Podgornov libertine followit incomprehensible to someone, then immediately close the text and do not try to read it to the end. No kidding, we still need your missed all this sh..., excuse me, all this beauty the brain.
Personally, I'm already infected. All my friends are infected. We don't understand where the line between intimacy, privacy and sexuality. It's all a blur. There are no more borders. Well, there is one more intrigue, the latest: naked pussy. Naked cock. Vagina. Nipples. (Are you still here?) It's still covered. What is retouching? That there is a line of string? Secret. Who's what and what? We still do not know.
It turns out that this thin strip is the last stronghold of the former sexuality of the female body. We don't want these "EW gross". It is not the vulgarity is the order of things. Not a trend, but trendie. Whether we like it or not, but it is. There is no more high and low. This facet of Western civilization has consistently erased the whole XX century and by 2016 we at apogee.
But more about that some other time. Meanwhile, on the agenda is the question what to do with bare Breasts my former boss that I liked today on Instagram. She raced at the weekend in Bali. Posted a couple of photos Topless at sunset. All, of course decently and culturally, only the shadow and contours. No nipples, and then banned.
It is only holding back? Ban for nipples and pussy. This division of audiences between porn, where everything is possible, and not the type of "porn" where the children sit.
Although these children after all are the main trendsetters. The current teenagers are divided into two opposite categories. First, "for" the new frankness and actively use it. And the second, in exactly the opposite direction: it does not matter how sexy and frankly they look like. The word "all".
As a result,gipersexualnosti and asexuality.
This is logical. For us, the dinosaurs of the Internet, there is still a trail of past eras, when photography Topless on public display was something unimaginable; as the female body in a revealing bathing suit was the height of intimacy and sexuality, and not everyday photo of any tape. We have found these days, when the first time I see the naked ass of his girlfriend on his bed, not in the pictures in social networks before Dating. We, roughly speaking, fall for it all. These old-fashioned sexuality.
The new generation is completely devoid of these boundaries. Any 14-year-old seen so many half-naked women than I've ever seen in all my 30 years. And it just is on all signed on 50 of the most popular pages of Instagram. A girl of 16 years is photographed in her underwear and posts it to a social network without some sort of moral brittle. She even does not feel the call. Not going against the system. On the contrary, it is mainstream. Everyone is doing it.
This is a popular. New Frank sexuality. Pictures in the mirror, pouting lips, Frank swimwear, lingerie is the top seller in the current era. We may think that we live in the era of intimacy and privacy, but it's not. As a personal choice — please. But a million likes each day it collects a half-naked lady pictures in the mirror.
And now begins the serious. Main question: how do we live with all this? To continue to harp on every corner: "Fi, Fi, Fi, vulgarity, debauchery," no longer an option. Is equivalent to the fact that trying mouth to blow out a burning house like candles on a birthday cake. When was the last time you seen a judgmental comment to a photo in underwear in front of a mirror? Well, when was the last time this comment was left by someone without a picture with a cat on the avatar?
This. All, on the contrary, support it. "Wow, what Tits! Come again!" And this is not a call for some sort of men with greasy hands, it's friends, colleagues, relatives.
We fell into the trap. At first it was kind of glamorous. Nothing vulgar and judgmental. Just a beautiful interior, a beautiful dress, a beautiful view. A little flirting into the camera-style models on the covers of glamorous magazines. Later dresses became shorter, the interiors are more intimate, sexier poses. And all the trap snapped shut. If tomorrow is the most virtuous of your friends put pictures with half-naked chest and waist — you'll appreciate the chest and waist, not that she has slipped into vulgarity. No more of this criterion.
And that's where we're going as a civilization. A new future, where no criteria and truths. Everyone is free to put them up for himself. This was the point. Not imposing public morality that puts sexuality in the framework and the rules that forbids gay marriage, that women on their "gender role" chooses "to wear", and that "impossible" and so on. It's all links of one chain. Someone said, "I want to put pictures of their bare ass on display". It is my right. I am a free man. And then it started.
Where that leaves us — no one knows. The era of open access of information each can affect everyone is a new territory. This was not even in the XX century. Then to have your sexuality influenced the world had to go through a rigorous selection process to become one of the world stars. Now you can just promote your page on Instagram. And that's all. Millions. You influence millions. Let the short-term, but now everything is momentary. From the release of one iPhone to another.
If after five years, conditional Lady Gaga or some other pop star, will perform on the stage Topless and without a "line string", then I would not be surprised. This "last frontier" too, one day will fall.
via snob.ru/profile/27133/blog/115241
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