Paul Bragg: We determine time of our lives
Paul Bragg, a famous leader of alternative medicine, naturopath and also promoter of a healthy lifestyle. Great fame in the Soviet Union he received after the appearance of his book "the Miracle of fasting" on Russian language, which is in the mid 70-ies in samizdat form, spread throughout the country.
Paul Bragg as methods of increasing the life preached deep breathing, organic foods, drinking distilled water, juices, exercise. He said that you must listen to your body. He was killed sources say at the age of 95 years, in fact he was at that time 81. He was sure that every person can live to 120 years if it is to adhere to his advice.
"Bragg wrote that — the bulk of all the sick people suffering from a wrong and unnatural food.
They do not realize that they clog up your body, taking the wrong food and drinks, and how many toxic substances going into their body".
In our hungry times we almost forgot what real hunger is and what takaratomy the body's need for nutrition. Today people gastritno chronic neurosis, is often mistaken for hunger, developed the habit of eating several times a day, despite the fact that there is something not particularly desirable. But to change habits related to proper nutrition, it is not difficult: it requires solid psychological setting. Even the famous Plutarch wrote: "Force the appetite to obey reason!"The usual meal times is not a sufficient basis for a regular snack, but 3 x or 4 meals a day in the same time intervals produces good rhythm in the work of internal organs. This diet is cheating centers on the management of digestion, causing the body to get food even when you are not hungry. So, before you sit down at the table, you need to ask yourself if now is the time to go without food until the next meal or still be limited to the minimum.I always thought criminal physical weakness and lethargy of a man that is an affront to such a excellent tool like a human body. After I recovered and regained my health, I always try to follow all the necessary steps to preserve your body in excellent condition. The high ideals of cheerfulness, vitality, health and endurance to which I am committed, gives me such high dividends that I can call myself a "Millionaire from the health"..Bragg advised people with poor health to do the first walk.
"Walking is the Queen of exercises, he said You need every day to walk six to seven kilometers, and be capable in the near future to double this distance.
Nothing must interfere with your daily walks at a good pace. When I travel the world giving lectures, I always in the evening walk through the corridors and stairs of the hotel where I live."
Properly rebuilding our way of life, people of advanced age can quite surpass that level of health that they enjoyed in youth.We can say that we are when we choose our way of life, or mode of nutrition, physical activity, to some extent determine the term of our life.
But as the years prolong our health and activity of Jogging, skiing, nutrition, healthy habits, control your emotions. The more we all understand and apply in our lives, the better our chances to live longer and happier with good health and mental balance.
If a person is sick, despite the fact that he is noble and rich, he will not be able to buy happiness. And if the person achieved fame, not the fact that he gained happiness.
I am not against wealth and I think that money plays an important role in our life.
Leave a man without his status and give him one just good health, his chief desire will be the return of lost wealth. But when a person has both, is the idea that we are persecuted from myself. This word, this thought -DEATH.
Even when it seems that life is impossible, people still frantically clinging to her. What are the spiritual forces we spend for the struggle with death! Obsession with what we hold on to life! The human dream is of course health and long life! We feel on this Earth as home, and would like to live forever, if we are healthy and full of energy.
The terrible truth is in the fact that a large percentage of agricultural products, processed a wide range of various poisons, chloride, hydrocarbons including DDT, phosphorous compound and other pesticides.Processing of vegetables is not only spraying the ground part of plants. Scientists discovered that DDT and other chemicals, after contact with the soil, remain for many years in the future will be absorbed by other crops grown on these fields. They get in the fruit of plants and the poison becomes part of plants which, even when good treatment is impossible to deduce!
If you're afraid that the fruit is poisoned, then you are trying to get rid of the poison, removing, for example, the skin of the tomato or the top layer of cabbage. But it's useless. Despite this, the poison remained deep in the tissues of the fetus.
Poisons are not removed during cooking, after the heat treatment remain poisons.
Thousands of different chemical food additives included in our food that gives us a large number of diseases. For a long time our food has been overloaded, as we abidali, "harmless" additives, which are now proved to be hazardous to health.Despite this, many of them used today.
Take a loaf of white bread purchased in the store, after treatment, otbelivanie, coloring, concentration, purification, softening, preserving, aromatization using chemical ingredients. Today it is almost impossible to buy a loaf of bread, a hundred % consisting of natural and natural flour, no flavor and food additives.
Our body is an Association of individual cells, and nothing more. If we normally eat, if our food is sufficient to meet the basic needs of the growth and functioning of the body, these cells allow us to live to 120 years or even more. But when we are not considered with your body, breathe dirty air, then our cells naturally react to it, and we go, or in the hospital or at the cemetery.
When we pollute their food and change its composition of chemicals, it is 100% detrimental to the cells of the body, and they begin to work poorly, because they are unable to adapt to these substances.
Is it possible the normal functioning of the body if it is littered with chemical food additives?My main advice is to eat foods close as possible to natural products, try not to use chemically treated products.
