The zero generation. Perfect vegetables
Frame from the film " short Stories "
My work has a personal assistant, girl Anastasia, from Moscow,22 years old, studying in the final year of legal Institute. Asking me
Oh, and guys, underground so deep down? It's so embarrassing and hard!
– Well, you see, Nastya, Moscow subway was originally a dual purpose. It was planned to be used as urban transport, and as a bomb shelter.
Mathew grinned:
A bomb shelter? What nonsense! We are that someone is going to bomb?
– I'll tell you more, Moscow has bombed.
– Who?!
– Well... Um-hmm – the Germans bombed Moscow. In time of war. They flew their planes and dropped bombs.
– Why!? They have that would destroy?!
– Well, like, yeah...
– That bastard!!!
– Yeah-well-well!
– And that all the people were hiding from the bombing in the subway?
Well, not all... But many. Someone here spent the night, and someone was constantly.
– In the subway bombs did not fall?
– No.
– Why do they then threw the bomb?
– I do not understand...
– Well, I mean, instead of useless to throw bombs, went down to the subway and all shot.
– Nastya, well, they're Germans! They have our cards on the subway was not. And, up there, turnstiles, grandmother duty cops. They're not just missed!
– A-a-a-a. Well, Yes, of course.
– Nastya, I was joking! Actually the Germans were stopped in the outskirts of Moscow and did not allow them to enter the city.
– Our fellows, right?
– Yeah, – I say – real luser!!
– And there, in the subway, people lived?
– Well, not really, of course, good. Wooden bunks were together and slept on them. The bench even stood on the tracks.
– Did, ' snapped Anastasia, and how did the train go?
– Well, the bombing was mostly at night and people were sleeping on the tracks, and the day the bench was removed and again let the train.
– A nightmare! It is well, quite crazy, night bombing! – was indignant the wall. – It's loud! How to sleep?!!!
Well, it's the Germans, Anastasia, we're with them, the difference in time.
– Then it is understandable.
On the way back I tried not to affect in any serious conversation topics. Nevertheless, again ran.
In next vacation I want to go to the Baltics, – Nastya wanted.
– Where?
– Well, somewhere to the sea...
– In Lithuania, Estonia or Latvia? – clarify the question I have.
– ?????????????
Well, it is believed that the Baltic States are three countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia. Which of them do you want to go?
Class! I thought it was one country – the Baltic States! I go where the sea is.
– In all three there.
– Damn! Now here's how to choose?
– I don't know...
– Have you been to the Baltics?
Was. In Estonia.
– Well and how? A visa is troublesome to apply?
I was there during the Soviet Union. Then we were one country.
– What is "one country"?!
– All Baltic States joined the Soviet Union! Anastasia, don't you know?!
– Stunned!
– Right now, you're all gonna freak! Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, too, were part of the Soviet Union. And Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. And Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia!
– Georgia!? It is these goats with which the war was?!
– They are the best. Well, you know, that was the Soviet Union, which then collapsed? You're still in it was born!
Yeah, I know. Was some of the Soviet Union. Then collapsed. Well, I didn't know him as much land fell off...
I was riding the subway and watched the people around. A lot of young people. they are All younger than me only some ten years – twelve. Are they all the same as Anastasia?! The zero generation. Perfect vegetables...
Source: www.facebook.com/kazbek.magerramov/posts/868709056533879
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