Why you need a garbage sorting
Imagine what would happen to the planet in 100 years if waste to landfill will come with the same intensity, as is happening now. Indeed, almost every thing sooner or later become waste. In this case, the planet itself will become one big dump, the whole surface will be littered with a thick layer of debris. In addition, all discarded and unprocessed trash, for example, a battery or a mercury lamp, is able to enter into a chemical reaction and cause irreparable harm to the environment. This applies to all kinds of solvents, detergents, and even wood products that have been processed with colors or chemicals. Decomposing such wastes poison the soil, and with it all the plants, berries, trees and flowers planted or sprouted on it. In the end, the berries and fruits, trees, and water sources and springs become unfit for consumption. It's a shame that this happens all due to the fact that someone threw a tin can, bottles of detergent or shampoo or a jar of solvent or linseed oil.
To reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment, soil, groundwater and surface water can be properly sorting garbage and household wastes, many of which can be used for recycling or generating energy.
To take another step towards saving the environment by using products that can be recycled and thus reduce the emergence of non-degradable or long-decaying waste. The latter include: glass bottle about 1 million years tin cans – 100 years, the rubber Shoe sole is about 80 years, leather goods – about 50 years, nylon products — about 40 years, plastic products – 20 years, wool products and cigarette butts – about 5 years.
There are hazardous waste that needs to be put in a special drawer or box, to later leave on a specially designated area for such wastes or to take to a specialized area of recycling. These wastes include: batteries, mercury lamps and thermometers, waste solvents, paints, varnishes, pesticides and chemicals, expired drugs and medicines and many more.
Also, in specialized areas of utilization are taken outside of major household appliances: washing machines, televisions, refrigerators, Hairdryers, irons, cookers, mixers, players, speakers and the like, old furniture and more.
Sorting of garbage and household waste will help to significantly save on its removal and disposal. It turns out that thanks to the timely sorting garbage, the consumer saves money that would be spent on further processing or removal and storage of garbage in a landfill.
To begin, consider the three main stages of waste sorting:
The first phase is the separation of food waste from household.
The second is the sorting of household waste to be recycled.
The third is disposal of bio-waste (leaves and branches of trees, hay, etc.).
Tara includes all plastic ware, boxes and bottles from the yogurt, butter, ketchup and mayonnaise. Also, the containers are bottles from detergents and cleaning products, all packaging bags and films, wrappers of sweets, plastic packaging from under the cheese and cold cuts, household chemicals, juices, milk and yogurt. It also includes and tin cans canning tins, corks from beer bottles and soda, foil and a broken container.
The waste paper include old letters and Newspapers, books without covers, magazines, brochures and catalogs, used notebooks and sketchbooks, wrapping paper and greeting cards, cardboard folders, boxes, and boxes and other clean and dry products and packaging from paper.
For biodegradable waste includes: egg shells from the eggs, coffee grounds, tea leaves and tea bags, paper towels for the kitchen, nails, hair, cloth, bread, fruit and vegetables, fish and meat, the remains of plants or flowers. Non-degradable food waste, such as large animal bones, drinks, dairy products, and soups are sorted separately from the decomposing waste.
To join the ranks of the defenders of the environment is very simple. You need to know how to sort and what to do with the sorted garbage and household waste. Abroad, the sorting of rubbish is obligatory and even more — in the case of non-compliance there can be penalties. We have the same thing, unfortunately, is otherwise. But no matter what, in every city you can find special garbage cans and mixed containers for sorted garbage.
For example, the yellow container is designed for plastic. It is safe to throw plastic bottles without lids, cups, cans and plates, jars and tubes from cosmetic products.
Blue dumpster – paper. It is possible to throw away the collected waste paper, also used Wallpaper, tape, paper and polyethylene.
Green container can be used to eject other types of waste, including personal hygiene items, food waste and more.
In Germany, for sorted rubbish use containers of other colors. For biodegradable waste – brown or gray, paper – blue, mixed waste (lighters, floppy, rubber, photographs, leather goods, cigarette butts) – yellow. Note that a container of waste paper not to put wet or dirty paper, as it is used for recycling and production of secondary raw materials.
After reviewing the rules of waste sorting please note that use ecological diapers for children, watching movies without writing to the disks online, the use of electronic tickets, matches instead of lighters, ECOSOC instead of plastic bags, as well as payment of utility and other bills online can help to save a huge amount of electricity and save the planet.
Source: world-eco.org
Source: /users/4
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