Is it possible to find out the cause of their disease without the help of a doctor?
In Stanislaw LEM there is a curious tale of a man right half of the body of which lived his own life. His right hand could hit his "owner", and the leg could have tripped the chief. This independent life of the hands and feet gave the hero a lot of trouble, until he learned to communicate with my unknown to the right side. And then they all went back to normal.
Fifty one million three hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred five
© "Dr House"
That's how it was. The hero suddenly noticed that his hand was tapping his fingers, and as a particularly. Like attracts attention. He looked closer and realized that the fingers knock the Morse code. The hand tried to communicate with him! As soon as the hero realized this, he was able to fully communicate with his right hand, and to settle all arisen conflicts.
That's the story. I think it's fantastic? Not at all. The human body constantly signals about their problems. Constantly. That's just people not always hear these signals. Or hears, but does not attach any importance to them. As the hero of LEM. Try to guess what it's not just finger movement, but meaningful speech with which the body is trying to communicate with his "owner"!
Lost in translation
If our bodies could speak, we didn't have to guess and assume. What prevents him to Express their concerns in plain language?
"Master, I have a problem. Could you today go to bed an hour earlier, and it is difficult for me then to collect the pieces of your broken nerve cells!»
Alas. Our body isn't able to speak so fluently. It can only honk. The pain and nausea, drowsiness, discomfort, hunger, heaviness in the stomach, and the like. These signals we are able to understand and take useful action to ease their condition. But, unfortunately, the body "talk" with the owner exhausted.
In other cases, when the disease develops without symptoms (and that's the way it is at the initial stage of most diseases), the body is not the right way to say it to his master. For example, a blood disease. Blood can hurt? No! It hurt, but not hurt. Pain is a symptom of, the symptoms is the "language" in which the body "talks" to his master. But if no symptoms, then there are no "words" by which the body could report the issue.
To understand this better, imagine that you are in a foreign country. The language in which you used to communicate, nobody understands. "I'm thirsty," I told you before, and anyone who heard it could understand you without problems. "I'm thirsty", you say now, but the people of this country did not seem to notice you, continuing to go about their business.
What to do? Look for an opportunity to talk with foreigners in some other way. You can communicate with gestures. You can look at the PhraseBook. Can be displayed on the sign, which painted a suitable picture. Not the fact that you will understand, but I see no other way.
Well as the body. If he has no suitable words to explain your problem, it will find other ways to "talk" with its owner.
"The blood from his nose»
The man speaks the language of words. The body "speaks" in the language of symptoms. If there are no symptoms, the body can't inform the owner about the problem, and having to use the PhraseBook. In other words, the body is trying to communicate with the owner on the language of words. Yes, Yes, I misspoke! The language of words.
"I sneezed on everything." "Itch". "Drank all the blood". "Tired of ad nauseam". «Eyesore.» "Choking anger". "Children (the husband, the job) is a continuous headache." "Tear their hair". "Like a bone in the throat". "To see (hear) do not want." "All ass". "Take to heart". "Tear the anus." "Tough it out". "Rug rat". "Scrap to do it."
Generally, a person unconsciously chooses such words (or phrases) that most accurately describe his physical condition. Psychologists call these phrases "speech organs". Not necessarily, of course, that the person "blood from a nose it is necessary to do something", there is some kind of blood disease. But if the phrase is repeated constantly, it is wise to consult a doctor, because the probability of developing disease are quite high.
Sometimes "talking body" tells us about the disease. Sometimes indicates the reason that caused the disease. Here is real case: my friend on the nose jumped a pimple, which he could not overcome. He tried all hormonal ointments, began to take a shower, soap to wash the face and pour cold water. Any result.
Have been to dermatologists and cosmetologists, in vain. And so he says to me, "Enrolled in a Solarium, hopefully, two days a little sunbathing will not be so noticeable, and then on the nose, but I still have to write theses...»
Zit is easy to defeat with the help of special lotions. But if you have "on the nose" is not actually a zit, and... conference, no lotions will not help. Until then, until the end of the conference, after which a cosmetic issue would resolve itself. Here such interesting things sometimes open up if you listen to the "speech organs".
"Suffocate in my sleep»
Another possibility for the body to "tell" the host about their problems are dreaming.
