The decomposition of various household waste - clearly
On the ground are billions of tons of household waste. And every year in the less civilized countries their number is constantly increasing. People do not hesitate to litter anywhere on the streets, in doorways, parks, woods. I wonder and ponder if such people about how much time is required to ensure that all these wastes decomposed? Probably not. But in some cases the decomposition of waste require thousands of years. We suggest to familiarize with a small but informative selection about how much time is required for the decomposition of certain waste that we so carelessly leave lying around. I really hope that many of you after reading this material we will draw conclusions.
Food waste
Decomposition of food waste takes about a month.
Waste products (animal droppings)
Despite the fact that the decomposition is relatively small — about 10-15 days animal droppings in the streets is a very significant problem, especially in large cities.
The period of decomposition of newsprint can range from 1 month to the whole season.
We often throw away cardboard boxes in which most recently was Packed with the new acquired products. However, some people throw this waste in the right place, while others throw wherever you want. So, the period of decomposition of cardboard boxes can be 3-4 months.
You'd be surprised, but the very nature very often мусорит
Fallen leaves, seeds, twigs and other remnants of the life cycle of plants and trees can cause serious pollution in urban environments. In some cases, the period of decomposition of these wastes can be up to 3-4 months.
The seemingly ordinary office paper decomposes 2 years.
With improper storage, the period of decomposition of the same construction boards may be 10 years.
Iron арматура
The term decomposition used in the construction of iron fittings is 11-13 years.
Canning банки
Each time, throwing a tin can on the ground, remember that the period of its decay is 10 years.
Old обувь
The period of decomposition of old shoes that we throw away, is 10 years.
Brick and бетон
Term decomposition of wastes consisting of brick and concrete, is 100 years.
Car аккумуляторы
The term decomposition is about 100 years.
Throwing out the foil package, remember that the term of its decomposition is more than 100 years.
The term decomposition is 110 years old.
Term decomposition of rubber tires can reach 120-140 years.
Plastic and plastic бутылки
Throwing bins plastic bottle, know that makes it not earlier than 180-200 years.
Aluminum банки
One of the most frequent wastes wherever possible are aluminum cans. But it is almost the most dangerous trash. The term decomposition one aluminum cans 500 years.
Perhaps the most meet household waste is glass. Throwing another glass bottle in the bushes, remember that the term of its decomposition is more than 1000 years. Not cleaned the glass debris will enjoy at least 12-15 generations after us.
Source: hi-news.ru