The power of the body, or the man in a case
Reading Orwell (Yes, just now), stumbled upon arguments, which were strangely in tune with my thinking about the mind and body lately. Perhaps to some, these comments seem decadent, someone weak, but someone altogether unworthy of a real Christian. Well — honestly, I don't pretend to be human with a strong will, as the title of a true Christian, it is sad for me.
And I thought about the fact that people very much depends on your body and often not even knowing how much. Until then, until it's pain, hunger, thirst. It is very difficult to reflect, pray, noble ideas, elementary when I have to pee. Or, for example, a stomach ache. Or when thirsty.
Roughly speaking, when I talk about the fact that if you're single and free, if you for anyone in this life are not responsible and do not worry, you can easily go on the deed, can you take anything for your idea — I just leave aside the idea of a physical component, that room 101, which is within each of us. The body actively and unquestionable dictates of the mind, soul, and all noble feelings and impulses of man their will.
Yes, I'm aware that many failed to your body to cope, to subordinate his mind and will, but always think about how few of these people in percentage. And how much of it is not from the will and mind, and simple luck of the draw, from the given. I mean from what you're given, which is destined to bear and to endure. But what is frustration and even anger are experiencing because your body is forcing you to submit to his needs, because it is weak and needs care, special food, medicine and other stuff! Much of life simply passes in the fight against this stupid flesh! How am I still mad at the fact that we are so heavily dependent on body!
However, I got distracted and went to the side — about hate to my body I can talk endlessly. And was going to talk about pain. About the pain and loneliness that always accompanies it. Yes, definitely alone. Whoever was next to you, what would be nurturing and the native people, no matter how they show their sympathy, as if neither wanted to ease your pain — you're alone anyway. You can experience gratitude, can feel the love and care of loved ones, to communicate with the "brothers in misfortune", but it's still just a window to the outside world from your personal pain (by the way, is often too emotional). A window in a solid cocoon, in which you.
Did you like when you were sick? Not the common cold, but something serious. It happens to me more often... Probably age. I remember the first time became seriously ill in his youth. Then my arms were two children — two year old daughter and a baby, and the doctor said that before with such indicators already the coffin was ordered.
I felt terrible, but the cocoon was not! There was not even a hint of it, as there was no fear and any feelings of isolation. How was it possible I was cheerful, fun and full of bright prospects. Died with such figures — think of it, so sooner! Sick and head is bad — drink a pill, lie down, everything will pass. And anyway, the medicine helps us. Fear of death is what you die always by someone else. But youth and youth — she was reckless, and any pain and discomfort only a nuisance. Now the pain, both physical and emotional, almost immediately, isolating from others, and the walls of the cocoon from time to time thicken.
The older, the worse, although the idea would have to be the opposite. And you don't want to share their problems with others. This is your pain, and through it can only you. Any involvement in her loved ones — it's not that an act of selfishness, really it's just pointless. What do you want from your husband (or children) will once again worry about your pain? Will only add to the sadness, because you know how it is — when it's close, and you can't help.
And here you are walking down the street, talking with friends, teaching a lesson, smile and even enjoy life, while you're in the cocoon. Life on the outside in a sense ceases to touch you. You look at people and realize that they are in a different projection, another space. And your parallel — you, pain and fear. And if it hurts always, and you just know that it will not be better? Yes, all the time thinking that over time it will be worse? And then the only salvation is the Lord without Him would be unbearable. Only He, His presence, and reconciles with life.
Also keenly felt the loneliness of your loved ones, when they are sick. You and your bad days, call the doctor, "caring" broth or broth of herbs all the time feel that is separated from the wall. Open the window, give tea or medication, and again the window closed. And you're on this side of the wall just worry and worry, unable to pray, but to take some of the pain really at myself, can not. Children, however, have a much more subtle cocoon, and sometimes hugs and kind words save them from the patient's loneliness. And what to do with loved by adults and what to do with them?
I remember the last months of his life dad. Wanted to do something to distract and entertain (horrible word, but what to do), to involve in a common reality, and he went into the room and lay. "No, I did not hurt", — he said — "quite tolerant"... And went into the cocoon. There's just you and your pain, your fear. What to do with this, I personally can't think of.
That feeling that you're separated from the rest, comes more often, and not only because of physical infirmities. Any misfortune, any grief very quickly forcing you to acquire a shell, even though the sensitivity and responsiveness of others. When dad got sick, and I realized that the end is coming soon, the cocoon grew immediately. However, inside it I was not alone, inside of it was the whole family. But that feeling when you realize that people live around and can enjoy life just as you have a very different reality... But, who knows what the cocoon is each of these people?
The main question that haunts me — what to do with this cocoon, and, most importantly, whether it is necessary something to do? Maybe this is a normal and natural reaction of the soul, stay with you alone, when you feel bad. And feel in the end that you're not alone, because with you always there loving Father. May be, and provides a cocoon for this? Because otherwise, no way close to God and feel?..
