Eco Fashion Week 2015— the trend will show in the garden

From 3 to 7 June in the Botanical garden of MSU "Aptekarsky ogorod" will be held the fourth Week EcoMode – Eco Fashion Week 2015. One of the organizers and media partner of the event – Moscow youth multifunctional center (MMC) of the Department of culture of Moscow.
At Eco Fashion Week 2015 will be about 30 shows cocoletzi, a variety of workshops, guests can try econometica and more. The aim of the project is the promotion of koodide in Russia, support of eco-oriented designers and the popularization of the topic EcoMode.
The Week collection will present designers: Olga Primerova (collection with ethnic motifs), Marina Riviera (collection ecomega), Anastasiya Avilova (collection of ecovolve), Faith Papkov (collection in ethnic style), Alena Fomina (collection "a Few strokes of the brush in the style of se-and"), Lyudmila Yakushina (collection with ethnic motifs), Irina Karataeva (collection "maid of Honor Tourmaline"), a collection of ethical brand INDIGIRA etc.
Coordinator of the environmental direction MMMC Lyudmila Clay: "in Addition to the fashion shows the guests of the garden will find a lot of master-classes on cooking vegetarian dishes, in painting ECOSOC, weaving straw accessories, children's master classes in Mezenskaya painting and making of soft toys, a variety of handmade-workshops, Express-seminars on colortype appearance and basic skills in the style."
Fashion Week will end on the 7th of June, a collective show of all ecodesigner. Full program rusecomoda.ru. The entrance – the entrance ticket to the Botanical garden of Moscow state University.
Moscow youth multifunctional center (MMC) is a site of Department of culture of Moscow for the effective realization of young people with high creative potential. Only "smart" – the slogan of MMC, whose activities are aimed at the thinking youth.
Appearing on the map of Moscow in 2012, MMC confidently occupied its niche in the cultural space of the capital, uniting under its roof active young people, agents of change, able to change and to change everything, urban professionals. They are an important strategic resource for the development of the city. It supports a huge intellectual potential and special abilities to develop. The increase in the number of urban professionals, supported in their development and formation, involvement in the processes of improving the urban environment – the main focus of the Centre's activities.
In 2014 the participants of the events held MMMC, were more than 73 thousand people from among the urban professionals, youth and members of local communities and leaders of Moscow students.
MMMC unusual cultural institution. This is the only youth center in Moscow, where at the same time is working on dozens of projects in various fields – business, international exchanges and internships, student government, urban studies, ecology, IQ-games. It is a modern centre with comfortable classrooms and a multifunctional hall equipped with high technologies for trainings, presentations, conferences, concerts.
The centre operates under the principles of "Green office". In MMC established system of separate collection of waste, economical distribution of electricity and water resources. Regularly for employees of the Center conduct trainings on ecological lifestyle. published
The official website of the event: www.rusecomoda.ru
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: mymfc.ru/events/pid/5/russkaya-nedelya-ekomodyi-2015