It conscious, and it's hard to believe that some words or phrases really say the liver or the blood. Dreams are another matter. Dreams, in contrast to the "speech organs" that are not the product of conscious activity, so the host much easier to believe in their hidden meaning and predictive nature.
Modern studies confirm that in dreams you can find messages about the signs of the disease and the symptoms of disorders of the internal organs. Huge work in this direction was done by the doctor of medical Sciences Vasily Nikolaevich Kasatkin. More than forty years he has researched dreams, and found that the disease can "dream" a lot sooner than it will appear the first symptoms. For example, gastritis may be a dream a month before the onset of symptoms, diseases of the lungs and heart for several months and the cancer is more than a year before the beginning of its formation! Represent?
The disease is determined by the specific content of dreams. For example, in the case of lung disease a person dreams that he is drowning, he littered the ground, he chokes or gets stuck in the narrow hole at chest level.
Thus, through the analysis of dreams can reveal the symptoms of the disease long before their physical manifestation, enabling us to effectively prevent or treat the disease at the earliest stage of its occurrence.
"I want something sweet»
In 1928, psychologist Clara Davis conducted an experiment in which newborn babies are fed exclusively on his desire. No "spoon for mom". Doesn't want to eat porridge? And it is not necessary. He likes applesauce? Even eating mashed potatoes. Complete freedom of choice.
When the experiment ended, Davis analyzed the taste preferences of babies, and found that the food in children was perfectly balanced.
Why? Because the baby (unlike the adult) chooses the product solely on taste sensation. He doesn't care about no beautiful packaging, the calorie content of the product. He doesn't know how the product looks and what it is called. Just a taste. And gustatory senses fully regulated body, which enhances some senses and dulling others, depending on their needs. The body needs vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber. And if something is missing, the taste need changing so that the body hath need of him nutrients.
"Taste signals" is another great opportunity for diagnosis and prevention of diseases. If the taste signal is repeated consistently (constantly want salty, sweet, sour or spicy), it can be not only a signal but also a symptom of deficiency of some nutrients, which can lead to serious diseases. In the case of iodine deficiency, for example, develops hypothyroidism (disease of the thyroid gland). So be attentive to their "taste signals": they will help you to prevent many diseases.
Author: Vit Zenev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: psyberia.ru/mindterritory/cause
Fifty one million three hundred eighty eight thousand five hundred five
© "Dr House"
That's how it was. The hero suddenly noticed that his hand was tapping his fingers, and as a particularly. Like attracts attention. He looked closer and realized that the fingers knock the Morse code. The hand tried to communicate with him! As soon as the hero realized this, he was able to fully communicate with his right hand, and to settle all arisen conflicts.
That's the story. I think it's fantastic? Not at all. The human body constantly signals about their problems. Constantly. That's just people not always hear these signals. Or hears, but does not attach any importance to them. As the hero of LEM. Try to guess what it's not just finger movement, but meaningful speech with which the body is trying to communicate with his "owner"!
Lost in translation
If our bodies could speak, we didn't have to guess and assume. What prevents him to Express their concerns in plain language?
"Master, I have a problem. Could you today go to bed an hour earlier, and it is difficult for me then to collect the pieces of your broken nerve cells!»
Alas. Our body isn't able to speak so fluently. It can only honk. The pain and nausea, drowsiness, discomfort, hunger, heaviness in the stomach, and the like. These signals we are able to understand and take useful action to ease their condition. But, unfortunately, the body "talk" with the owner exhausted.
In other cases, when the disease develops without symptoms (and that's the way it is at the initial stage of most diseases), the body is not the right way to say it to his master. For example, a blood disease. Blood can hurt? No! It hurt, but not hurt. Pain is a symptom of, the symptoms is the "language" in which the body "talks" to his master. But if no symptoms, then there are no "words" by which the body could report the issue.
To understand this better, imagine that you are in a foreign country. The language in which you used to communicate, nobody understands. "I'm thirsty," I told you before, and anyone who heard it could understand you without problems. "I'm thirsty", you say now, but the people of this country did not seem to notice you, continuing to go about their business.
What to do? Look for an opportunity to talk with foreigners in some other way. You can communicate with gestures. You can look at the PhraseBook. Can be displayed on the sign, which painted a suitable picture. Not the fact that you will understand, but I see no other way.