Eat natural food, just what you can get.
To read carefully in supermarkets, labels on the products !
Source: pokolenie-x.com/?p=59

Paul Bragg as methods of increasing the life preached deep breathing, organic foods, drinking distilled water, juices, exercise. He said that you must listen to your body. He was killed sources say at the age of 95 years, in fact he was at that time 81. He was sure that every person can live to 120 years if it is to adhere to his advice.
"Bragg wrote that — the bulk of all the sick people suffering from a wrong and unnatural food.
They do not realize that they clog up your body, taking the wrong food and drinks, and how many toxic substances going into their body".
In our hungry times we almost forgot what real hunger is and what takaratomy the body's need for nutrition. Today people gastritno chronic neurosis, is often mistaken for hunger, developed the habit of eating several times a day, despite the fact that there is something not particularly desirable. But to change habits related to proper nutrition, it is not difficult: it requires solid psychological setting. Even the famous Plutarch wrote: "Force the appetite to obey reason!"The usual meal times is not a sufficient basis for a regular snack, but 3 x or 4 meals a day in the same time intervals produces good rhythm in the work of internal organs. This diet is cheating centers on the management of digestion, causing the body to get food even when you are not hungry. So, before you sit down at the table, you need to ask yourself if now is the time to go without food until the next meal or still be limited to the minimum.I always thought criminal physical weakness and lethargy of a man that is an affront to such a excellent tool like a human body. After I recovered and regained my health, I always try to follow all the necessary steps to preserve your body in excellent condition. The high ideals of cheerfulness, vitality, health and endurance to which I am committed, gives me such high dividends that I can call myself a "Millionaire from the health"..Bragg advised people with poor health to do the first walk.
"Walking is the Queen of exercises, he said You need every day to walk six to seven kilometers, and be capable in the near future to double this distance.
Nothing must interfere with your daily walks at a good pace. When I travel the world giving lectures, I always in the evening walk through the corridors and stairs of the hotel where I live."
Properly rebuilding our way of life, people of advanced age can quite surpass that level of health that they enjoyed in youth.We can say that we are when we choose our way of life, or mode of nutrition, physical activity, to some extent determine the term of our life.
But as the years prolong our health and activity of Jogging, skiing, nutrition, healthy habits, control your emotions. The more we all understand and apply in our lives, the better our chances to live longer and happier with good health and mental balance.
If a person is sick, despite the fact that he is noble and rich, he will not be able to buy happiness. And if the person achieved fame, not the fact that he gained happiness.
I am not against wealth and I think that money plays an important role in our life.
Leave a man without his status and give him one just good health, his chief desire will be the return of lost wealth. But when a person has both, is the idea that we are persecuted from myself. This word, this thought -DEATH.
Even when it seems that life is impossible, people still frantically clinging to her. What are the spiritual forces we spend for the struggle with death! Obsession with what we hold on to life! The human dream is of course health and long life! We feel on this Earth as home, and would like to live forever, if we are healthy and full of energy.
The terrible truth is in the fact that a large percentage of agricultural products, processed a wide range of various poisons, chloride, hydrocarbons including DDT, phosphorous compound and other pesticides.Processing of vegetables is not only spraying the ground part of plants. Scientists discovered that DDT and other chemicals, after contact with the soil, remain for many years in the future will be absorbed by other crops grown on these fields. They get in the fruit of plants and the poison becomes part of plants which, even when good treatment is impossible to deduce!
If you're afraid that the fruit is poisoned, then you are trying to get rid of the poison, removing, for example, the skin of the tomato or the top layer of cabbage. But it's useless. Despite this, the poison remained deep in the tissues of the fetus.
Poisons are not removed during cooking, after the heat treatment remain poisons.
Thousands of different chemical food additives included in our food that gives us a large number of diseases. For a long time our food has been overloaded, as we abidali, "harmless" additives, which are now proved to be hazardous to health.Despite this, many of them used today.
Take a loaf of white bread purchased in the store, after treatment, otbelivanie, coloring, concentration, purification, softening, preserving, aromatization using chemical ingredients. Today it is almost impossible to buy a loaf of bread, a hundred % consisting of natural and natural flour, no flavor and food additives.
Our body is an Association of individual cells, and nothing more. If we normally eat, if our food is sufficient to meet the basic needs of the growth and functioning of the body, these cells allow us to live to 120 years or even more. But when we are not considered with your body, breathe dirty air, then our cells naturally react to it, and we go, or in the hospital or at the cemetery.
When we pollute their food and change its composition of chemicals, it is 100% detrimental to the cells of the body, and they begin to work poorly, because they are unable to adapt to these substances.
Is it possible the normal functioning of the body if it is littered with chemical food additives?My main advice is to eat foods close as possible to natural products, try not to use chemically treated products.
Eat natural food, just what you can get.
To read carefully in supermarkets, labels on the products !
Source: pokolenie-x.com/?p=59