What is really the meaning of the stars hotels in different countries

Often, on hearing the magic phrase "all inclusive" and "5-star" tourists literally lose their heads, lashing out at any suggestion with these alluring words. But often the difference between 3 - and 5-star hotel only in price.
Website paused to figure out what do the stars and whether to choose a hotel by their number.
The stars is perhaps the best known method of classification of hotels. This system called Hotelstars Union, and enter into it only a few countries of Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland. This classification looks like this.

However, in the world, not all countries use such a system. In addition to the stars some hotels also have diamonds (USA, Canada), the crown (Britain), letters (Greece), points (India). But they all somehow look up to a star system.
But even if the hotel is worth the rating of "5 stars", not in all countries, this means higher quality and convenience.

In Turkey there are hotels of three types: club hotels, hotel and tourist villages.
- The tourist village can be of different levels. They are somewhat similar to places for ecotourism, as it is as close to culture and nature.
- Club hotels — hotels with a large territory and all amenities. A rating higher than three stars. Guest selects entertainment on the principle of "nothing does not deny", and the main task — to make so that the tourist left the place of rest with tears in the eyes (in a good way).
- Hotels can be all stars, but there is a catch. The hotel "5 stars" you could be a service like in a 4 - or even 3-star. All due to the fact that certification of hotels in this country are regular, but her confirmation may be delayed for years. Because hotels often assign themselves any number of stars.

There is also no clear classification of hotels. Often the gifts themselves are assigned stars, and sometimes tour operators to increase the cost of maintenance. Travelers, not just visited Egypt, I like to joke: "If you are in Egypt offering 5-star room, then subtract a couple of stars — and you get what will happen in reality".
It focuses not on the quality and range of services. Than most can provide the hotel, the more stars. But the quality is no guarantee will not. Therefore, choosing hotel, you should carefully examine the scope of services.

Though Germany and is part of the countries of the Hotelstars Union, a star rating of the hotels here controls the organization DEHOGA, and does it very, very seriously. So if the hotel is designated a "5 stars", then rest assured, it is. However, there is one difference.
In Germany there are no pools, even in luxury hotels. Though it is a mandatory option in the world, the Germans it is not. So if you need a pool, ask about this in advance when booking.

The intricate system of classification of hotels in Italy. There, as they say, the devil break a leg, the Italians can't understand stardom. All due to the fact that tourism there is subordinate to the regions, and in Italy 20. And almost every of its Statute, which "touches" the star hotels as they like.
For example, can meet in hotels "5 star luxury", that in fact the usual "five". And in regions such as Abruzzo, Campania, Calabria, Liguria, Sardinia, complicated scoring system. Here some they only clear way to count the points each hotel and based on this give stars. And often the class of the hotel may not meet the expectations.
By the way, in Italy every star you can buy, it is paid a separate tax. So often the hotel has only 2 stars, but advertised as 4 star. Before traveling to Italy is to know the region in which the hotel was located and what the region standards.

Until recently, France had only 4 star hotels. Later came the "five", but you can also find 4 hotel luxe — it's the same 5 stars. Classification of hotels in France:
- 1 star hostel. Spartan conditions.
- 2 star budget option, the minimum of amenities, guests will enjoy a modest Breakfast.
- 3 stars — middle class. There is a cafe, spacious rooms, and Internet access.
- 4 stars — located in the centre. The rooms except the shower has a Hairdryer and tub. Many resort hotels have a sauna and pool.
- 5 star — hotels of the highest category. In such hotels restaurants with excellent cuisine, the beauty, excellent and expensive.

There is the same classification as in Italy, that is almost no. It all depends on regions and location. In Spain in addition to stars there is a different classification of hotels.
- Refugio (refugios) — literally translated as "refuge" or "refuge" in fact it is an ordinary hostel.
- Fund (fondas) — a group of small hotels, mostly family business.
- Pensions (pensiones) — it may be a rural hotel, or a hotel that lost its rating.
- Рaradores — superexpensive hotels in the territories of ancient castles, mansions, estates.

The more stars the sign of the hotel in the Emirates, the better. Here there are hotels 6 and 7 stars, offering a truly Royal service. But these 7 stars — unofficial evaluation. It is believed that adding the extra star is just a gimmick. However, visiting this hotel disappointed with the service you definitely will not.

In countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Japan, operates the usual "star" system. To put my rating is voluntary. As a rule, the quality of service in hotels in these countries correspond to the European level, and often even better.
All because in Europe tourists travel for experiences, and hotels — a place to sleep. And in Asia come to the beach, to relax, to meditate and to relax from the urban bustle. And therefore demands more.
Source smartertravel
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