Well as the body. If he has no suitable words to explain your problem, it will find other ways to "talk" with its owner.
"The blood from his nose»
The man speaks the language of words. The body "speaks" in the language of symptoms. If there are no symptoms, the body can't inform the owner about the problem, and having to use the PhraseBook. In other words, the body is trying to communicate with the owner on the language of words. Yes, Yes, I misspoke! The language of words.
"I sneezed on everything." "Itch". "Drank all the blood". "Tired of ad nauseam". «Eyesore.» "Choking anger". "Children (the husband, the job) is a continuous headache." "Tear their hair". "Like a bone in the throat". "To see (hear) do not want." "All ass". "Take to heart". "Tear the anus." "Tough it out". "Rug rat". "Scrap to do it."
Generally, a person unconsciously chooses such words (or phrases) that most accurately describe his physical condition. Psychologists call these phrases "speech organs". Not necessarily, of course, that the person "blood from a nose it is necessary to do something", there is some kind of blood disease. But if the phrase is repeated constantly, it is wise to consult a doctor, because the probability of developing disease are quite high.
Sometimes "talking body" tells us about the disease. Sometimes indicates the reason that caused the disease. Here is real case: my friend on the nose jumped a pimple, which he could not overcome. He tried all hormonal ointments, began to take a shower, soap to wash the face and pour cold water. Any result.
Have been to dermatologists and cosmetologists, in vain. And so he says to me, "Enrolled in a Solarium, hopefully, two days a little sunbathing will not be so noticeable, and then on the nose, but I still have to write theses...»
Zit is easy to defeat with the help of special lotions. But if you have "on the nose" is not actually a zit, and... conference, no lotions will not help. Until then, until the end of the conference, after which a cosmetic issue would resolve itself. Here such interesting things sometimes open up if you listen to the "speech organs".
"Suffocate in my sleep»
Another possibility for the body to "tell" the host about their problems are dreaming.
It conscious, and it's hard to believe that some words or phrases really say the liver or the blood. Dreams are another matter. Dreams, in contrast to the "speech organs" that are not the product of conscious activity, so the host much easier to believe in their hidden meaning and predictive nature.
Modern studies confirm that in dreams you can find messages about the signs of the disease and the symptoms of disorders of the internal organs. Huge work in this direction was done by the doctor of medical Sciences Vasily Nikolaevich Kasatkin. More than forty years he has researched dreams, and found that the disease can "dream" a lot sooner than it will appear the first symptoms. For example, gastritis may be a dream a month before the onset of symptoms, diseases of the lungs and heart for several months and the cancer is more than a year before the beginning of its formation! Represent?
The disease is determined by the specific content of dreams. For example, in the case of lung disease a person dreams that he is drowning, he littered the ground, he chokes or gets stuck in the narrow hole at chest level.
Thus, through the analysis of dreams can reveal the symptoms of the disease long before their physical manifestation, enabling us to effectively prevent or treat the disease at the earliest stage of its occurrence.
"I want something sweet»
In 1928, psychologist Clara Davis conducted an experiment in which newborn babies are fed exclusively on his desire. No "spoon for mom". Doesn't want to eat porridge? And it is not necessary. He likes applesauce? Even eating mashed potatoes. Complete freedom of choice.
When the experiment ended, Davis analyzed the taste preferences of babies, and found that the food in children was perfectly balanced.
Why? Because the baby (unlike the adult) chooses the product solely on taste sensation. He doesn't care about no beautiful packaging, the calorie content of the product. He doesn't know how the product looks and what it is called. Just a taste. And gustatory senses fully regulated body, which enhances some senses and dulling others, depending on their needs. The body needs vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber. And if something is missing, the taste need changing so that the body hath need of him nutrients.
"Taste signals" is another great opportunity for diagnosis and prevention of diseases. If the taste signal is repeated consistently (constantly want salty, sweet, sour or spicy), it can be not only a signal but also a symptom of deficiency of some nutrients, which can lead to serious diseases. In the case of iodine deficiency, for example, develops hypothyroidism (disease of the thyroid gland). So be attentive to their "taste signals": they will help you to prevent many diseases.
Author: Vit Zenev
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: psyberia.ru/mindterritory/cause