Any conclusions I can deduce from his thoughts this time, because for me there are only questions and no answers. Maybe you, dear readers, know what to do with all this? So you want to find the answer... posted
Author: Elizabeth Pravikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.matrony.ru/vlast-tela-ili-chelovek-v-futlyare/

And I thought about the fact that people very much depends on your body and often not even knowing how much. Until then, until it's pain, hunger, thirst. It is very difficult to reflect, pray, noble ideas, elementary when I have to pee. Or, for example, a stomach ache. Or when thirsty.
Roughly speaking, when I talk about the fact that if you're single and free, if you for anyone in this life are not responsible and do not worry, you can easily go on the deed, can you take anything for your idea — I just leave aside the idea of a physical component, that room 101, which is within each of us. The body actively and unquestionable dictates of the mind, soul, and all noble feelings and impulses of man their will.
Yes, I'm aware that many failed to your body to cope, to subordinate his mind and will, but always think about how few of these people in percentage. And how much of it is not from the will and mind, and simple luck of the draw, from the given. I mean from what you're given, which is destined to bear and to endure. But what is frustration and even anger are experiencing because your body is forcing you to submit to his needs, because it is weak and needs care, special food, medicine and other stuff! Much of life simply passes in the fight against this stupid flesh! How am I still mad at the fact that we are so heavily dependent on body!
However, I got distracted and went to the side — about hate to my body I can talk endlessly. And was going to talk about pain. About the pain and loneliness that always accompanies it. Yes, definitely alone. Whoever was next to you, what would be nurturing and the native people, no matter how they show their sympathy, as if neither wanted to ease your pain — you're alone anyway. You can experience gratitude, can feel the love and care of loved ones, to communicate with the "brothers in misfortune", but it's still just a window to the outside world from your personal pain (by the way, is often too emotional). A window in a solid cocoon, in which you.
Did you like when you were sick? Not the common cold, but something serious. It happens to me more often... Probably age. I remember the first time became seriously ill in his youth. Then my arms were two children — two year old daughter and a baby, and the doctor said that before with such indicators already the coffin was ordered.
I felt terrible, but the cocoon was not! There was not even a hint of it, as there was no fear and any feelings of isolation. How was it possible I was cheerful, fun and full of bright prospects. Died with such figures — think of it, so sooner! Sick and head is bad — drink a pill, lie down, everything will pass. And anyway, the medicine helps us. Fear of death is what you die always by someone else. But youth and youth — she was reckless, and any pain and discomfort only a nuisance. Now the pain, both physical and emotional, almost immediately, isolating from others, and the walls of the cocoon from time to time thicken.
The older, the worse, although the idea would have to be the opposite. And you don't want to share their problems with others. This is your pain, and through it can only you. Any involvement in her loved ones — it's not that an act of selfishness, really it's just pointless. What do you want from your husband (or children) will once again worry about your pain? Will only add to the sadness, because you know how it is — when it's close, and you can't help.
And here you are walking down the street, talking with friends, teaching a lesson, smile and even enjoy life, while you're in the cocoon. Life on the outside in a sense ceases to touch you. You look at people and realize that they are in a different projection, another space. And your parallel — you, pain and fear. And if it hurts always, and you just know that it will not be better? Yes, all the time thinking that over time it will be worse? And then the only salvation is the Lord without Him would be unbearable. Only He, His presence, and reconciles with life.
Also keenly felt the loneliness of your loved ones, when they are sick. You and your bad days, call the doctor, "caring" broth or broth of herbs all the time feel that is separated from the wall. Open the window, give tea or medication, and again the window closed. And you're on this side of the wall just worry and worry, unable to pray, but to take some of the pain really at myself, can not. Children, however, have a much more subtle cocoon, and sometimes hugs and kind words save them from the patient's loneliness. And what to do with loved by adults and what to do with them?
I remember the last months of his life dad. Wanted to do something to distract and entertain (horrible word, but what to do), to involve in a common reality, and he went into the room and lay. "No, I did not hurt", — he said — "quite tolerant"... And went into the cocoon. There's just you and your pain, your fear. What to do with this, I personally can't think of.
That feeling that you're separated from the rest, comes more often, and not only because of physical infirmities. Any misfortune, any grief very quickly forcing you to acquire a shell, even though the sensitivity and responsiveness of others. When dad got sick, and I realized that the end is coming soon, the cocoon grew immediately. However, inside it I was not alone, inside of it was the whole family. But that feeling when you realize that people live around and can enjoy life just as you have a very different reality... But, who knows what the cocoon is each of these people?
The main question that haunts me — what to do with this cocoon, and, most importantly, whether it is necessary something to do? Maybe this is a normal and natural reaction of the soul, stay with you alone, when you feel bad. And feel in the end that you're not alone, because with you always there loving Father. May be, and provides a cocoon for this? Because otherwise, no way close to God and feel?..
Any conclusions I can deduce from his thoughts this time, because for me there are only questions and no answers. Maybe you, dear readers, know what to do with all this? So you want to find the answer... posted
Author: Elizabeth Pravikova
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.matrony.ru/vlast-tela-ili-chelovek-v-futlyare/
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